Orange County X-Ray Technician School: Let’s Cover the Facts for 2018

Not every Orange County X-Ray Technician School was created alike. Where you receive your education is an important choice. A choice that may resonate on the rest of your career. Because picking the right x-ray school is vital, you’ve got to be prepared to do a little work. Furthermore, you’ve got to be able think on your feet and do some research before committing to any x-ray tech school. A good starting point is always the Internet. Plus, it’s free, which means you can take your time and dig deep into the core of what you want out of your x-ray tech program.

For starters, a good place to begin is searching for the best x-ray tech schools near you. Think about whether you’re willing to commute or create a radius for your search based on how far you’re willing to travel to x-ray school each day. Moreover, take a look at this article where we break down what to look for when comparing x-ray technician schools. Lastly, remember that you’re in charge of your future in radiography. Not only should you approach the entire search with confidence, but you should also keep in mind that you are your first priority.

Get the Facts on the Orange County X-Ray Technician School

Finding an Orange County X-Ray Technician School should generally be a great experience. You should be able to evaluate your needs, ask a lot of questions, and get transparent answers. Furthermore, you should never feel intimidated when wanting to ensure you receive the best x-ray tech training. That means doing your research. It also means preparing a list of questions for the Orange County x-ray technician school you’d like to attend. We’ve covered a list of questions in this article, which can be helpful when choosing the right school for your x-ray tech education.

The last thing any student wants is to meet with an admissions advisor and feel forced into enrolling. Have we heard stories of this happening? Sure. While not as commonplace today as it was many years ago, you may still feel pressured. We’re here to tell you that you shouldn’t feel this way and to remember to make your goals a priority.

If you want to become an x-ray technician in California, you’ve got to get the facts on the x-ray tech schools you’re interviewing. That’s right — remember that when meeting with an x-ray tech school, you’re also interviewing them.

Some questions that should immediately come to mind are:

  • Is this an ACCSC accredited x-ray tech school
  • What makes it different from other x-ray tech schools near me?
  • How long is the x-ray technician program?
  • Is the x-ray tech program all-inclusive?
  • Will I receive medical assisting training and clinical internship?
  • Do I have to pay extra for books & medical scrubs?
  • How much is tuition and can I get financial aid for x-ray tech school?
  • Do they offer evening x-ray technician courses?
  • If I’m a current Medical Assistant, can I take an x-ray only class?

Plan a Visit to the X-Ray Tech School – Evaluate & Discuss Your Goals

Before enrolling in an Orange County X-Ray Technician School, evaluate your needs. Every prospective radiology student has goals. Don’t be afraid to write these down and to bring them with you to your first meeting with the x-ray school. When meeting with the x-ray tech school, bring your confidence, a good attitude and be inquisitive. A good x-ray tech institute will provide you with all the answers you need. The best admissions advisors will take their time to understand your goals and walk you through their x-ray program in detail. Furthermore, the best x-ray technician schools will help you create a roadmap to success.

Success can mean different things for different people. For instance, current medical assistants may want to become an x-ray tech in hopes of better pay, job stability and furthering their healthcare careers. On the other hand, you might be a working professional and need to take x-ray tech night classes. Other students may want to go on to become RadTechs or Radiologic Technologists after their x-ray tech training. Still, most students are excited to become an x-ray technician / medical assistant in just under a year. Whatever your goals are, make sure they’re clearly defined. Furthermore, remember to share them with admissions advisor at the radiography school as well.

Find an All-Inclusive X-Ray Technician Program & ACCSC Accredited School

An accredited school should be first on your list. With ACCSC accreditation, comes knowing that the school has to answer to a higher authority. They are held to the high standards of the State and licensing boards that govern post-secondary education. Moreover, this means they’ll be following strict guidelines and undergo rigorous evaluation. For you, this means the school is probably a safer bet for your future and career. It also means that when time comes to begin applying for x-ray tech jobs, you won’t be left in the cold due to attending an unaccredited x-ray tech institution.

The other thing you’ll want to ask and find out about is whether or not it’s an all-inclusive x-ray program. This means the radiography school has additional benefits added to their curriculum and x-ray tech training that help their students achieve success. For instance, some Orange County x-ray technician schools will couple medical assisting training with their x-ray tech program. You essentially receive two educations for the price of one. Furthermore, when it comes time to find work as an x-ray tech, you’ll understand why you learned to become both. For more info on the job and different hats that an x-ray technician in California may wear, read this interview.

Another benefit of finding an all-inclusive x-ray tech program are the cost benefits. All-inclusive programs usually include Clinical Internship, which takes place during the latter portion of your x-ray technician training. Moreover, find out if books & scrubs are included and whether or not you have to pay for parking. Lastly, learn about what happens after you graduate. Do you get help with practice exams, cover letters & resumes, applying for a job and interview training? These are all important things to factor into your tuition and the value of your x-ray education.

Modern Technology School the Best Place to Become an X-Ray Tech in Orange County

If these sound like important factors, it’s because we understand our students’ needs. Modern Technology School has been an ACCSC accredited Orange County X-Ray Technician School since 1981. During this time, we’ve had the privilege of training some of the best x-ray techs in Southern California. Our hands-on training combines both x-ray tech and medical assisting. We also keep our class sizes small, so that every student has a chance to learn, and learn quickly. Our hands-on x-ray tech training is taught by a caring faculty who understands the needs of our students.

Many people believe you have to have prior healthcare training before you start our x-ray technician program. In reality, all you need is your high school diploma and the desire to learn as well as apply yourself. Our 11 month x-ray course starts with the fundamentals of medical assisting and quickly moves to principles of radiography & x-ray. We offer built-in clinical internship and in-house job placement assistance. We also offer financial aid to those that qualify and accept the GI Bill for Veterans.

Our Orange County X-Ray Technician School tuition includes books, scrubs and there’s plenty of free parking on our safe campus. We offer day and evening x-ray technician classes as well as an x-ray only program for current medical assistants. Give us a call and speak with our Admissions Advisor. He’ll take the time to learn about your goals and walk you through our program. We’ll answer your questions and make sure you don’t feel rushed or lost in the process of finding the right x-ray tech school for your needs.

Our Next Daytime X-Ray Tech Class Starts Feb 20th in OC!

Call Modern Technology School at (714) 418-9100

You can also fill out the green contact form for a free tour of our school!

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