18-Month Ultrasound Tech Training Class in Orange County

Are you looking for a career change or a to start a new career in Diagnostic Healthcare? Did you know that the Ultrasound Tech training class at Modern Technology School can get you there in just 18-months? Moreover, our Orange County Ultrasound program is all-inclusive. This means you can begin your new career in Sonography with no prior experience. Furthermore, we provide you with everything you need in order to start you career under one tuition!

If you’ve long wondered what it takes to become an Ultrasound Tech in California, we can help! Our small Healthcare school situated in Fountain Valley, CA trains hands-on and provides the biggest value for tuition when it comes to ultrasound training. It’s always a great time to think about a career in healthcare, but a lot of students are concerned about pre-requisites and prior experience. This is completely understandable, after all, why wouldn’t prior experience be important?

The good news is, all pre-requisites are included in our 18-Month Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound/Vascular Technology Program. Furthermore, we provide you with the hands-on training that can take your career in ultrasound and sonography to the next level. Concerned about cost of tuition? Books and scrubs? Searching for a clinical internship or paying for exam fees out of pocket? Read on to learn more about how we help the students in our Ultrasound Tech training class get their careers on the fast track!

Why is an All-Inclusive Ultrasound Tech Training Class Vital?

The short answer is yes — enrolling in an all-inclusive ultrasound program is vital. For instance, would you rather attend an ultrasound school that strictly offers ultrasound training, but with no added benefits? Moreover, do you have the prior experience or pre-requisites under your belt already? If the answer is yes, then great — any large ultrasound or sonography school should work out well for you!

However, if that’s not the case, then finding an all-inclusive ultrasound tech training class is probably your best bet. Why, you may ask? Well for starters, you get everything you need in order to begin you ultrasound career under one roof, and one tuition. All-inclusive healthcare classes generally offer students more value for their tuition, and more bang for your buck. While some schools nickel-and-dime their student-base, we’ve always believed in offering our students more.

For instance, our Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound/Vascular Technology program includes all your prerequisites. You start learning the building blocks of ultrasound and sonography, down to ultrasound physics, and anatomy, and work your way into the hands-on labs where you’ll partner with other students & instructors. Moreover, our instructors work right alongside our students, ensuring that you receive the kind of care that only a small ultrasound vascular tech class can provide.

So What is included in Modern Technology School’s 18-Month All-Inclusive Ultrasound Tech Training Class?

  • We teach our ultrasound classes hands-on, which is vital
  • We keep our class sizes small so that each student has time on the machines and can ask questions
  • Instructors demonstrate answers for you hands-on, instead of simply “explaining” them to you (this is a big deal)
  • We start our students off with foundation learning — we want you to have an exceptional understanding of your career
  • You don’t pay extra for books or your scrubs & supplies in our ultrasound tech training class
  • Clinical internship and the cost of your first exam are included as part of tuition — we take care of it for you
  • Moreover, we offer a staggering 1,000+ hours of clinical internship – more practice means a better skill-set
  • Complete the ultrasound/vascular program in just 18-months
  • Job placement assistance is available to all grads — we want to help you succeed in your career!
  • If you need Financial Aid for ultrasound school, it is available to those who qualify!
  • We train our ultrasound technology students on a wide variety of machines because you never know what they’ll utilize in the workplace once you graduate and begin your career

Is Learning Hands-On Really that Important when it Comes to an Ultrasound Tech Training Class?

If you’re still with us, then you know what we offer is kind of unique… a way to begin your career as an Ultrasound/Vascular Technologist in California with no prior experience. You don’t have to go finding your own clinical internship (which is super stressful), nor do you have to have pre-reqs in order to enroll. But what about that hands-on training? Why is it so important for ultrasound techs to train hands-on vs. take online classes?

Well, for starters, being an ultrasound tech in California requires you to actively create an image. Remember that you’re not just plugging-in and scanning patients and getting the same outcome each time. Because each human body and each ailment is unique, you need to be prepared for how to tackle them properly and efficiently, in order to help a physician can make their diagnosis.

Learning hands-on is a big part of our ultrasound tech training class, and the overall philosophy at Modern Technology School. We’ve always been a smaller Healthcare school, and as such, we’ve had the opportunity to operate a little differently than larger lecture hall type training classes. Our ultrasound program was built on learning hands-on in small lab sizes. We pride ourselves on ensuring students work alongside a dedicated instructor. If you’d like to learn more about our awesome ultrasound instructors, head on over to our Faculty page or check out our social media/videos (linked below)!

How Do I Learn More About the Ultrasound Tech Training Class at Modern Technology School in Orange County?

If you’re still with us, that’s great news! It means we’re on the same page and our value packed ultrasound tech training class makes sense for you and your journey. We don’t pressure students when they call to ask questions. Moreover, we want to make the enrollment process as simple & streamlined as possible for you!

Our friendly Admissions Advisor is here to walk you through our Orange County Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Technology program. The good news is that he’s also here to answer any and all of your questions, concerns and talk to you about your career and future in sonography.

If you’re interested in becoming an Ultrasound Tech in California we’re here to help! Moreover, we’d love to meet you and provide you with a free tour of our ultrasound classes and campus! Give us a call at 714-418-9100 or fill out the green contact form to have us reach out to you directly. We’re always excited to meet our new students and help answer any questions you may have.

Let us help you find the right Orange County Ultrasound Tech training class for your needs!


Get 1,000+ Hours of Clinical Internship

Ultrasound Tech Training Class at Modern Technology School

Next Class Starts June 1st here in Orange County!

Fill Out Our Green Contact Sheet for More Info or

Call Our Friendly Admissions Advisor at 714-418-9100

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