Become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County and

Do It Right the First Time!

Many students who want to become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County find us after speaking with a few X-Ray Technician Schools. First of all, Radiology is a great field to get into.  However, we find that many people that want to get into Radiology may not understand the process. Let’s walk through some simply things you can do to ensure you’re doing things the right way. Furthermore, let’s focus on spending the least amount of money on X-Ray Technician School tuition. There are a few things you’ll want to research and complete before enrolling in an X-Ray School. Likewise, we’ll walk through how to become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County right the first time, so you don’t find yourself going to school twice in order to achieve your goals.

If You Want to Become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County, Set Some Goals

First things first, if you want to go into Radiology, know your goals. Do you want to become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County, or do you want to pursue becoming a CRT? If you want to become a full-fledged Certified Radiologic Technician, starting as an X-Ray Tech also makes sense. Most students will try and attend a 2-year Community College that has a Radiology Program, only to find out later that’s its severely impacted. Most community colleges in Orange County with a Radiologic Technologist Program have a 4-5 year waiting list. You can become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County at a private medical career college first, then use that as a stepping stone to becoming a Radiologic Technologist. Pre-requisite classes for Certified Radiologic Technologists at community colleges get impacted frequently as well.

One way around this 5-year wait is going to an ACCSC Accredited X-Ray Tech School, then spending a year in the field working as an X-Ray Technician before returning to a private Radiologic Technologist School. While this may not be ideal for everyone, it’s a solid workaround if that makes sense you’d rather be working instead of waiting for the next 5 years.

Other students simply want to be become an X-Ray Technician in Orange County and build their careers. We encourage both sets of students to reach out to us and let us help you achieve your goals. Most of our students want to become a Limited Scope X-Ray Tech but we also work with a lot of aspiring CRT’s as well.

When You Find the Best X-Ray Tech School, Ask the Right Questions!

Firstly, find an ACCSC Accredited X-Ray Tech School in Orange County! Find out if the OC X-Ray School has the right certifications and licenses in place. Does the X-Ray Technician School offer Financial Aid for those that qualify? If you have a busy schedule, ask them if they offer both day and evening X-Ray Classes. Learn about their Career Center and if the X-Ray Tech College offers Job Placement Assistance! Find a school that will take care of you before enrollment, while you’re a student and after graduation. If you’re a US Veteran and want to use your GI Bill, ask the X-Ray School if they’re approved. Most importantly, find out if the X-Ray Technician School offers small class sizes, hands-on instruction and real-life labs. Ask to take a tour of the school when you meet with them!

Remember, it’s okay if you don’t know every tiny detail about where you want to end up. However, it is important to ask the right questions and check off some basics. You’ll know you’ve found the best X-Ray Tech School when you’ve checked off these simple factors that make for a great school.

Does the X-Ray Technician Program also Combine Medical Assistant Training?

This is a big one for anyone that wants to become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County. Make sure the X-Ray School you attend cross-trains you as a Medical Assistant. Some schools will tell you to pay for their Certified Medical Assistant Program, and then go back to X-Ray Technician School. This is fundamentally wrong for so many reasons, but let’s make it simple. It’s simpler and more cost-effective to become a Certified Medical Assistant and X-Ray Technician attending one program.

Why pay for a separate tuition? Most employers will want the Medical Back Office training so it also helps when searching for employment after graduation. We meet hundreds of students each year that were about to take the Medical Assistant courses separately before finding us. In our combined MA / X-Ray Program, you’ll become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County, but also get the fundamental foundation from a Certified Medical Assistant School as well!

Click Here to learn more about why it’s important to Cross-Train X-Ray Technician Students as Medical Assistants!

What Makes Modern Technology School the Best X-Ray Technician Program in Orange County?

Let’s start with our simple and streamlined admissions process. We help you find and assess your strengths. We listen and learn about you before trying to sell you on our X-Ray Technician School. Finding out about our students is key because it allows us to assess your needs and goals. If your end-goal is to become a Certified Radiologic Technologist in California, we can help! We’ll help you skip the long waits at the community colleges and create a streamlined path to success and help you become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County first.

Modern Technology School will also take the time to help you find out if you qualify for Financial Aid for X-Ray Technician School. We’re approved for multiple forms of Federal Student Aid, including Pell Grants, Federal Stafford Loans and are approved for the GI Bill for US Veterans. Click here to learn more about Financial Aid; remember, we’ll help simplify and walk you through the process!

Modern Technology School’s combined X-Ray Technician / Medical Assistant Back Office Program is one of the best in California. We’re proud to offer students a combined MA/X-Ray Program that fast-tracks their careers. Our X-Ray Technician textbooks are included in the cost of the program; furthermore we pay for your first X-Ray State Examination!

Our Career Center is dedicated to your success from enrollment, to exam help and job assistance & placement opportunities after graduation. We also offer Continuing Education and Digital X-Ray Certification for current X-Ray Technicians and Certified Radiologic Technologists! For current Certified Medical Assistants that would like to become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County, we also offer an X-Ray Technician-Only Program, which costs less and takes less time to complete!

Contact Modern Technology School if You Want to Become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County!

If you want to become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County, give us a call or send us a message! We’re here to answer your questions and would love to meet for 20-30 minutes and assess your needs! If you come with the desire, we’ll handle the rest! Contact our friendly & helpful Admissions Advisor, Dirk, at 714-418-9100.

Our X-Ray Technician grads have been seeing a rise in the need for Certified X-Ray Techs in Orange County and we’re proud to have a great Annual Radiography Examination Pass Rate. Your success as of utmost importance to us, so contact us to see if we’re a great match!

Together we’ll work on the best plan of action to help you enroll in X-Ray Technician school and become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County!