Finding the Best Sonography School in Orange County

The first to finding and maintaining a career as a Sonographer in the medical industry is finding the best Sonographer School you can attend in your locale. If you live in (or are plan on moving to) Southern California, then you know that you’ve got a few options, but what you may not know or might not have considered, is that not all Sonographer Schools or medical colleges are alike. There are many different factors to take into consideration when choosing the right Sonography school for your needs, and we’ve covered most of those factors in another blog, so today we’ll be focusing on not only becoming an Sonographer in California, but going beyond passing the Ultrasound & Sonography Principles and Instrumentation SPI State Examinations in order to thrive in your new career in the medical industry.

First, let’s look at the requirements that Sonographer students must fulfill in order to become a Sonographer in the state of California. At Modern Technology School, our program is laid out pretty straight-forward and simple:

The Sonographer course length is broken down into 2,172 Instructional and 2,399 Total Clock Hours; the sonography course lasts for 76 weeks and is made up of 105 quarter credit hours. Modern Technology School offers Sonography classes that start every eight weeks with tuition and fees totaling $33,656 (we offer financial aid to those who qualify!).

What Are the Sonography Technology Classes in Orange County Like?

Our Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program is an 18-month course of study with three basic components:

  • Didactic
  • Laboratory
  • Internship

The didactic and laboratory portions average twenty-four (24) hours per week. Upon placement in a clinical internship, the student is required to commit to a maximum of forty (40) hours per week. All internships require a commitment of day, evening and/or weekends. (a non-CAAHEP program)
The program will cover the ultrasound technology, vascular technology, anatomy & physiology, pathology, scanning protocols, ultrasound physics, medical ethics, medical terminology and patient care. The predominant didactic scope of the program is in abdomen, obstetrics and gynecology, small parts, vascular evaluations, abdominal Doppler of vascular & abdominal structures, venous & arterial imaging and evaluation.

Objectives of the Sonography Technology & Ultrasound Program at MTS

To provide students with didactic, laboratory and clinical training necessary to obtain employment in the field of Ultrasound and Vascular Technology within the medical field. Ultrasound Technologists and Sonographers are frequently required to perform vascular procedures as part of their caseload. Students completing the ultrasound/vascular technology course will be able to perform various procedures related to diagnostic ultrasound and vascular technology.

Post-Grad National Registry Exam for Sonographers:

Sonography School grads will be able to sit for the national registry examinations in general ultrasound and/or vascular technology after meeting the prerequisite requirements listed on the Ultrasound Registry website, which include:

  • 12 months post-graduate employment
  • 12 continuing education credits in ultrasound
  • A letter of verification of hours from employer
  • Students will be able to take the sonography / ultrasound registry physics and instrumentation examination after successful completion of the program.

Sonography & Ultrasound Program Internships in Orange County

There are many educational goals and milestones put in place for sonography students in Orange County. Internship training is provided for the Sonography School students in Fountain Valley, Anaheim, Irvine, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Orange County, Los Angeles County and all of Southern California. The Ultrasound / Vascular Program educational goals & objectives include providing students with didactic, laboratory and clinical training needed to meet entry level positions as a Sonographer & Medical Assistant with the ability to perform Chest, Extremity and Torso-skeletal Ultrasound / Vascular procedures and a variety of Medical Assistant/Back Office procedures. Graduates will be able to provide ethical patient care, acquire critical thinking skills, & will become clinically competent and ready to begin a successful career in Radiology and Ultrasound / Vascular.

After you’ve completed the Sonography Program in Orange County

To Sonography Tech students, there is a post-graduate California Sonography Principles and Instrumentation SPI State Ultrasound / Vascular Examination. Modern Technology School Graduates of the Ultrasound / Vascular program are eligible to take the California State Sonographer Examination, in the appropriate training categories. The examination can be scheduled at multiple testing centers throughout California after graduation and it is the final step to hopefully gaining willful employment as an Sonographer. Once these steps have successfully been completed, you will have earned the opportunity to become a Sonographer in the state of California.

Now while it might seem simple to at first, there’s certainly a lot more factors to consider when choosing the right Sonographer school in California to not only help prepare you for the Sonographer CA State Exams (Sonography Principles and Instrumentation SPI), but also to provide you with a solid foundation that you can apply for many years to come in your new Sonography career. But where do you start?

What to Look for in the Best Ultrasound & Sonography School in California

If you’re considering a career as a Sonographer or Sonography Technician or in one of the many professions within the medical field, you’re going to want to find a Radiology or Ultrasound / Vascular School that goes above and beyond just the California Sonography Principles and Instrumentation SPI Sonographer Examination. Much like a world class athlete or lawyer would seek out the best school or schools available to them in order to increase their chances of not only passing their tests, but to excel and become front-runners in their respective fields, you’ll want to do the same. Sonography schools are no different and so the first thing you’ll want to do is find the right sonography tech school and get the best education as well as hands-on training available, from an accredited and well-known Orange County medical institution.

The next step is to make sure that the school you’ve chosen is not only approved by the regulation boards and governing bodies at the state, but that it is also accredited. Lastly, you’ll want to see what professional memberships the school has, and whether or not factors like bi-lingual study and courses in English and Spanish as well as financial aid come into the picture when making a decision on the right school for your specific needs. Finally, does the school offer day and evening Sonography classes?

What does it mean to go beyond simple preparation for the California Sonographer Exams and your regular course of study? The medical industry and sonography is ever-changing and the need for licensed Sonographers, Medical Assistants and Radiology experts and interns grows exponentially every year. It’s important to prep to pass the State Ultrasound / Vascular License Exam or Sonography Principles and Instrumentation SPI, but it’s also vital to be a part of a medical and radiology school that holds its instructors and lecturers to the rigorous radiology & medical industry standards… the same standards that are changing subtly each day.

How Modern Technology School Ranks Among the Best Sonography Schools in OC

Small classrooms and a clean, inviting, well-lit and safe environment to learn in, along with state-of-the-art equipment and the latest technique are vital to building a strong foundation for your career, not just simply passing the CA State exam. At Modern Technology School (MTS), we not only nurture our new and current students enrolled in our Ultrasound / Vascular & Radiology courses, but we value the students who have already graduated and gone on to become successful doing what they at imaging clinics, doctor’s offices and hospitals throughout California. At Modern Technology School, we want to see you pass the State Ultrasound / Vascular Exam, but we also take pride in helping you develop the skills necessary to keep growing in the field of Radiology, long after you graduate.

We work hands-on; enjoy building synergy within our classrooms and creating a team environment that’s not only educational and fundamental for our students, but also fun and creative. Modern Technology School in Fountain Valley is nationally-recognized and accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) and we are also approved by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, and our Sonographer Program is approved by the California Department of Public Health – Radiological Health Branch.

What Makes MTS Unique as One of the Best Sonographer Programs in CA

Need help paying for your Sonographer education? Look no further. Modern Technology School (MTS) in Fountain Valley, CA is one of the few Ultrasound / Vascular schools in California that is approved and recognized by the United States Department of Education for participation in the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Pell Grants, and Federal Student Loans. We offer fast-paced Ultrasound / Vascular classes and hands-on learning in our evening or daytime classes which accommodate & match the busy lives of our diverse student-base. We have a clean and modern facility located centrally to the 405 freeway in the heart of Orange County, complete with several examination rooms, medical laboratories, Ultrasound / Vascular machines, lecture halls, computer labs, libraries as well as the latest in Ultrasound / Vascular, Ultrasound and vascular labs & equipment. So while our Ultrasound / Vascular curriculum will of course prep and help you pass the State Sonography Principles and Instrumentation SPI Ultrasound / Vascular Exam, know that at Modern Technology School (MTS), we truly want our students to succeed in their chosen career within the medical industry right away, we also want to see you succeed in your career paths years down the line. We’ve put a lot of effort and preparation into making sure you’ve got a solid Sonography Technology foundation and the fundamentals to keep learning throughout your career in this exciting and ever-changing industry! Please call us at (888) 991-8997 to schedule a short campus tour or meet with one of our staff today!

For Sonography and Ultrasound students, Modern Technology School will also take walk-ins, so feel free to drop in and ask to take a quick tour of our Orange County Ultrasound School campus today! For more info on our Sonography Tech & Ultrasound school accreditation and approvals, visit MTS at: