New & Current Medical Assistants should take Advantage of an X-Ray Tech Program

If you’re currently a certified or working Medical Assistant, you can become an X-Ray Tech in less than a year. Our X-Ray Tech Program in Orange County is perfect for people who already have their MA Certification. Because Medical Assistants can take advantage of an X-Ray Only Program, they’re able to complete X-Ray School relatively quickly. There are many benefits to becoming an X-Ray Technician if you’re already a Medical Assistant. Let’s explore some reasons to become an X-Ray Tech and why it’s a great career choice for current medical assistants.

Enroll in an X-Ray Tech Program for More Opportunities

It’s no secret that an X-Ray Technician generally makes more money than a Medical Assistant in California. But, if you’re already a Medical Assistant, enrolling in an X-Ray Tech Program means you’ll have more opportunities. We offer two programs at our Orange County Radiology School. One is a limited scope X-Ray Tech Program, the other is a combined X-Ray Technician / Medical Assistant Back Office class.

The X-Ray Only class is perfect for those who have already become a Certified Medical Assistant. You study the principles of Radiology and X-Ray, and get certified in less than a year. Some of the benefits of the X-Ray Tech Program include:

  • Better Pay and Starting Salaries for X-Ray Technicians with Medical Assistant Certification
  • More Employment Opportunities at Doctor’s Offices, Imaging Centers, and Urgent Care Clinics
  • Job Security: X-Ray Technicians are in high-demand in Orange County and Surrounding Areas

Enhance Your Career by Enrolling in an X-Ray Tech Program

Because most Medical Assistants have chosen a career in Diagnostic Healthcare as a long-term option, it’s important to keep growing within the field. While staying stagnant or not adding to your toolbox may work for some, others enjoy consistently developing their skill-set.

As the Radiology field continues to grow in California, the need to hire a Medical Assistant with X-Ray Tech capabilities grows with it. We’ve all seen the massive boom in clinics and local urgent care centers in most every neighborhood. With these new facilities comes the need for skilled X-Ray Technicians and Medical Assistants. Furthermore, most clinics would prefer to hire a medical assistant that already has the X-Ray training, and vice-versa.

Since we haven’t seen too many hospitals being built in California in the last decade, it’s the clinics that are thriving. That means that while it may be harder to find work as a Certified Radiologic Technologist, X-Ray Technicians are in greater demand. That said, enrolling in an X-Ray Tech Program is vital to enhancing your career as a Medical Assistant and keeping up with the industry’s growth.

Defer Your Student Loans by Going to an X-Ray Tech School

Many people are unaware that you can defer your student loans by going back to school. If you’re already paying student loans in California, enrolling in an X-Ray Technician school can help you defer those. Going to an X-Ray School before your loan’s grace period is over (usually 6 months after leaving), you will continue to make payments as you did while you were in school. Then, when you finish school again, you’ll have a second separation or grace period.

This is not only helpful because you can re-qualify for financial aid, depending on your situation and you get to save on the interest while returning to school. The end-goal is obviously earning more pay as an X-Ray Tech, so why not take advantage of what’s available? Once you complete the X-Ray Tech program, you can find employment and usually earn better pay. In the end, it’s a win-win for most current Medical Assistants.

For more information about deferring your student loans when returning to an X-Ray Tech School, visit the Sallie Mae Student Loans Deferment page. Also, our X-Ray Technician college accepts several forms of Financial Aid to those that qualify!

What about Junior Colleges that Offer a Radiology or X-Ray Tech Program?

You may already be aware that some California Junior Colleges offer an X-Ray Tech program. While going to a JC may seem like a great idea to some, for others, the reality is quite different. Many current Medical Assistants we speak to have told us that it took well over 2 years just to get into the X-Ray school at a junior college.

The wait is also plagued with impacted pre-requisite classes. We had one medical assistant tell us she wasn’t able to take more than 1 or 2 classes per semester. Furthermore, the Radiology instructors at the junior college told the class they’d have to find their own clinical internship!

Modern Technology School Offers the Best X-Ray Tech Program in Orange County

Modern Technology School has been a front-runner in Diagnostic Healthcare education since 1981. In that time, we’ve seen a lot of changes in the industry. We’ve also seen a lot of X-Ray Tech schools come and go. The reason we’ve been able to outlast the competition is our commitment to our students. Our X-Ray Tech Program is the best in California for many reasons:

  • Become an X-Ray Tech in Less than a Year from an ACCSC Accredited X-Ray Technician School
  • Hands-On X-Ray Tech Instruction with Dedicated Instructors who have Radiology Field Experience
  • Small Class Sizes and Focused Radiology Instruction
  • Pre-Requisites and Textbooks + Scrubs are Included in Your Tuition!
  • Night & Evening X-Ray Technician Classes are Available
  • Job Placement and Clinical Internship Available at Our California Radiology School
  • Financial Aid to those that Qualify + GI Bill Approved (we love our Veterans!)

Contact us if you’re currently a Medical Assistant and want to know how you can earn more or have greater opportunities for advancement! We also offer a combined program that cross-trains X-Ray Technicians as Medical Assistants under one tuition!

The last thing that separates us from other X-Ray Tech schools near you is our faculty. Our Admissions Department is here to answer your questions and ensure you’re making an educated decision for your future. While some schools are more concerned with numbers, we favor quality over quantity.

If you’re a current Medical Assistant who is interested in furthering your career and becoming an X-Ray Technician in California, give us a call at 714-418-9100. Our friendly Admissions Advisor is here to answer all of your questions and walk you through the simple enrollment process. We’d be happy to sit down with you for 20 minutes and give you a tour of our X-Ray Tech school with zero obligations!