What Separates Modern Technology School from Other Radiology Schools in Orange County that Offer Evening X-Ray Technician Classes?

Our Orange County Radiology School has been here since 1981. One of the biggest differences between us and other X-Ray Technician Schools in Orange County and Los Angeles is our philosophy. We put our students first and everything else comes second. We’re a small X-Ray Technician School, but that comes with BIG benefits. Aside from our students first philosophy, we’re also known as the best place to take Evening X-Ray Technician Classes.

While it is true that in some cases, bigger may be better, when you’re talking about your healthcare education, this isn’t necessarily the case. Our X-Ray Technician students prefer learning in small class environments. They also enjoy the hands-on radiology labs and one-on-one insight from X-Ray Tech instructors. Since 1981, we’ve consistently turned out more limited X-Ray Technician certificates than any other Orange County X-Ray School. During this time, most OC medical colleges were more concerned with their tuition and placing warm bodies in their X-Ray Tech classes. On the other the hand, we remained true to our philosophy, staying dedicated to our students.

Why Modern Technology School Offers Evening X-Ray Technician Classes

Not everyone can study to become an X-Ray Technician during the day. That’s why we offer evening X-Ray Technician classes in Orange County. This is a great opportunity for current Medical Assistants who want to further their medical careers as well. There are many benefits to getting certified as an X-Ray Technician if you’re already a Medical Assistant. For instance, you have better job opportunities, better job security as well as chance for better pay. You are also adding to your skill-set and your healthcare education, so you’re more desirable to employers.

Our evening X-Ray Technician classes are also a great opportunity for working or single parents. Furthermore, if you need to earn a living while you’re in school, then evening X-Ray Technician classes make more sense. An added benefit of taking X-Ray Technician courses at Modern Technology school is that our Clinical Internship is built-into the program. Some radiology schools and junior colleges that offer X-Ray & CRT programs make you find your own.

Can I Get Financial Aid for Evening X-Ray Technician Classes?

Financial Aid is a big part of most people’s educations. That extra funding is at times the make-or-break for whether you’re able to attend an X-Ray Technician School. That’s why at Modern Technology School, we offer Financial Aid for our Evening X-Ray Technician Classes, to all those who qualify!

Our X-Ray Technician program is all-inclusive! Furthermore, we include the cost of scrubs, your textbooks and your first California X-Ray Exam as part of your tuition! Curious about whether you qualify for financial aid, or have questions about the program and how it fits into your dreams? Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered…

Call Modern Technology School in Orange County if You’re Interested in Taking Evening X-Ray Technician Classes

Our school is set-up to assist you and get your questions answered about our Evening X-Ray Technician classes. Unlike other Radiology schools in OC, we have just one Admissions Advisor. We’re easy to reach and won’t leave you hanging. We want you to make an educated decision about your future. Find out about the best X-Ray Tech School in Orange County, and take a tour of our campus today!

We understand that students have many questions about our various programs as well as admissions and financial aid. That’s why we take the time to speak with you both by phone and in person at our Orange County X-Ray School. Together, we’ll find out about your goals and outline the perfect path to your success. Based on your needs and desires, we can carve out a road map to help you choose the best X-Ray Technician classes and keep the process as painless as possible.

Open Enrollment: Evening X-Ray Technician Classes in Orange County Start on September 18th!

Our evening X-Ray Technician classes start on September 18th! We’re able to walk you through the program and speak over to phone in order to answer all of your questions. Our Radiology School admissions process is simply & quick. It’s been designed to get your questions answered so we can fast-track your success! If you’re a current medical assistant who has questions about how to transition into an X-Ray Technician, call us — you’ll be glad you did!

Call Our Admissions Advisor at 714-418-9100 Today!

If you’d like us to contact you, you can fill out the green contact form on each page of our site. Don’t let anything stop you from achieving your dreams. We’re the leaders in X-Ray Technician training in Orange County for a reason. We also work with students who want to become a Certified Radiologic Technologist. There’s no reason to wait 5-6 years on a radiology college waiting list.

Job Placement for Students in Our Evening X-Ray Technician Classes

As a final note, we also offer Job Placement Assistance for students in our evening X-Ray Technician classes, and all of our students.

Our dedicated Job Placement Advisor X-Ray Technician Students with:

  • The CA X-Ray Technician Exam Study Help
  • Interview Tips & Techniques
  • Radiology Cover Letters & Resume Help
  • Help with Job Placement and Careers
  • Networking with Healthcare Employers

We look forward to meeting you and understanding your goals & needs. Give us a call at 714-418-9100 and ask for Admissions. We’ll set a convenient time to meet & take a tour as well as get your questions answered!


*Modern Technology School is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges – ACCSC