Ultrasound/Vascular Class at Modern Technology School in Orange County

If you’ve been keeping up with us, then you know that all-inclusive ultrasound training is where it’s at. Moreover, if you want to become an ultrasound/vascular technologist, then hands-on education is a must. When choosing an ultrasound/vascular class in Orange County, ideally, you want to find one that fits your needs. However, you also must be sure to find an ultrasound tech class that checks off all the boxes as well.

Modern Technology School’s Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound/Vascular Technology program is an all-inclusive, 18-month curriculum. Our ultrasound/vascular class is comprised of everything you need in order to begin your career as an Ultrasound Tech in California. For many students, seeing the term all-inclusive automatically means you get everything you need in order to begin. However, keep in mind that not all-inclusive programs are built to the same specs.

For instance, two schools may offer clinical internship in their ultrasound/vascular class. However one school may offer way more hours than the other. Furthermore, things like the cost of books, scrubs, and small costs like supplies & parking add-up. Let’s research what to look for when it comes to ultrasound training and finding an ultrasound/vascular class that makes sense to you.

Finding the Right Ultrasound/Vascular Class: Getting Started

This first thing you’ll want to do when beginning your search for the best ultrasound schools for your needs, is your research. For instance, many of us do hours of research when searching for a new place to have dinner. We scour the net for reviews, check out a restaurant’s social media, and reach out to friends who’ve been there before. So why don’t we do the same when it comes to our ultrasound education?

Many people have no idea what separates one ultrasound/vascular class from the other. Furthermore, many ultrasound schools make it tough due to their marketing — they look great on paper. However, when it comes to an all-inclusive ultrasound/vascular class, we feel there should be standards. That’s not to say that every ultrasound school should offer the same exact options. But they should work hard to ensure that students’ needs are being met under one tuition.

At Modern Technology School, we’ve worked years to ensure that our students get the best in ultrasound and sonography training. We also wanted to ensure that students get everything they need in order to begin their career without having to go outside their program to get it. So start by doing your research. Make a list and check it twice. Also, be sure to know what your own specific needs are before starting any ultrasound/vascular class.

What Should I Expect from an Ultrasound/Vascular Class in Orange County?

For starters, look for an accredited Diagnostic Healthcare school. For instance, Modern Technology School is accredited by the ACCSC. Next, you’ll want to obviously find an ultrasound school that’s close to home. Not a lot of people can commute very far, although we have students that come to us from as far out as San Diego, Riverside and LA Counties daily.

The next thing you want to do is find an all-inclusive ultrasound training program. Now remember, just because the school calls it all-inclusive, doesn’t mean it’ll be the same as other all-inclusive programs. Let’s break down what’s actually included in our all-inclusive ultrasound/vascular class, just so you have a good reference point:

Modern Technology School’s Ultrasound/Vascular Class Includes:

  • Textbooks, scrubs, supplies and free parking are all included
  • Pre-requisites are included, so you don’t need prior ultrasound tech or Healthcare experience in order to begin
  • We cover the cost of your first exam, and there’s plenty of study help here!
  • Get 1,000+ hours of Clinical Internship — this is vital when it comes to ultrasound tech training. Many ultrasound/vascular technology classes will offer clinical internship, but 1,000+ hours is a lot. We pride ourselves in offer more hours, because being an ultrasound/vascular technologist is a hands-on career, so the more training before getting out in the field — the better!
  • We train in small class sizes; usually under 9 students, and even smaller during the current pandemic (around 4-7). Smaller classes means better absorption of the material and the ability to ask a lot of questions
  • Our instructors and experienced faculty have stood in your shoes prior. They work hands-on with you and answer questions by hands-on demonstration
  • We offer free tutoring as part of our ultrasound/vascular class; you don’t have to pay or feel awkward for requesting help with your studies. Best of all, it’s hands-on, and usually 1-on-1 which makes for a no-pressure learning environment
  • Job Placement Assistance is included in your tuition. Jessica in Job Placement can help you with everything from resumes, custom cover letters, weekly tips, and 1-on-1 interview help. She can also walk you through creating the perfect LinkedIn and ensuring your online presence looks great
  • Financial aid is available to those who qualify and we offer a simple, streamlined admissions process.

How Do I Learn More About Modern Technology School’s Ultrasound/Vascular Class in Orange County?

If you like what you’ve read so far and want to learn more, you can begin by checking out our Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound/Vascular Technology program page. Next, give us a call and get all your questions answered with no pressure to enroll! Remember, we’re a small school, and we like it that way! We offer benefits to students that larger schools can’t, and we’re proud of that. That said, we don’t need to herd students in like cattle, or force anyone to enroll if we’re not a great fit. Instead, we’ll probably guide you towards an ultrasound/vascular class that better fits your needs.

Our friendly and helpful Admissions Advisor is always here to ensure you have your questions answered. He can walk you through the program as well as the current career landscape. Call us for a free tour of our Diagnostic Healthcare School in Orange County.We can walk you through the tuition, which is often thousands less than other larger schools, as well as introduce you to our ultrasound faculty.

We’re here to help with financial aid, as well as to ensure you know what you’re getting, right from the start. Remember to have a list of items that are important to you as well, so that we can address those during our meeting! We look forward to meeting with you, answering your questions, and learning more about your Healthcare career goals. We also look forward to becoming a part of your journey if we’re the right fit!

Modern Technology School’s

All-Inclusive Ultrasound/Vascular Class

Next Class Starts July 27th here in Orange County!

Fill Out Our Green Contact Sheet for More Info or

Call Our Friendly Admissions Advisor at 714-418-9100

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