Orange County X-Ray Technician Program for Current Medical Assistants

At Modern Technology School, we’ve spent the better part of 4 decades as one of the best ACCSC Accredited X-Ray Technician Schools in Orange County and Southern California. As a result, we meet hundreds of students each month that want to become an X-Ray Technician in Orange County every month. We also meet a lot of students that are currently Medical Assistants who to transition into Radiology.

The good news is that we’ve got a couple programs at Modern Technology School that fits both scenarios:

  • X-Ray Technician / Medical Assistant Program
  • X-Ray Tech Program (Standalone Program)

The key difference between our two programs is that our first program is for people who want to become an X-Ray Technician in Orange County and do not have any prior transferable qualifying Medical Assistant Training. We train you as an X-Ray Technician, but you also cross-train and get certified as a Medical Assistant in California. This is beneficial for many reasons, and you can read about them by clicking here.

The second program, is our X-Ray Tech Standalone Classes in Orange County. This X-Ray Classes offer an option for current Medical Assistants that want to become an X-Ray Technician in Orange County (and all of California). Our ACCSC Accredited School has been helping Medical Assistants and X-Ray Technicians achieve their dreams since 1981. Because of this, we’re known as the best place to learn to become an X-Ray Technician if you’re already a Medical Assistant. Rather than force you to re-take the MA portion, you can take the 9 month X-Ray Technician only program.

We’re the Best X-Ray Technician School & Medical Assistant Program in OC

  • Most noteworthy, Modern Technology School is an ACCSC Accredited X-Ray / MA School
  • Use your MA diploma + transcripts to become an X-Ray Technician in Orange County
  • Modern Technology School offers Financial Aid to those that Qualify!
  • Our Career Center Designed to Help Students with All Aspects of Job Placement Assistance
  • Clinical Internship for X-Ray Technicians / Medical Back Office & Ultrasound Students
  • Night and Evening Classes are Available — We Work with Busy Schedules!
  • We Offer a Combined X-Ray Technician / Medical Assistant Program as well as Standalone X-Ray Classes
  • Our X-Ray Technician & Medical Assistant School is Veterans/GI Bill Approved!

Are You a Medical Assistant who wants to Become an X-Ray Technician in Orange County?

Due to the large demand of many current Medical Assistants in California wanting to become X-Ray Technicians, we offer a 9-month X-Ray Only Program. This is helpful because you don’t have to retake the Medical Assistant portion of your training. Current Medical Assistants in California can simply use their qualifying diploma and transcript to transfer into X-Ray. This is beneficial not only to save time, but the cost of the program differs slightly as well.

Look for an X-Ray Technician School or Medical Assistant College that is accredited and has the proper licenses in California. Modern Technology School is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) and licensed by the BPPE.

Modern Technology School’s X-Ray Technician Program is approved by the California Department of Public Health Radiology Health Branch (CDPH-RHB). We support and love working with US Veterans who qualify for the GI Bill and we’re also an eligible institution to provide training services for the California Dept of Vocational Rehabilitation. Lastly, if you want to become an X-Ray Technician in California, or you’re a Medical Assistant who wants to go into Radiology & Diagnostics, we can help you find out if you qualify for Financial Aid.

What Kinds of Financial Aid is Available to Medical Assistants Who Want to Become an X-Ray Technician in CA?

  • Our X-Ray Tech School is Eligible for Federal Stafford Loan (call to chk qualification!)
  • Modern Technology School can help you find out if you qualify for Federal PLUS
  • Curious about Whether or Not You Qualify for the Federal Pell Grant?
  • Some Medical Assistant & X-Ray Students Qualify for Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
  • Continuing Education & CEC is Available for X-Ray Technicians and CRT’s

Click here to find out more about our Accreditation & Licenses as well the different Financial Aid and Government Programs X-Ray & Medical Assistant students may qualify for!

Find Out More About X-Ray Courses for Medical Assistants Who Want to Become an X-Ray Technician in Orange County

Due to the high-demand of Medical Assistants that want to become an X-Ray Technician in Orange County, we offer convenient day and evening X-Ray Technician Classes. Our classes generally start every 8 weeks and our Admissions Director is always happy to answer your questions. We’ve been here since 1981 and have seen a lot of X-Ray & Medical Assistant Schools come and go. We make our students’ futures and careers in Radiology and Diagnostics our priority.

Furthermore, we offer small classroom environments for X-Ray Technicians and X-Ray/MA Students, which offer personalized instruction, and instructors who have actual experience working as X-Ray Techs in the field. Call us if you’re a Medical Assistant who wants to become an X-Ray Technician in Orange County! If you’re interested in the combined X-Ray Technician / Medical Assistant Program in OC, we can help you too!

Call us at 714-418-9100 and ask for our friendly Admissions Director, Dirk Been. He’ll answer your questions honestly and provide you with real feedback for your specific situation. You can also email us by submitting your information using the green box on this page.  Lastly, if you’d like to meet in person, come in and speak with us during business hours and take a tour of our X-Ray Technician Medical Assistant School in Orange County!

Modern Technology School prides itself in helping students find out if they qualify for Financial Aid and discussing your goals. We’ve got you covered from enrollment to diploma and our Career Center is here to help you with X-Ray & Medical Assistant State Exam prep, job search, resumes and your even your interviews!