Become an Ultrasound Technologist in California in just 18 Months!

Choosing the best ultrasound technologist program and a sonography school for your needs can be tough. If you’re just starting to consider becoming an ultrasound tech in California and not sure where to begin, you’re in the right place. Because there are many ultrasound schools and programs you can choose from, we wanted to put together a simple how-to guide. Obviously, you’ll want to pick and choose your game plan based on your own specific needs. However, if you live in California, the basics covered in this article will remain constant. That said, no matter which ultrasound technologist program you choose, choose one that fits you and your needs!

Let’s talk a little bit about where you may be career-wise if you happen upon this article. For starters, you might be a recent high-school graduate, or looking to leave your dead-end job. Perhaps you’re already working in Diagnostic Healthcare and have heard that sonography is a great field. Maybe you’re a Veteran who is looking for a solid career. No matter what your motivations are, one thing’s for sure. Becoming an ultrasound technologist in California is a popular career choice in 2018, and with good reason.

While there are several different paths you can take within sonography, studying ultrasound / vascular at a reputable ultrasound school is a great place to begin. It is also the one that offers the most flexibility for people who are brand new to the healthcare field.

Creating a ‘Needs List’ Can Help You Choose an Ultrasound Technologist Program in California

First, let’s say you are serious about sonography school and becoming an ultrasound/vascular tech in California. However, you’re short on funds. You just quit your retail job or left a longterm position at a company where you’d hit the ceiling. How are you going to pay for your ultrasound technologist education? The answer could lie in acquiring financial aid for ultrasound school. So what you’ll do is add financial aid to your list. On the other hand, maybe you’ve visited with other sonography schools and weren’t so sure about their philosophy. Perhaps they didn’t teach hands-on, or made you find your own clinical internship at the end of the program. In this situation, you’d add hands-on training and built-in clinical internship to your list.

This is the best way to begin your search for the best ultrasound technologist schools in California. This way, when you’re out there and considering different ultrasound programs, you know what your needs are. You already have your questions in-hand, and you won’t be sidetracked by a fancy marketing campaign or fast-talking admissions rep. Take a moment now to create a list of what matters to you most, and what your needs are. When you’re ready, we’ll continue with the rest of the game plan…

Narrowing Down the Best Ultrasound Technologist Schools & Meeting with Admissions

This is rather self-explanatory, but it’s important to walk students through the process. Once you’ve got your specific needs on paper, the next thing to do is begin your search. There are plenty of places to start your search, but today, most start on the Internet. The good news is, there are plenty of ways to look at a school before even calling, in order to get a better idea of their ultrasound program(s).

Here are some helpful hints & great places to get you started on your search:

  • Google is your friend. Conduct a search of the Ultrasound Technologist School you want to attend — follow the links!
  • Check out the school’s website. You’d be surprised how much info is already loaded on an ultrasound school’s site. On the other hand, if the site is vague, maybe there’s a reason. This doesn’t mean you should write them off, but definitely follow-up with the school directly and get your question(s) answered.
  • Research the school’s reviews online. Sites like Yelp, Facebook and Google+ all offer unbiased reviews from people who have stood in your shoes.
  • Reach out to former students who have taken the ultrasound technologist program at the school. Most are willing to help a fellow student. Ask them questions and for pointers. See what they enjoyed about the ultrasound program and what they didn’t like so much. Again, these folks have been exactly where you are right now, so make it count!
  • Take a look at the ultrasound school’s social media channels. Are they updated? What does the student morale look like? Do they offer insight in their captions and comments and interact with other students? Social media is becoming more and more the norm for communication, especially among students, so dive in head-first.
  • Remember, the Admissions Dept. at sonography schools is there to answer questions, not just get your enrolled. That said, ask a lot of questions.
  • Take a tour of the ultrasound technologist school. Most schools offer free tours and hassle-free consultations.

Admissions & Enrolling in an Ultrasound Technologist Program in California

This is a great time to discuss admissions and enrolling in a program. First, let’s discuss the roll of Admissions and how you should interact. Perhaps you’ve already met with one or two admissions reps at different ultrasound schools in Orange County. Admissions Rep A is friendly, outgoing, loves to answer questions and genuinely wants to help you choose the right path for your career. He/she seems like they aren’t pushing you, rather, they are giving you all the information and insight you need in order to make an educated needs-based decision for yourself. On the other hand, we meet Admissions Rep B. He/She seems like they’re looking at you as just another warm body in a chair, and are pushing you hard to sign enrollment forms on the spot.

Needless to say, in this situation, we’re all probably smart enough to figure out what’s going on. Unfortunately, when it comes to being pressured on the spot, some of us make unexpected decisions. So we wanted to take a moment to address this, and to remind you that this is your decision. Because we meet with many students who have met Admissions Rep B, we wanted to to also remind you to take your time and to use your list. Follow the facts and your needs when choosing the right sonography program. However, it’s true that our instincts also play a major role. That said, see what kind of vibe you get from Admissions and the enrollment process.

Other Benefits to Ask About For When Choosing the Best Ultrasound Technologist School for Your Needs

Now that we’ve covered some of the basics and starting points, lets address educational and institutional factors. Let’s start with location. Is the ultrasound technologist school near you, or are you open to commuting? What about financial aid? If you need some help paying for your education, it’s important to find out if the school offers financial aid to those who qualify. Make sure the ultrasound school is accredited. This is important because accredited schools have to answer to a higher authority and are governed by licensing laws handed down by the State of California.

Furthermore, find out the length of the ultrasound tech program. Do they include your clinical internship as part of the ultrasound/vascular technician program? Clinical internship is a huge part of your success in creating good images that physicians can read. Knowing how to create good, clear images and scanning different types of patients is important. Ask them how long internship lasts, but also find out how many hours they offer. One ultrasound school may offer 5 months with a low hourly-count, whereas another school will offer 3-4 months with a lot more actual hours.

Final things to consider when searching for an ultrasound program near you:

  • Does the ultrasound technologist school offer job placement assistance?
  • What about the cost of textbooks and scrubs — are they included in your tuition?
  • Is parking sparse and how much does it cost?
  • Are you one of our beloved United States Veterans? Do you plan on using the GI Bill for your sonography education?
  • Do they teach ultrasound hands-on, in real-life labs or do you learn strictly in classrooms or online?
  • Are class sizes kept small or do they stuff their student roster, making it difficult for individuals to learn and ask questions?
  • What is the faculty like at this school? Have they stood in your shoes before?

Modern Technology School’s Ultrasound Technologist Program Offers 1,000+ Hours of Clinical Internship

We’ve been teaching diagnostic healthcare since 1981. Since then, we’ve always held a students first philosophy. That’s why our Ultrasound / Vascular Technologist Program includes clinical internship — a whopping 1,000+ hours of it. This means you’ll get the hands-on scanning experience you need in order to get out there and hopefully succeed as an ultrasound technologist in the real world. It also means that you’ll have plenty of time, between our small class sizes and hands-on labs, to perfect your technique. We keep our class sizes small as part of our commitment to students — we want every student to have the opportunity to learn, ask questions, absorb the material quickly.

Furthermore, our Ultrasound Technologist Program in Orange County includes books, scrubs and plenty of free parking. We have onsite job placement assistance. We offer financial aid to those who qualify and accept the GI Bill for all sonography students. Our ACCSC accredited school is a great place to learn ultrasound in Orange County and is accessible by all major freeways. Students commute to our school from as far out as San Diego each day. Some schools pack their classrooms then skimp on clinical internship because there aren’t enough spots open in the clinics for all of their students to get in a large amount of hours. On the other hand, we keep class sizes small so that you have a better opportunity at a great future in sonography. We believe that stands for something.

When Do Ultrasound Tech Program Classes Start?

Our ultrasound/vascular technician classes start roughly every two months in Orange County. That said, because they are so popular and because we keep class sizes small, they do tend to fill-up quickly. If you want a change of careers, want to leave your current job, or simply have dreamed of getting into sonography since you can remember — we’d love to meet you! Our friendly and helpful Admissions Advisor is here 5 days a week to help you find your way.

Have questions? No problem — we’re here to help. Whether you choose our Ultrasound/Vascular Technologist program or one at another school — we’d love to meet and discuss your needs. If you’re short on time, we can also speak over the phone and get your questions answered quickly. Our admissions process is straightforward and streamlined to get you on the fast-track to learning about sonography. We’ll also answer your questions about financial aid and help you find out if you qualify.

There aren’t many professions out there which allow you to get your start with as little as a high school diploma. Becoming an ultrasound technologist in California is one of them. Give us a call today or fill out our handy green contact form and our Admissions Advisor will reach out to you. Our next Ultrasound Technologist Program classes start on March 12th in Orange County. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you fast-track your success in sonography!

Call Modern Technology School & Ask for Admissions

Available 5-Days a Week at (714) 418-9100

Ultrasound Technologist Classes Start March 12th in Orange County

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