Ultrasound / Vascular Technologist is a Popular Career in 2018 – Here’s How to Find an Orange County Ultrasound School & Get Started

Finding an Orange County ultrasound school may sound like a simple task at first. However, there are many things to consider when choosing the right school for sonography education. We wanted to put together an article which illustrates the do’s and don’t of choosing the right ultrasound tech school for your needs. From tuition, checking accreditation and reputation, to clinical internship and the graduation requirements, there’s a lot to look out for. Furthermore, you’ve got to make sure to choose an ultrasound program that’s right for you. That means making certain that the school & program’s timeline, location and even culture match up with yours.

We wanted to create this article because of the many choices out there. But also, to illustrate as how different schools do things differently. Moreover, we know that each ultrasound student is different and therefore has different needs. As a matter of fact, because we meet so many different students from all walks of life, we think its important that there’s a great fit on both ends. Coupled with recent advancements in technology, Sonography has become an extremely popular profession here in Southern California. As a result, we’ve put together some interesting things to look for in any Orange County ultrasound school. Some of the things you read may surprise you, and others are simply excellent factors to consider. Let’s take a look at what makes a good ultrasound tech program, a great choice for your career and future in Healthcare.

Orange County Ultrasound School with an Accelerated Programs = Fast Turnaround

Myth: It takes years to complete the ultrasound/vascular technician program at an Orange County ultrasound school.

Fact: A good Orange County ultrasound school will work to help students graduate in less than a year and-a-half.

Furthermore, if they’re an exceptional place to become an ultrasound technician, they’ll offer an accelerated ultrasound program. That means, you could be in and out of the school, along with time spent in clinical internship, in less than 2 years. Many people believe you have to have a strong foundation in healthcare, or that you need college-level prerequisite classes to become an ultrasound  technician in California. Unfortunately, they go on to deny themselves the privilege of actually finding out and never achieve their true potential, or follow their dreams of breaking into sonography.

The truth is, a good Orange County ultrasound school will offer built-in prerequisite classes. That means the ultrasound program should be all-inclusive — you can start on day one with no experience. Are things like a professional attitude, determination, focus and the ability to learn important? Sure they are! But a good Orange County ultrasound school will level the playing field for their students. They’ll ensure that they’re making the right choice, and once they’re in the program, they’ll help you along the way. A good ultrasound/vascular technologist program will help you move swiftly — from orientation, to the classroom, to hands-on labs and your clinical internship.

Growing Career Opportunities for Ultrasound Technicians in 2018

The faster you graduate and pass your exam, the quicker you can get out and earn. It’s reassuring to know you don’t need to dedicate a big chunk of your life or come to the table with a lot of experience in order start your career in Diagnostic Healthcare. Because sonography is growing faster than ever, the career options for ultrasound technicians and vascular techs are growing as well. For instance, most experts have claimed that ultrasound careers are expected to grow between 2012 and 2022. That being said, a career as an ultrasound/vascular technologist makes for a pretty exciting future.

All of that considered, we’re also right in the sweet spot of that growth, and ultrasound technology keeps advancing in the right direction. When choosing the right Orange County ultrasound school for your needs, make sure they’re on the cutting edge. Furthermore, take a moment to speak with or research their faculty. Find out if they’ve worked out in the field, and if they’ve been in your shoes before. Ensure you’re being taught by instructors who will understand you, guide you and take the time to teach you thoroughly.

Ask the admissions at the Orange County ultrasound school about different career choices for ultrasound/vascular technologists. Find out about opportunities and the different paths you can take once you graduate. Everyone is different and so is every ultrasound program.

Ultrasound Techs Have the Ability to Earn Good Pay & Benefits

Check with the California Bureau of Labor Statistics for the most recent Ultrasound/Vascular Technician salary. That’s great money compared to the relatively short amount of time you spend in an ultrasound program. But it usually doesn’t stop there, and that’s what makes becoming an ultrasound tech in 2018 so attractive.

Ultrasound Technologists work in the following places:

  • Imaging Facilities
  • Large Hospitals
  • Doctor’s Offices / Private Practice
  • Hospital Branded Remote Clinics
  • OB/GYN Offices
  • Ultrasound Registries
  • Corporate Healthcare
  • Mobile/On-Demand Ultrasound
  • Private Practice

While the career options for ultrasound techs keeps growing, it’s important to remember you’ll be working within in Healthcare. That means most employers may also provide excellent health benefits for you and your loved ones. For these reasons, and so many more, enrolling in an Orange County ultrasound school is an excellent career choice in 2018. Most would agree it’s not easy to find another career where you can start in less than 2 years and begin reaping the rewards so quickly.

Career Advancement – Future-proof career, great starting point

We’ve already covered where ultrasound/vascular technologists work in Southern California. But did you know that you could train to become an ultrasound technologist in just 18 months? Furthermore, it’s one that you can customize to your own needs throughout the years and the different phases of your life and training. While most ultrasound/vascular techs stay at that position for the duration of their entire careers, there are also those who continue to grow their careers.

This is exciting because it means that you’re not trapped when it comes to sonography. Most people used to only identify Ultrasound with OB/GYN and expecting mothers. This is not the case any longer. Sonography has grown and continues to grow at a rapid pace. While you won’t be shrinking anyone’s brain tumors using ultrasound while in your initial training at an Orange County ultrasound school, this doesn’t mean you can’t in the future.

Take a moment to Google the term “Ultrasound Breakthrough” (without the quotes). Then click on the ‘News’ tab in Google. Look at how many articles come up and how much of an impact ultrasound and sonography have on the world. It’s not easy breaking into any career where the opportunities are endless. Furthermore, the fact you can start with zero training and a great work ethic and positive attitude speaks volumes about the profession and its humble beginnings.

Why Hands-On Training & Clinical Internship are Important in Your Ultrasound Training

Ultrasound, unlike X-ray depends on you being able to create a proper, vivid and clear image for physicians. You’ll not only need excellent hands-on training, but also an Orange County ultrasound school that offers a great clinical internship. While we cover why clinical internship is so important in many of our articles, it’s especially important to ultrasound technician students. Getting out there and working in the field alongside a real clinical/medical team is vital. Hands-on training is also important because you’re going to need a solid ultrasound skill-set prior to ever setting foot in a clinic and working with real patients.

A good Orange County ultrasound school will have a solid faculty in place that will train and prepare you for your clinical internship. But a great ultrasound school will also clinical internship as part of their ultrasound/vascular program. This means you won’t have to find a clinical internship on your own, nor will you have to worry about meeting minimum scan/image guidelines and regulations set forth by the governing bodies.

A good ultrasound tech program will keep you engaged, will be challenging, fun and immersive. There will be times where you may feel like it’s getting tough. However, the right ultrasound school will have a solid faculty and properly-paced program which should ease this feeling.

What Makes Modern Technology School’s Ultrasound / Vascular Technologist Program Different?

Our ACCSC accredited ultrasound school has been here since 1981. Our Ultrasound/Vascular Technologist program is extremely popular, and with good reason. It’s all-inclusive, meaning your books, scrubs and pre-requisites are all built-into our ultrasound program. Furthermore, we offer clinical internship, and this is where the details count. We offer a full 1,000+ hours of clinical internship. Make sure you’re comparing apples-to-apples when choosing an Orange County ultrasound school. Some schools claim you receive months of clinical internship, yet you only get a few hours each week. This also stretches out the time you’ll spend in their program. Our Ultrasound Program dedicates its entire latter portion to clinical internship.

Our Ultrasound Technician Program can be completed in less than 1.5 years, including your clinical internship. We’re also one of the few schools that offer in-house Job Placement Assistance. If you need financial aid, it’s available to those that qualify. We work with and serve our country’s Veterans, and we’re cleared for the GI Bill.

One of the best things about our Orange County ultrasound school are the small class sizes. We also teach hands-on, in actual ultrasound labs with actual ultrasound equipment. We believe in making sure each ultrasound student gets proper attention and thorough training.

How to Enroll in an Orange County Ultrasound School in 2018

Ultrasound/Vascular Technologist program at Modern Technology School offer classes which start every 8 weeks. While this may sound often enough to delay, keep in mind that the program is extremely popular here in Southern California, with students commuting daily from as far out as San Diego and the San Fernando Valley.

Our next ultrasound class starts on January 15th, 2018!

Please contact our Admissions Advisor and get your questions answered today! We’ll walk you through the admissions process, and help you determine if our ultrasound program is the right fit and help you assess your needs! We’ll also be here to listen to you. We know how important it is for a school to understand their students. We want to know what your dreams, career goals and concerns are. Free tours of our ACCSC accredited Orange County ultrasound school are provided 5 days a week, Monday through Friday. Our friendly Admissions Advisor is here to answer your questions during the week and we’d love to hear from you.

When you’re speaking with a school whose main goal is solidifying its students’ future, and not filling chairs with warm bodies, you’ll know it. We hope to see you at Modern Technology School in 2018. We’re here to help you start your career as an Ultrasound/Vascular Tech in California and look forward to meeting you!

Call Modern Technology School at (714) 418-9100

Ultrasound Classes Starting January 15th in Orange County

Get Your Questions Answered Today!

*You can read more about our Orange County Ultrasound School by visiting us here. For more insight, and to read reviews from our students, visit us on Yelp, Facebook or Instagram! You can also follow us on Twitter and Tumblr!