Break into Sonography: Ultrasound Tech Classes at Modern Technology School in Orange County

Becoming an ultrasound technologist in California is a great career choice for 2018. Taking Ultrasound Tech classes at a reputable and accredited school are a great way to break into a career in sonography. If you live in Southern California, there are many ultrasound schools you can choose from. To find the best ultrasound school for your needs, you’ll need to do some research. Also, you’ll need to find out what makes each ultrasound school unique.

There are many factors which make up the best ultrasound tech classes in your area. For instance, did you know that some ultrasound / vascular technology programs don’t even offer clinical internship? Furthermore, some ultrasound technician schools ask you to go out and find your own. That said, let’s break down what makes each ultrasound technology school different, and why it matters to your career. Also, let’s look at some facts and details about the industry, education and your future.

Myth: All Ultrasound Tech Classes in Orange County are the Same

If you search for the best ultrasound tech school in Orange County, chances are you’ll get a lot of results. However, not all of these ultrasound schools are alike. Each one offers something different in terms of program, tuition and cost, as well as clinical internship and other benefits. Unfortunately, due to the way schools market themselves, not all of these differences will be transparent at first. Your job is to find the best school that has an up-to-date curriculum which abides by the standards. Furthermore, you need to find ultrasound tech classes in  that match your specific needs.

Some of the Main Things to Consider when Searching for Ultrasound Tech Classes Include:

  • Make sure the ultrasound technology school is accredited
  • Ensure that the ultrasound program curriculum is up-to-date
  • Ask about Clinical Internship for Ultrasound and why it’s important
  • Find out how many hours of clinical internship they offer (hours vs. days/weeks)
  • Are the ultrasound tech classes taught in large groups or do they keep class sizes small?
  • Read experiences online from other students who took their ultrasound tech classes
  • Meet with Admissions and ask a lot of questions — don’t feel pressured or frightened
  • Take a small tour of the ultrasound technology school’s campus
  • Are you able to discern if the ultrasound / vascular tech school is being transparent?
  • Does the ultrasound school genuinely care about you or are you just a number?
  • Factor in your commute – is the ultrasound tech school near me? 
  • Does the ultrasound technician program offer job placement assistance?
  • What about financial aid for ultrasound school? Is it important to you?
  • Ask if the diagnostic healthcare school accepts the GI Bill if you’re a Veteran
  • Small things add up: Factor in the cost of scrubs, textbooks, parking, etc.

Cost of Tuition for the Ultrasound Tech Classes in California – Does it Matter?

The cost of tuition for ultrasound school definitely matters. Tuition will generally differ from program to program, depending on what’s included. If the ultrasound tech classes offer included clinical internship, they may cost more than an ultrasound school who asks you to find your own. While at first a more affordable ultrasound program may sound great, considering you save money in the short-term, it may cost you later on.

For instance, lets say you save a couple thousand dollars by attending an ultrasound school in Orange County that asks you to find your own clinical internship once you complete their program. Now you’ve got to take the time out of your schedule to begin searching for a clinic or hospital that will take you on as an intern. You’ve also got to make sure that the clinic/hospital not only provides the minimum number of scans you need to complete your internship, but that they record them all as well.

Furthermore, you’ve got to be sure they are a reputable place and adhere to the standards. For instance, what if it’s easy to find an internship, but later you find out that they do things their own way. Then you’re not really getting ultrasound tech experience that works in the real-world, and with reputable healthcare employers. There’s a lot of factors that go into the tuition cost and length of time you spend in any ultrasound technology program.

Comparing Apples-to-Apples when Choosing the Best Ultrasound Technologist School

This is a big one. Make sure that when comparing Ultrasound Schools in Orange County, that you compare apples-to-apples. This means that you take the time to create a short list of what’s important to you in your ultrasound technology education. As outlined earlier, all sonography schools in California aren’t the same, so use the bullet-points we provided to make a list. After you’ve got your needs on paper, you can start checking-off what each school offers.

Once you’ve got a clear picture of what each ultrasound program offers, you can begin breaking down the level of importance. For instance, commuting may not matter much to you, so taking ultrasound tech classes in a neighboring county may make sense if the program is top-notch. Or, what if the ultrasound school near your home isn’t accredited, or doesn’t include clinical internship? Be sure to take and make great notes which you can use during your meeting with Admissions.

Why Modern Technology School’s Ultrasound Tech Classes are a Great Value, Packed with Benefits

Modern Technology School has been providing Southern California with Diagnostic Healthcare Education since 1981. Our feature-packed Ultrasound Technologist Program is extremely popular for residents of Orange County, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino and even San Diego. Students commute to our school daily because they love the benefits and value they get in our Ultrasound/Vascular Technologist program. Furthermore, we keep class sizes small so that each student has a chance to learn and scan. Plus you learn alongside compassionate instructors who care about your future in sonography.

Our Ultrasound / Vascular Tech program features a full 1,000+ hours of clinical internship! We keep it 100% transparent so students know the value they’re receiving at our ACCSC accredited healthcare school. We offer in-house job placement assistance and the cost of textbooks & scrubs are included in your tuition. Moreover, we feature a safe Orange County campus, centrally located to all major freeways, with plenty of free private parking.

Financial Aid & Other Benefits in Modern Technology School’s Ultrasound / Vascular Technician Program

If you’re in need of financial aid for ultrasound school, we’ve got you covered! Our friendly and helpful Admissions Advisor will help you find out if you qualify. If you’re one of the many Veterans who want to get into sonography, we are approved for the GI Bill!

At our Orange County Ultrasound School, you learn hands-on, and in real-life ultrasound labs. Our classes fill-up quickly due to the small class sizes, so give us a call and ask for Admissions. We’d be happy to answer all of your questions and help you pave a path to a career in Ultrasound and Sonography. Our Admissions Advisor takes a different approach to meeting with students. We don’t pressure our students into coming to our school. Instead, we love to answer questions and find out about your needs. That said, we meet with students 5-days a week and provide free tours of our ultrasound school. We look forward to meeting you and discussing your future in sonography as well as answering your questions!

Call Modern Technology School & Ask for Admissions

(714) 418-9100

Ultrasound Tech Classes Start March 12th in Orange County

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