
Why You Should Choose a Career as an X-Ray Technician

Why You Should Choose a Career as an X-Ray Technician
An Education at Modern Technology School Gives You an Edge
There are many reasons to become an X-ray Technician in Southern California, but regardless of the reasons you’re interested in a career as an X-Ray Tech, the first and most important step to fulfilling that dream is […]

By |February 29th, 2016|X-Ray Technician|

Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Program in Orange County

Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Program in Orange County
Modern Technology School Has the Best Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Program in OC
When searching for the best school to attend in Orange County to start your career as a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer in the healthcare industry, you’ll want to find a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer School that is preferably close to […]

By |December 21st, 2015|X-Ray Technician|

Searching for the Best Radiologic Technologist Schools in CA

Searching for the Best Radiologic Technologist Schools in CA
If you want to become a Radiologic Technologist in in Southern California, know that the radiology medical community and healthcare industry is finding the best Radiologic Tech School you can attend in SoCal. If you live in (or are plan on moving to) Orange County, then you […]

By |December 14th, 2015|X-Ray Technician|

How to Become a Radiology Technician in California

How to Become a Radiology Technician in California
At Modern Technology School in Orange County, we’re always asked by the prospective students we meet each week, “What does a Radiology Technician Do?”

Simply put, Radiology Technicians aren’t simply there to push a button in order to take a quick scan and then walk away, letting the lead […]

By |November 9th, 2015|X-Ray Technician|

Radiology Schools in Orange County

The School You Choose is Important to X-Ray Technicians
If you’re one of the many X-Ray Tech students who graduated from Modern Technology School in Fountain Valley over the course of the last year, you probably started your search for X-Ray Technician Schools in OC the same way as many do – online or by asking […]

By |October 5th, 2015|MTSchool, X-Ray Technician|

Building the Best X-Ray Tech School in OC

Building the Best X-Ray Tech School in OC
Why Modern Technology School is the Best X-Ray Technician School in Orange County
There’s a lot that goes into making each and every college and institute of higher learning great… X-Ray Technician Schools are not any different. Throughout using rigorous internal tests and closely monitoring our X-Ray Tech school […]

By |August 31st, 2015|MTSchool, X-Ray Technician|

How Modern Technology School Stacks Up Among the Best X-Ray Schools in CA

How Modern Technology School Stacks Up Among the Best X-Ray Schools in CA
The first to finding and maintaining a career as an X-Ray Technician in the medical industry is finding the best X-Ray Tech School you can attend in your locale. If you live in (or are plan on moving to) Southern California, then you […]

By |August 10th, 2015|MTSchool, X-Ray Technician|

How to Become an X-Ray Technician in California

How to Become an X-Ray Technician in California
During our daily student orientations and one-on-one meetings at Modern Technology School in Orange County, we’re often asked, “What does an X-Ray Technician Do?” Well, X-Ray Technicians don’t just simply push a button in order to take a quick scan and then walk away. As part of the […]

By |July 20th, 2015|MTSchool, X-Ray Technician|

How to Choose the Best X-Ray Technician School in Orange County

How to Choose the Best X-Ray Technician School in Orange County
So you’ve already decided that you want a career in radiology as an X-Ray Technician (or X-Ray Tech) and are wondering what your next steps are in fulfilling your dream… maybe you’re a recent high school graduate, or simply looking for a career change – […]

By |July 6th, 2015|MTSchool, X-Ray Technician|
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