Ultrasound Schools – Know Your Facts About Finding the Best Sonography School in Orange County

If you’re thinking about turning to a career in Diagnostic Healthcare, you’re not alone. Sonography has seen major growth in recent years. Because of this, the need for Ultrasound Technicians that have graduated from ACCSC accredited ultrasound schools has never been greater. Furthermore, if you’re considering looking at ultrasound schools in Orange County, there are a few things to look out for and be aware of. Let’s explore what makes a difference between good Sonography Schools and the best ultrasound schools in my area.

Picking the Right Sonography Schools in Orange County

Maybe you’re not sure if Sonography is for you, or if you want to become an Ultrasound Technician. There’s a few ways to find out if a career as an Ultrasound Tech is right for you. Start by doing your research the best ultrasound schools in your area. Whether it’s online — reading blogs, maybe diving into sonography or ultrasound forums on the web — read up! You’re at a crucial place in your ultrasound education, and you’ve got the time to delve into things before choosing the best ultrasound college.

Another great way to find out if a career in Ultrasound is right for you, is by asking current Ultrasound Technicians or a working Diagnostic Medical Sonographer. Let’s face it, these folks have already been where you stand today. For instance, you wouldn’t ask a police officer about becoming a veterinarian would you? The same goes when searching for the best ultrasound schools; it’s always best to ask somebody who has been there. But where is the best place to find people working as an Ultrasound Technician or Diagnostic Medical Sonographer?

Ultrasound Schools in Your Area are the Best Place to Begin Your Search

You can find Diagnostic Medical Sonographers and Ultrasound Technicians work in the following places:

  • Ultrasound Imaging Facilities
  • Specialty Medical Centers
  • Large Hospitals with Sonography Labs
  • OB/GYN Clinics
  • Ultrasound Registries
  • Mobile Ultrasound Units

We know what you’re thinking: How am I going to have the nerve to ask a working ultrasound technician at one of these places about the best ultrasound schools in my area?

That’s where we tell you there’s an easier and much more fun alternative. It’s going to your nearest ultrasound school and speaking with the faculty.

This is a great alternative for anyone that’s interested in going to an ACCSC accredited ultrasound school or sonography college. Why? Well, you’ll be able to meet actual working ultrasound technicians and a diagnostic medical sonographer or two! It’s just a bit of valuable insight to be able to freely discuss a career in ultrasound with someone who is currently working “in the trenches” and have had the same questions.

Modern Technology School’s Ultrasound School is Accessible

While most Ultrasound Schools in Orange County may make it all about numbers and putting warm bodies in chairs, we strive to make it about the student. Our Admissions Team works hand-in-hand with students and faculty, ensuring that all of your questions are met before and during your first visit to our Orange County Ultrasound School. You’ll be able to walk through our Ultrasound Tech Program and speak to our sonography instructors.

This is a great opportunity because most ultrasound schools in Orange County will simply want you to enroll. What makes Modern Technology School different is that we’re accessible — we want to make sure a career as an Ultrasound Tech is right for you before you’ve committed to the program. Have questions about the current Sonography climate or want to speak with the faculty about our small class environments or hands-on ultrasound labs? We’d love to help you and have been dedicated to our students’ success at our Ultrasound School since 1981.

Why is Modern Technology School’s Ultrasound Program Different?

The biggest factor in what makes Modern Technology School’s Ultrasound Program in Orange County is our attention to each student. With small Ultrasound Class sizes and dedicated instructors, you get more bang for your buck. We’re a relatively smaller than most over-sized (and under-developed) ultrasound schools in OC. As such, we’re able to put more into our ultrasound technician program. This means we can focus on expediting your education and thus, career goals.

With small ultrasound class sizes, also comes some of the best ultrasound instruction in Orange County. Our instructors have and/or are currently working as Diagnostic Medical Sonographers, Ultrasound Technicians and Ultrasound / Vascular Technologists throughout the United States. We want you to ask questions and our Admissions Director is happy to answer them. We’re less concerned about stuffing warm bodies into seats at our OC Ultrasound School and more focused on helping you take and pass the Sonography Principles & Instrumentation (SPI) Examination.

Contact Modern Technology School & Let Us Answer Your Questions about Our Ultrasound Program

If you’re interested in becoming an Ultrasound / Vascular Technologist or Ultrasound Tech in California, give us a call! Most students are relieved to find out there’s an actual Admissions Director at our school instead of a robot that brushes your questions under the rug. Some Ultrasound Schools will try and simply get you to enroll, then put you through the ringer. We’d be happy to sit down with you for 15-20 minutes and discuss your Ultrasound Career goals as well as give you a tour of our Orange County Ultrasound School. You can meet our faculty and discuss our Job Placement Assistance as well as learn more about the industry.

We offer Financial Aid to those that qualify and our Orange County Ultrasound Classes start every 8 weeks!

Call us at 714-418-9100 to learn more or get started, or simply send us a message using the convenient contact form on each page. We look forward to learning more about you and helping you make an educated decision when searching for the best ultrasound schools near me!

**For more information about getting certified as an Ultrasound Technician or the Sonography Principles & Instrumentation (SPI) Examination, visit the ARDMS website. We’ll cover the cost of your first exam and help you with preparation & practice exams!