ASRT-Approved Continuing Education Credits for X-Ray Techs and Certified Radiologic Technologists — Renew Your Certificate with Convenient At-Home CEC Courses

If you’re an X-Ray Technician or Certified Radiologic Technologist in California, then you know that you’ve got to keep your license & permit certification up-to-date. The American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) requires current X-Ray Technicians and CRT’s to keep their licenses current by earning Continuing Education Credits (CEC). While you may have different options when deciding where to earn your Continuing Education Credits as an X-Ray Tech or CRT in California, we’ve found that given people’s busy schedules and large workloads, it’s often easiest through distance-learning and at-home CEC Courses. At-Home Continuing Education Courses for X-Ray Technicians and CRT license upkeep has grown in popularity over the last few years.

There are several classes & options through Modern Technology School’s At-Home CE Certification Courses for X-Ray Technicians and CRT’s that help X-Ray Techs and Radiologic Technologists keep their license & permit up-to-date with ease.

When choosing where to take Continuing Education Courses or CEC classes for ASRT Credits, here are a few things that X-Ray Technicians & CRT’s should consider:

  • Is the X-Ray School Offering Continuing Education Credit & CEC Courses ACCSC Accredited?
  • Are the X-Ray Technician & Certified Radiologic Technologist CEC Courses ASRT-Approved?
  • Does the School Offer At-Home Continuing Education Courses for X-Ray Technicians and CRT?
  • What is the Cost of Continuing Education Credit Classes & Are Textbooks Affordable?
  • Is the CEC Program Material Relevant & Current? Does it Satisfy ASRT Category Requirements?
  • Is Distance Learning Continuing Education Right for You?

Is the Continuing Education School an ACCSC Accredited Institution in California? Are the Radiology CE Certification Courses ASRT-Approved?

When looking for a X-Ray Tech or CRT CEC Program in California, one thing to check is whether the CA X-Ray Technician School is an ACCSC Accredited Institution.  You’ll also want to confirm that the At-Home Continuing Education Courses for X-Ray Technicians and CRT Courses are approved by the ASRT. The American Society of Radiologic Technologists requires you keep your license & certificate up-to-date by taking CEC classes that are meet the renewal requirements for X-Ray Technicians (24 units/2yrs), Certified Radiologic Technologists (24 units/2yrs), Digital X-Ray Add-On and Supervisor/Operator Licentiate Certification (10 units/2yrs).

Are the At-Home Continuing Education Courses for X-Ray Technicians and CRT in California Relevant, Current & Affordable?

The last thing you want as an X-Ray Technician or Certified Radiologic Technologist is to shell out your hard-earned money and spend time taking CEC Classes from an X-Ray School or Radiologic Program that is out-of-date. It’s not only important to find an accredited X-Ray Technician School but also to make sure they hold up their end of the bargain in keeping up-to-date, offering X-Ray Techs and CRT’s up-to-date material, textbooks and a solid foundation that will help them form foundations for their careers.

Because the ASRT requires you keep up to date by continuing your education as an X-Ray Technician or Certified Radiologic Technologist through earning CE Units, you’ll want to make sure that the material is easily absorbed, the textbooks are helpful, and that the staff at the school is easy to work with and there to help — even if you’re learning from home on your own time.

Another big factor is the cost of the Continuing Education Courses for X-Ray Technicians and CRT CEC Classes. Let’s be honest — we’re all earning our livings, and while at-home Continuing Education Classes are more affordable than physically enrolling in a CEC program in California, you still want to get the best deal possible. Because of the volume of the At-Home Continuing Education X-Ray & Radiology students we serve each month, Modern Technology School is proud to to offer students great prices for a variety of Continuing Education Programs.

Modern Technology School Offers Convenient At-Home Continuing Education Courses for X-Ray Technicians and CRT through Our ACCSC Accredited School in California

We offer the following CEC Classes to California X-Ray Techs and CRT’s which will help you keep your certification and license/permit up-to-date with the ASRT:

  • Accident & Emergency X-Ray (XRCE101) – Course Provides 12 Category A ASRT Credits
  • Anatomy Coloring Book (XRCE103) – Course Provides 22 Category A ASRT Credits
  • Digital Radiography (XRCE105) – Self-Learning Course Provides 14 Category A ASRT Credits
  • Digital Radiography & PACs (XRCE105) – Self-Learning Course Satisfies 9.5 Category A ASRT Credits
  • Improve Your Skills In Chest Radiography (XRCE106) – Course Provides 3.5 Category A ASRT Credits

To find out more about the individual Continuing Education Units Program or CEC Courses for X-Ray Technicians and Certified Radiologic Technologists, including renewal of your renewing your license properly through CEC units as well as our Digital X-Ray CEC Courses in Orange County or Supervisor/Operator Licentiate Certification please visit the Continuing Education homepage at Modern Technology School.

Modern Technology School has been helping X-Ray Technicians and CRT’s in California keep up with the latest procedures, Digital X-Rays and Digital Imaging as well as keep their licenses in-tact since 1981. While our ACCSC accredited X-Ray School in California distinguishes itself through small class environments and personalized learning, our CEC Courses are unique in that you earn Continuing Education Credits for X-Ray at home and on your own time.

We love helping our students succeed in pursuing their dreams in Diagnostic Healthcare. If you would like to purchase & enroll in our At-Home Continuing Education Courses for X-Ray Technicians and CRT or have any questions about the classes/material, simply call us at 714-418-9100 or fill out the green contact form on our site. One of our friendly team members will reach out and make sure you have all questions answered and that your license & certification is ASRT compliant!