Pathway to Becoming a RadTech in California
If you are looking to become a RadTech in California (or Radiologic Technologist/CRT), we can help you navigate the path. While most local community colleges offer radiology programs, many of those in California are very impacted. Students have reported that there are 3-7 year wait times just in order to begin your training and start classes after you get in line.
That said, if you want to become a RadTech in California, there are “workarounds,” to the traditional RadTech programs offered at colleges, and while we don’t offer a formal or official Radiologic Technologist program, our helpful Admissions Team can help you understand what is necessary in order to accomplish your goals.
Below are two shining examples of students who began their career as an X-ray Tech at Modern Technology School. Both transitioned into becoming a RadTech in California, with the help of our program(s), lots of hard work, and of course some time dedicated to fulfilling their dreams.
Meet Matthew Bonsynat, a Fully-Licensed RadTech in California
Fully-licensed Radiologic Technologist and Modern Technology School graduate, Matthew Bonsynat, used our X-ray Tech Program to get his start in Diagnostic Healthcare and is now working as a fully-licensed Certified Radiologic Technologist in California. Read on to learn about his experience at MTS and the path he took to further his career in Diagnostic Healthcare

Matthew Bonsynat, a working RadTech in California, got his start at Modern Technology School’s X-ray Tech Program, where he cross-trained as a Medical Assistant before becoming a licensed Radiologic Technologist
Starting off as an MA/XT at Modern Technology School gave me a good understanding of how a clinic functions. As a Medical Assistant you can work as a medical receptionist and learn the ins and outs of the check in process. This includes insurance verifications, billing and inputting patient information.
As a back-office Medical Assistant you learn professional patient care. This may include venipuncture skills, triaging, in-house rapid testing, specimen collection and assisting with certain procedures with the clinician. As an X-ray Tech, you will learn how to properly position patients and acquire radiographic images. This includes critical thinking, as not every patient will have a the same body habits, and mobility can be limited depending on the severity of the trauma. Adjusting your tube angles, techniques and using positioning sponges can be tricky sometimes. Working at an urgent care you will see a wide variety of injuries which keeps you on your toes!
After working full-time for one year, I acquired the necessary 1,716 hours and clinical experience that’s required to enroll into PIMA’s Advanced Radiology Bridge program. I was able to work full-time while in the program, and completed my training in August 2021.
I recommend everyone to further their Diagnostic Healthcare education. As a fully-licensed Radiological Technologist, I am able to work in hospital/surgical settings where I can assist in the OR during surgery using a C-arm, using pulsed fluoroscopy during surgical procedures, as well as train in other modalities like Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Radiation therapy, and Nuclear Medicine to name a few. I love that with my experience and credentials I am qualified to work in so many different environments. If any of you are looking to further your Healthcare education, I highly recommend doing so!
Meet Ryan Beatty, a Fully-Licensed RadTech in California
Ryan Beatty is another Modern Technology School graduate who went on to further his career after completing our X-ray Tech / Medical Assistant program. He is currently working as a RadTech in California and wanted to share his thoughts about his training and his journey with the rest of you

Ryan Beatty, a RadTech in California, also got his start in Modern Technology School’s X-ray Tech / Medical Assistant program before pursuing becoming a Radiologic Technologist in CA
Learning is an ongoing process so first becoming an XT at MTS allowed for my new knowledge to solidify and be honed into genuine skill before advancing. RTs get to focus almost exclusively on radiography but my duties as MA/XT were essential to becoming comfortable in a medical environment & gave me ample time to connect with patients. There’s no substitute for performing wound care, EKGs, injections, suture removal etc on real ppl regularly.
One of the most surprising moments was when I began my internship out of state were the local students who were also interning – I had years of practice while none of the 6 others had ever shot more than a dozen images + all were heavily guided/supervised. Most of my career, I’ve felt very behind but just then I knew I was doing alright. Also, the number of providers who don’t know what x-rays to ask for never ceases to amaze me!
For those looking to advance their careers – it’s absolutely worth it! In my case the pay bump definitely offset the extra cost. (After my initial X-ray Tech training at MTS), Pima’s program was great, I was able to work uninterrupted until the internship that had to be done out of state for 2 months. If you look into other programs, find out where you can do your internship — it’s such a big networking point and it’s often how Techs get their first gig. I was offered a job where I interned but my family isn’t ready to leave CA!
I‘ve recently become the SoCal X-ray Manager for a mobile imaging company so I have plenty of responsibilities, problems to solve (and feel good about), but it’s hard to beat the small talk with elderly patients who marvel at modern technology, often exclaiming “X-rays being done in my own home? What a time to be alive!”
I did not know I was going to be an RT until it actually happened, and my life has been enriched ever since. Even if later, rather than specializing further into radiography, I make the leap into nursing or something completely different, I can say without a doubt that becoming an MA/XT at MTS, and later an RT, has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It’s cheesy but true!
Call Us Today to Learn More About Becoming a RadTech in California
Our friendly and helpful team can help you navigate the career landscape of becoming a RadTech in California. Our all-inclusive X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program is a great stepping stone for those who are considering making the leap to becoming a fully-licensed Radiologic Technologist in the future.
If you have questions about how to get your start as an X-ray Tech and then transition into becoming an RadTech in California, we can help! Give us a call at 714-418-9100 and ask for Student Services, or simply fill-out the green contact form on this page to have one of our helpful team members reach out to you in order to answer all your questions and ensure you’ve got your bases covered.
Sitting on the wait-list at most community college Radiologic Technology programs can be grueling. And why wait years just to see if you even enjoy working in the field? With our Orange County X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program you can begin your career in as little as 12 months.
Moreover, think about all of the benefits of building a solid foundation in professional patient care, making contacts and gaining experience with real patients & physicians at your (included) clinical internship, and learning your way around the human anatomy while cross-training as a medical assistant before making the leap to becoming a RadTech in California.
We know you probably have questions about becoming a RadTech in California after completing your X-ray Tech training, and we’re here to help! Give us a call or reach out using the contact form today — we look forward to hearing from you and learning more about your short & long-term career goals!