Orange County X-Ray Tech School – Just 12 Months to a Career in Healthcare!

It’s not always easy finding an x-ray technician school that offers everything you need under one roof. While students’ needs differ from person to person, it’s always important to remember a few basics when searching for the best Orange County x-ray tech school. For starters, there are a few different x-ray technician schools or x-ray tech colleges in Southern California. Most of us who live here are used to a commute, both to school and to work.

Becoming an x-ray technician in Southern California starts with choosing the right school. This means you’ll have to do some research in order to ensure you’re getting the best value for your education. Furthermore, it means making sure you’ve got your questions answered before enrolling in any Orange County x-ray tech school. The last thing you want to do is choose the wrong school, only to realize it after the fact.

This simple guide will walk you through a few basics, but be sure and make a list of your own, citing what’s most important to you. Everyone’s needs are different, so keep that in mind when searching for the right x-ray technician school or program that fits your needs.

Choose an Orange County X-Ray Tech School with an All-Inclusive Program

The first thing you’ll want to do is find an Orange County x-ray tech school that offers an all-inclusive program. This means that they include your pre-requisite x-ray classes as part of their x-ray technician program. Furthermore, you’ll want to ask them if they cross-train you in medical assisting. We’ve covered the importance of medical assisting training as part of an x-ray program over and over in our articles.

Medical assisting cross-training is vital to your future success as an x-ray technician in California. Healthcare employers want to hire someone who can take x-ray images of patients. But they also want that person to be a qualified medical assistant. In the time that you’re not taking x-rays, you’ll be providing professional patient care. Moreover, you’ll help with medical assisting back-office duties such as:

  • Scheduling appointments
  • Assisting the doctor/physician during exams
  • Working with patient medical histories
  • Venipuncture and injections
  • Recording a patient’s vital signs
  • Prep & collect lab specimens and more

As an x-ray technician in CA, you have the choice to work in various clinics, imaging facilities, orthopedic care units, as well as doctor’s offices and private practices. Many of these employers like the flexibility that x-ray techs with medical assisting training offer. It allows them to fill two positions with one hire. Moreover, as a cross-trained x-ray tech, you get better job security, a bigger skill-set, and of course more career options while becoming more attractive to employers.

Find an Orange County X-Ray Tech School with Flexibility, Convenience and a Good Reputation

When we say find an x-ray technician school with flexibility, we’re not talking about one that lets you come to class late or leave whenever you want. Instead, you’ll want to find a school that offers different program options that fit your needs. If you work during the day, perhaps an evening x-ray technician class would suit you. If you’re already a medical assistant, find an Orange County x-ray tech school that offers an x-ray only class to help you step-up your Healthcare career.

Other signs you’ve chosen a great Orange County X-Ray Tech School are:

  • The x-ray tech school is located near you, and close enough to commute to
  • Your x-ray program is paced properly, allowing you to graduate quickly and begin working
  • Former students feel good about their education and leave the school positive online reviews
  • Small classroom environments & hands-on training allow for optimum learning
  • They offer both day and evening x-ray technician classes to fit your schedule
  • Social media coverage is plentiful and you have a good idea of what others are learning before you enroll
  • The Orange County x-ray tech school offers financial aid to those that qualify
  • You’re able to use the GI Bill for x-ray tech training if you’re a Veteran
  • The faculty and staff are helpful, answer questions, and have real radiology field experience
  • Job Placement Assistance and Clinical Internship are offered through the x-ray school

Make Sure Your Orange County X-Ray Tech School Offers Clinical Internship

What is clinical internship important and why is it important? For starters, clinical internship is an opportunity. You’re able to work out in the field and apply your trade. In this case, the field is radiology and your trade is taking x-rays and working with patients. A good clinical internship program will correspond with regulations and offer you a first-hand glimpse at a day in the life of an x-ray technician in California. Furthermore, it will help you build relationships within an actual working clinic, both with the staff, other experience x-ray techs, and with physicians and patients alike.

The clinical internship takes place during the latter portion of a qualified x-ray technician program. Before enrolling, it’s best that you find an Orange County x-ray tech school that offers clinical internship through their x-ray program. This is vital because it means they’ve taken the steps to build relationships with local clinics that work with their student-base. Furthermore, it means you won’t have to try and find your own clinical internship for x-ray, which can be a recipe for disaster. While this may sound simple, it’s not. There are many regulations and minimum hours/image requirements that some clinics don’t/won’t offer or adhere to.

Even if you’re taking an evening class at an Orange County x-ray tech school. You’ll eventually have to dedicate daytime hours in order to fulfill the clinical internship portion of the x-ray technician program. A good x-ray tech school will work with you in helping you plan ahead.

Find Out if You Qualify for Financial Aid for an Orange County X-Ray Tech School

Financial aid is important for many people. A good x-ray technician school in Orange County will offer financial aid to students who qualify. They should have a helpful Admissions Advisor who can answer your questions and help you download and fill out a FAFSA form.

Financial aid can sometimes make or break the opportunity for some students to attend college. Therefore it’s important to ensure that the Orange County x-ray tech school you choose offers financial aid to those that qualify. It’s also important to talk to the Admissions Advisor and ask a lot of questions. Find out what the application process is and take a look at the FAFSA form and see if you have any questions.

A good x-ray technician school will work with you to ensure you understand the ins and out of financial aid. You can also refer to this article where we dive deeper into financial aid for x-ray tech school in California.

Why an ACCSC Accredited & Long-Standing Orange County X-Ray Tech School is Important

After you’ve checked the rest of these factors off your list, the last thing to keep in mind is accreditation. When searching for an Orange County x-ray tech school, look for one that’s accredited. This means the school is regulated and not only abides by the governing laws of the accrediting bodies, but also must continue to keep up with accreditation standards and principles.

The last thing you want to do is complete your x-ray technician training and realize the school you went to wasn’t ACCSC accredited. You may have a hard time finding gainful employment for starters. But there are other concerns as well. You also run the risk of not getting the full breadth of what accredited x-ray schools teach in their curriculums. We talk a lot about future-proofing your x-ray technician career, and going to an accredited x-ray school should be at the top of your career checklist.

A Trusted & Accredited Orange County X-Ray Tech School, Since 1981

Modern Technology School has been teaching x-ray technicians and limited-scope x-ray machine operators since 1981. We’re an ACCSC accredited Orange County x-ray tech school that offers an all-inclusive program. Your books, tuition, and the cost of your first CA State X-Ray Examination is built-into your tuition. You also receive cross-training as a medical assistant as part of the same program.

Clinical internship and job placement assistance are also included! We’ve spent the last few decades building relationships with some of the best clinics employing x-ray techs in Southern California. Furthermore, our school offers financial aid to those that qualify. Want to use the GI Bill for Veterans — no problem, we’re approved!

Our safe campus is located conveniently located in Fountain Valley, CA and we offer plenty of free parking for students. Our popular x-ray technician program is a great option for new students as well as current medical assistants who only need the x-ray portion. Furthermore, our day and evening x-ray classes offer a great match for busy schedules. Work hard in order to make it convenient for you to break into radiology.

Modern Technology School offers the best X-Ray Technician Program in Orange County

Our 12-month X-Ray Technician Program offers the biggest bang for your buck in Orange County and SoCal. Read what other students are saying about it on Yelp and Facebook. Small classroom environments lend to better, faster learning. Our hands-on labs offer students a chance to work with equipment they’ll be using in the field. Furthermore, our clinical internship is well thought-out and

For those interested in moving their x-ray technician career further, we also offer a CRT Pathway assistance. We can help you navigate the road to becoming an Rad-Tech in CA and bypassing the 5-year wait at most junior college radiology programs. Call and ask our friendly Admissions Advisor about what starting as an x-ray tech before moving on to a private radiology college could do for your RadTech career timeline. For more information, you can also read this article.

Day & Evening X-Ray Tech Classes Enrolling Now for Winter 2018!

We keep our x-ray tech class sizes small. Students absorb the material faster, and instructors get more time with each student, addressing their needs. While x-ray classes start frequently at our school, they also fill up fast. We’d love to answer your questions and pride ourselves on being a little bit different than other x-ray tech schools. When you’ve been here as long as we have, you pick up on a few philosophies. One of those is to ensure that students have their questions answered before enrolling in our x-ray program.

Our friendly Admissions Advisor will walk you through the ins and outs of the x-ray technician program. We’ll help you find out if you qua financial aid and help you work on your FAFSA application. Our admissions process is streamlined and really straightforward. We look forward to having you at our Orange County x-ray tech school and helping you advance your career in Diagnostic Healthcare.

Whether you choose to go with Modern Technology School or another campus, know that we’re here to answer your questions. We also offer free tours of our safe Orange County x-ray tech school 5 days a week. Lastly, remember to go back and do some research. Our blog offers great insight as to why becoming an x-ray tech is so popular right now in California. We also discuss different career options for x-ray technicians and medical assistants who want to further their Healthcare careers. We look forward to hearing from you!

Let Modern Technology School to Get Your Questions Answered Today!

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