Get the Facts When Choosing the Best All-Inclusive Medical Assistant Classes for Your Needs

We meet hundreds of people each year who are curious about taking medical assistant classes in Orange County. Medical assisting has always been a great go-to profession within Diagnostic Healthcare. And as such, we’re proud to offer one of the best, all-inclusive medical assistant programs in Southern California. But what does all-inclusive mean exactly? And what are the benefits of attending an all-inclusive program? Read on so that you can make an educated decision when choosing the best medical assistant classes for your needs.

Medical Assistant Classes in Orange County: Find an All-Inclusive Program

Many students who want to become a medical assistant, don’t really know where to begin. We always say that finding an all-inclusive medical assistant program should be at the top of your list. That said, it’s also vital to find a medical assisting school that’s accredited. This ensures that your chosen school undergoes regular evaluation and vetting by a qualified third party. For instance, Modern Technology School is accredited by the ACCSC.

Moreover, you should remember that when choosing the best medical assistant program for your needs, you should find one that offers an all-inclusive program.

While every school will have different definitions of what the term ‘all inclusive’ means to them, let’s explore what it means to us here at MTS:

  • All pre-requisite medical assistant classes will be included in the program; you can start with no prior experience
  • Why pay more on top of your tuition for Textbooks and Scrubs? We include them at no additional cost!
  • We offer National Certification in Medical Assisting through the NCCT.  Students test at the school; the cost is included with your tuition – check with Admissions for info!
  • We cover the cost of your first Medical Assisting exam!
  • Hands-on labs and small classroom sizes; they are beneficial for quick-absorption of the material
  • Clinical Internship is built-into the medical assistant classes. You don’t need to find your own internship; we provide you with one!
  • Job placement assistance is built-in and we have a dedicated JB representative who will help you with everything from resumes to custom cover letters and interviews!
  • Financial aid is available to those who qualify. This is a great opportunity if you want to become a medical assistant but are short on funds
  • US Military Veterans can take advantage of the GI Bill for medical assistant classes. We proudly accept the GI Bill at Modern Technology School
  • Small-school culture: we know our students by name, we understand where they’re at in the course-curriculum, and we want to keep it that way. We’re not big on lecture hall trainings and love the hands-on, small-class element we’ve provided since 1981
  • We are part of the CalJobs Eligible Training Providers – you can learn more about the CA State program here

Is Clinical Internship Important When Enrolling in Medical Assistant Classes?

Clinical internship is the time you’ll spend interning (without pay) at a dedicated clinical site. It usually takes place during the latter portion of your medical assisting training. Moreover, your clinical internship is vital for gaining a great foundation in professional patient care. You’re out there working alongside a real clinical staff, physician, as well as real patient.

That said, make sure the medical assistant classes you enroll in, offer clinical internship at no additional cost. Some medical assisting schools have made students find their own internships, which can end in failure and frustration. Remember that there are a required number of hours and other detailed requirements as dictated by the State in order to gain certification. If you’re out there looking for your own medical assistant internship, this can end in disaster if the clinic isn’t privy to the latest requirements.

Furthermore, when you’ve completed everything and are at the end of your medical assistant classes, do you really want to go out hunting down a clinical site? Not only is this tedious (and often extremely difficult) but why sign-up for added stress? This is why we’re proud to make clinical internship a part of our all inclusive medical assistant classes here at MTS!

Medical Assistant Classes in California: Small Costs Can Add-Up Quickly

If you’ve ever thought going to school to become a Medical Assistant, then you probably are concerned about the cost of tuition. Tuition for medical assisting / back office programs can vary greatly from school to school. Each medical assistant school will have its own set tuition, fees, and costs associated with their respective MA program. That said, it’s important to know what you’re in for — cost-wise.

Because several factors can add to the cost of your medical assistant education, it’s important to compare apples to apples when choosing an MA program for your own specific needs. Things like textbooks, scrubs, the cost of your certification exam, all may affect your overall investment. This is why we provide you with all of these as basic fundamentals in our all-inclusive Medical Office Assistant / Back Office program

Furthermore, remember that factors such as parking, commute, and/or housing will also play a role in your overall costs. That said, it’s important to keep these in mind when searching for the best medical assistant classes for your needs.

Get the Facts About Medical Assistant Classes in CA, with Zero Pushiness or Pressure!

If you’ve been trying to wrap your head around the details of becoming a medial assistant, you’re not alone. Moreover, if you’re looking for straight answers about what justifies the cost of different medical assisting programs, we hear you! Our friendly Admissions Advisor is here to answer your questions. We want to ensure that you’re making the right decision for your specific needs.

Because we’re a smaller Diagnostic Healthcare School we have a lower operating overhead. On the same note,  we’re also limited on space and how many students we can accept. Moreover, we understand that there’s a right medical assistant class for each prospective student. As such, we’re never pushy or feel the need to pressure students into making a decision. We’d rather you have your questions answered. We want you to leave knowing more about a medical assistant career than you came in with.

So if you’re thinking of becoming a medical assistant in California, give us a call and ask for Admissions. We’ll not only walk you through the program and career, but you’ll also get your questions answered. We provide free tours of our Healthcare school campus 5-days a week, right here in Orange County! Simply give us a call today at 714-418-9100 or fill out our handy green contact form on this page.

Interested in Enrolling in One of the Best Medical Assistant Classes in OC?

Call to Learn More About Our All-Inclusive Medical Office Assistant / Back Office Program

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Call us Today at 714-418-9100 and Ask for Admissions!

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