X-Ray Tech Training: Get the Most Value for Your X-Ray Technician Education in Southern California

Keep in mind that there are many variables when looking for a school that offers the best x-ray tech training in California. For instance, did you know that not all x-ray tech schools are ACCSC accredited? And what about medical assistant cross-training and future-proofing your radiology education? Like most things in life, it’s important to prepare as well as do you your research. When looking for the best college or x-ray school to attend, conduct your due diligence and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Consider the following when looking for the best x-ray tech training for your needs:

  • Find an ACCSC accredited x-ray tech school in your area
  • How will the x-ray technician school future-proof your radiology education?
  • Do you need financial aid and job placement assistance?
  • Does the x-ray school offer a solid clinical internship program?
  • Ease of the admissions process & student experience
  • How big are the classes? Will I receive hands-on x-ray tech training?
  • Are daytime and evening x-ray tech training classes offered?

While there are definitely more things to consider, this is a great place to start. Obviously you can add or subtract from the list based on your needs. However, let’s cover why these topics are so important, especially if you’re training to become an x-ray technician in California.

Future-Proof your X-Ray Tech Training by Choosing the Right X-Ray School

There are many x-ray technician programs offered by different schools throughout California. Some x-ray schools offer just the basics you need in order to pass the California State X-Ray Examination. Others go the extra mile in order to ensure you’re successful throughout your entire radiology & diagnostic healthcare career. One thing’s for certain however, if you want to have a long-term career as an x-ray tech in California, you’ve got to make sure you choose a school that future-proofs your x-ray tech training.

From learning how to take digital x-ray, to cross-training you as a medical assistant, future-proofing is vital to choosing the right x-ray school. Some schools offer an online x-ray technician program. While this may seem like a good choice at first, there are plenty of reasons why hands-on training is crucial in ensuring you future-proof your radiology education. Read this article for insight on some of the pros and cons of online x-ray tech training.

Overall, you want to make sure that when choosing the best x-ray tech school for your needs, you choose one that’s got a proven track-record. This means you want an accredited x-ray tech training school that has your best interest in mind. Furthermore, you want to make sure that your education is still relevant years later, as you progress as an x-ray technician.

Why is Medical Assisting Education included in X-Ray Tech Training?

Medical assisting goes hand-in-hand with x-ray tech training here in Southern California. Most x-ray techs working in one of the many clinics & facilities throughout California are also certified medical assistants. While this has differed on the East Coast, even larger Healthcare companies coming from back east are starting to realize that here in California, we work with x-ray technician hybrids.

Medical assisting training is vital for a many reasons including the following:

  • Get valuable insight into the world of professional patient care
  • Learn how to take & work with detailed medical records
  • Enhance your on-the-job abilities and make yourself more attractive to employers
  • More training & education means more opportunities
  • Several career choices — find the one that fits your needs, personality, and schedule

For a detailed read on why we believe cross-training as a medical assistant is vital if you’re planning on becoming an x-ray technician in California, read this article. Finally, remember that to be a good x-ray technician, you’ve got to be a great medical assistant. These two professions just go hand-in-hand in California.

Can I Get Financial Aid for X-Ray Tech Training in California?

Most schools offering x-ray tech training that are worth their salt will accept or offer financial aid to those that qualify. As you can imagine, financial aid is pretty important to many people. Tuition for x-ray technician school can range, but the good news is, you’re often in and out within 12 months at most schools. This means you have the ability to get out there and begin earning in order to pay off loans while making a living in a relatively short amount of time. Coupled with job placement assistance and other programs an x-ray tech training school may offer, this is usually a great way to get ahead.

For more info on getting financial aid for x-ray technician school, visit this article or contact our Admissions department at 714-418-9100. We’ll walk you through the process and help you determine whether or not you qualify for financial aid.

Clinical Internship & Job Placement for X-Ray Tech Training Students

These are two big ones when it comes to choosing the right x-ray tech training school. Whether you’re brand new to healthcare or a current medical assistant who wants to become an x-ray technician, these two benefits can really enhance your x-ray career. Make sure that the x-ray school you choose has a great clinical internship program. Some good places to start would be online reviews as well as speaking directly to Admissions. Ask them about their clinical internship and what it entails. Find out if other students are happy and successful in their internships. Try to find out if others have found jobs after working in their clinical internship.

Another thing to consider is job placement assistance. X-ray tech schools that offer job placement help are a step above the rest. Find out what types of career help is offered, both before and after graduation from their x-ray tech program. Visit our job placement page for insight and feedback on this important benefit!

Modern Technology School is proud to offer both a solid clinical internship during the latter portion of our x-ray tech program as well as job placement assistance. To learn more about the connections we’ve made with local clinics and hospitals where you’ll spend the latter portion of each program, visit this article. In it, you’ll get an understanding of a day in the life of an x-ray technician as well as meet Adam Cooper, who handles a lot of our clinical internship operations.

Student Experience at Modern Technology School’s X-Ray Tech Training Program

While most x-ray tech schools focus on numbers, we stay dedicated to our students. Our students-first philosophy starts with pre-admission and extends throughout our entire x-ray technician program. For instance, our Admissions Advisor is happy to answer your questions before enrolling in our x-ray program. Furthermore, our school prides itself in offering small class sizes, coupled with real-life x-ray labs. We believe that learning hands-on from a qualified and personable staff is the best way to become an x-ray technician. Because of this, we offer hands-on x-ray tech training coupled with an immersive classroom experience.

Our friendly instructors and faculty will walk you through each module of your x-ray training in order to ensure your education. We offer digital x-ray training in order to future-proof your radiology education. Our small class sizes ensure that you can ask questions while staying involved in the hands-on aspect of the x-ray tech training.

Students also love our x-ray tech school for simple things, such as:

  • Free parking with plenty of spots available — no hourlong searches
  • Books and scrubs included as part of your x-ray tech school tuition
  • Included cross-training as a medical assistant — become more valuable to employers
  • Pre-requisite classes are built into our x-ray program
  • Day & evening x-ray tech courses

Modern Technology School is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges. Our x-ray technician program was established in 1981 and we’ve been providing x-ray tech training ever since. To learn more about our accreditation and licenses, visit this page.

X-Ray Tech Training Classes Start December 11th in Orange County!

Our x-ray tech training classes start December 11th in Orange County! They are perfect for both newcomers to healthcare, as well as current medical assistants who want to grow their careers! Whether your’e looking for day classes or need to take night classes, we’ve got you covered! Modern Technology School is the best place to get your x-ray technician career started in Southern California. Read what current and former x-ray tech students have to say about us on Yelp!

If you’re looking for the best x-ray technician program in California, you’ve found it. Give us a call and let our friendly Admissions Advisor walk you through our all-inclusive x-ray tech program. We’ll help you find out if you qualify for financial aid! We also offer free tours of our safe campus five days a week. Our Orange County x-ray technician school accessible by many major freeways. Give us a call or fill out our green contact form — we’ll answer all your questions!

X-Ray Tech Training – We Serve all of Southern California

Call (714) 418-9100 Today

Our Next X-Ray Technician Classes Start December 11th!