How to Choose the Best X-Ray Technician School in Orange County

So you’ve already decided that you want a career in radiology as an X-Ray Technician (or X-Ray Tech) and are wondering what your next steps are in fulfilling your dream… maybe you’re a recent high school graduate, or simply looking for a career change – one that will propel you into a profession that will challenge you, and always be in demand. But there’s more to simply just deciding that you want to become an X-Ray Technician, now you’ve got to find the best X-Ray Tech School to satisfy both the industry’s needs as well as your own.

Things to Look for In X-Ray Technician Schools in Orange County

There are several things to look out for when searching for the best X-Ray Tech School in OC, and at the top of that list are accreditations. Without the right accreditations & memberships through the proper medical associations and boards, your diploma and education may not exactly be what they seem. For example, imagine working hard, putting all the required time into your classes, studies, lab and homework, then finding out that the school you went to did not have the proper or updated accreditations that will help you find the X-Ray Tech job in California that you need.

Another major factor when choosing the best X-Ray Technician School in Orange County is cost. Is the medical college cost-effective and affordable? Does the medical school make it easy for all students to attend the school and focus not on their diminishing bank accounts, but their studies? Does the X-Ray Tech school offer students the option for financial aid, federal funding or the GI Bill as well as Title IV assistance to their X-Ray Technician students? What is the cost of books and uniforms/scrubs, and how much will the entire X-Ray Technician program cost? These are all great secondary things to consider when choosing the best X-Ray Tech or Radiology School in Orange County for your needs.

Lastly, think about three things: Opportunity, Class Sizes and Convenience. If you’re an aspiring X-Ray Technician and are choosing the best Radiology College for your needs in Orange County, you’re going to want to see what the opportunities are after graduation. What is the on-time job placement rate for X-Ray Technician graduates? Does the medical school help you with Job Assistance or Job Placement within the Radiology or Medical industry after you’ve graduated? Further, is there a Job Placement Department or someone such as a Director or Counselor that can help point you in the right direction once you’ve graduated and passed the CDPH-RHB California X-Ray Technician State Examination?

Modern Technology School Is One of the Best X-Ray Tech Schools in California

At Modern Technology School (MTS) in Fountain Valley, California, we pride ourselves in being one of the best X-Ray Technician Schools in Orange County. We offer an X-Ray Tech and Radiology program that covers all the major principles of radiography, X-Ray positioning in the categories of Chest, Extremity & Torso skeletal, X-Ray physics, radiation protection & radio-biology, digital procedures and technical factors. Modern Technology School is one of the only X-Ray Tech Schools in Orange County that prepares their students in entirety, from classes to clinical internship, as well as helping our search for job placement after graduation. Modern Technology School is one of the only X-Ray Technician Schools in Orange County that holds a great job placement rate for our X-Ray Tech School graduates. For the latest placement statistics, please contact our school.

Modern Technology School has one of the best X-Ray Technician programs in Orange County and the entire nation; we provide our radiology students with the specialized didactic, formal medical laboratory and clinical training that is necessary in today’s medical world – the same skills that you need in order to meet entry-level X-Ray Technician positions as well as perform all X-Ray procedures. Our X-Ray Technician Program students love us because we put everything into preparing them to take the CDPH-RHB, which is the California X-Ray Technician State Examination to become a Licensed X-Ray Tech in California.

At Modern Technology School in Orange County, we offer X-Ray Technician classes both during the day and evening, for those that may have other obligations. We put a focus on your X-Ray & Radiology education, making sure that we keep class sizes small and offer personalized instruction and attention to our X-Ray Tech School students in order to make sure you’re better prepared to take the CDPH-RHB California X-Ray Technician State Examination. Modern Technology School in Fountain Valley, CA offers financial aid to all students who qualify through different avenues of funding, making sure that if our students have the will, we can hopefully find the way together.

How Modern Technology School is Different from Other X-Ray Schools in OC

The X-Ray Technician Program is approved by the California Department of Public Health—Radiological Health Branch. The State of California has set minimum standards for schools with educational programs for X-ray Technicians pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 17, section 30420. The RHB has approved and certified the X-ray Technician Program at Modern Technology School (MTS) in Fountain Valley, California, which meets or exceeds these exceptional state standards.

Modern Technology School holds several medical accreditations and licenses, and is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC). The ACCSC is recognized by the US Department of Education. MTS is also approved for the training of veterans and eligible persons under provisions of Title 38, United States Code and we are also an eligible institution to provide training services for the California Dept of Vocational Rehabilitation, and under the EDD’s Eligible Training Programs List – which is just another excellent reason to take advantage of becoming an X-Ray Technician today!

Modern Technology School in Orange County, California offers students (who qualify) in our X-Ray Technician Program several avenues of financial assistance, including Federal Stafford Loans (formerly GSL), Federal PLUS, Federal PELL Grants, as well as Federal SEOG programs.

At Modern Technology School, we’re extremely passionate about making sure that our X-Ray Program students are ready to make their own exceptional contributions in the diagnostic, healthcare field. MTS has been training and preparing X-ray Technicians since 1981. Modern Technology School is a great place to enter the workforce and begin a new career as an X-Ray Technician today! Come in or call us at 888-991-8997 today, we accept walk-in appointments and would love to meet you, see what your interests are, and to give you a fun tour of our campus!

For more information, please visit or call us today!