X-Ray Technician Course in Orange County – An All Inclusive 11 Month X-Ray Tech Program in California

Taking an x-ray technician course is a pretty unique opportunity. Where else can you jump into a career in healthcare in just 11 months with as little as only a high school diploma? California is also one of the states where most diagnostic healthcare employers want limited x-ray techs to also have a medical assisting background. This not only helps the clinic with their patient load, but also often provides x-ray technicians with more clock hours. Furthermore, being an x-ray tech in California offers a lot of unique opportunities. For instance, you have a lot of choices with regards to where you may be able to find work as an x-ray tech. Moreover, you can generally find employment in a place that matches your schedule, hours and shift preference.

If you’ve been following our articles, you may recall our conversation with Adam Cooper, XT. Adam is an X-Ray Tech instructor and Radiation Safety Officer at Modern Technology School in Orange County, CA. In the article (linked above), Adam walks us through a Day in the Life of an X-Ray Technician in California. He also walks us through how he set his own schedule while working as an x-ray tech and medical assistant in various clinics in Southern California.

That said, the best place to begin is by enrolling in an x-ray technician course at an ACCSC accredited school. Let’s explore how to find the best x-ray tech program for your needs and how x-ray schools differ in California.

An X-Ray Technician Course May Vary from School to School & Program to Program

Here in California, an x-ray technician course may vary from school to school and program to program. No matter which school you choose, or what x-ray technician course you enroll in, make sure you’ve got your facts right. For starters, find an accredited diagnostic healthcare school. This means that school answers to a higher power and is regulated by the State of California’s education standards. Also, it means that you won’t be one of the few people who finish their x-ray tech training and then learn the hard way that their school wasn’t accredited, after the fact… trust us, this happens frequently, and we’ve met a few of those poor souls.

Luckily, a great way to start your search is to begin researching x-ray technician schools in your area. You can jump on your favorite search engine and search for x-ray technician school near me or any one of the many search terms that will help you find the best x-ray tech program in your area. That said, be ready to take some notes for comparison and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Some initial things to consider are the location of the x-ray tech school and their x-ray curriculum. Also find out if they teach in small-classroom environments as well as hands-on, in real-life radiology labs. This is important and based on your own learning style, you can find an x-ray technician course which satisfies your specific needs.

Finding an All-Inclusive X-Ray Technician Course: You Must be a Good Medical Assistant to Become a Great X-Ray Tech

Another key factor to finding the best x-ray technician course for you is to find an all-inclusive x-ray tech program. All-inclusive means that you get more than just the basic x-ray technician training, and possibly more depending on the x-ray program.

For instance, some radiology schools offer medical assisting training combined with their x-ray tech program. As mentioned above, we’ve covered why this is important in other articles. The key thing to remember is that to be a great x-ray technician, you’ve also got to be a good medical assistant. It’s also wise to keep in mind that employers here in California really want these x-ray tech hybrids. Not only do you get to help with the patient-load at the clinic, but it keeps you on the clock, long after x-raying a patient. Another great thing to keep in mind is that your career in healthcare depends on your foundation and fundamentals. You’ll learn the basics of professional patient care and get acquainted with how a clinic works. Furthermore, you’ll be able to interact with patients and learn how to help them quickly & effectively.

That said, choose an x-ray technician course that offers the medical assisting cross-training as part of the curriculum. More and more healthcare employers are expecting you to have MA training, especially here in California. When searching for the best x-ray technician course for your needs, always as if the medical assistant training is included.

What do Medical Assistants do, why is it part of the X-Ray Technician Course and will I be doing this all day?

Here in Orange County, California, a medical assistant’s job is pretty clear. However, keep in mind that the workload & work-flow will differ, clinic-to-clinic and from job-to-job. That said, as an x-ray technician in California, a big part of your job also relies on your medical assisting training.

To understand this, let’s take a look at what a medical assistant professional does here in California:

  • Interacts with patients and usually makes first-contact
  • Sets patients at-ease and initiates the clinic’s process
  • Takes vital signs and walks through patients’ medical history
  • Collects lab specimens, prepares specimen for testing
  • Performing routine injections and venipuncture
  • Assists the physician during exams & more!

The important thing to keep in mind when you’re reading this is that the workload & work-flow will differ based on where you choose to work. In the article we linked above, Adam did a great job of explaining how he chose where he wanted to work based on his needs. Because x-ray technicians have several options for where they can work, be sure to choose a job based on your needs.

Furthermore, look for an opportunity that aligns with your schedule and the hours you enjoy working. For instance, you can choose to work early AM if you’re a morning person or go to school at night. Or, you can choose to work swing-shift if mornings just aren’t your thing. Moreover, you can find a clinic that wants a sleeper-tec or weekend shift if you’ve got other commitments during the week.

What Other Things Should I Look Out for When Searching for the Best X-Ray Technician Course Near Me?

We get this question a lot from students that live in other states and are thinking of relocating. That’s why it’s wise to create a short list of the things that are most important to you and your specific needs. There are always more than a few things to consider when searching for the best x-ray tech program. For instance, the cost of tuition. Is the x-ray technician course affordable? How much does it cost for the medical assisting training, or is it included? What about the cost of textbooks, scrubs and parking? How much will it cost to take my California State X-Ray Examination? How about the cost of sitting for the Medical Assistant exam? These are all valid concerns to have when searching for an x-ray technician course.

If you think you’ll need financial aid, find out if its available at your x-ray technician school. If you’re a Veteran, ask if they accept the GI Bill and whether or not they offer small perks like free parking. Some schools also have great career services, where you can get help with resumes, cover letters, interviews, etc. These are all valid things to consider when choosing the best x-ray tech school. Finally, remember that time matters. How long is the x-ray technician course and does the school offer evening classes? What if you’re currently a medical assistant in California — will your medical assisting credits transfer over?

*Remember, you want to find an x-ray school that feels right for you.

Modern Technology School is ACCSC Accredited & Offers an 11 Month X-Ray Technician Course in Orange County, CA

Modern Technology School is an x-ray technician school in Orange County, California. We’ve been teaching x-ray and radiography since we opened our doors in 1981. There have been many changes both in the industry and on the education-side since we started. We’ve been lucky enough to have an amazing faculty who cares about our students. Our philosophy includes teaching to small class sizes, that way, everyone has a chance to learn. You also are able to absorb the material quickly. Furthermore, our x-ray technician course is an 11 month program, start to finish. We also offer evening classes and x-ray tech only classes for current medical assistants who want to transition into radiology.

Our Job Placement is in-house, and we love helping students and grads with all of their career-based needs. Take a look at what other students are saying and the services available to current students and graduates. We offer financial aid for our x-ray technician course to those that qualify, and gladly accept the GI Bill!

What Are Some Other Benefits of Modern Technology School’s X-Ray Technician Course?

Our all-inclusive x-ray technician course is priced moderately and includes the cost of books, scrubs, and your first state exam! We’re located centrally in Fountain Valley, CA and accessible by all major freeways, making it easy to commute to school. Furthermore, we offer fast-paced, focused x-ray tech training for students who are passionate about their careers. Our x-ray tech classes generally start every couple months here in Orange County. While it may be tempting to wait, keep in mind that they fill-up fast because of our small class sizes. That said, there’s no better place in Orange County to study to become an x-ray tech in California.

If you’re one of the many students we meet each year who want to take advantage of the growth spurt in urgent cares and small clinics throughout Southern California, we can help! Our friendly Admissions Advisor is here 5-days a week and would love answer your questions. We make the entire process simple and work to help you understand the x-ray technician course before enrolling. Lastly, we offer free tours and love walk-ins. If you have questions, give us a call us at the number below. You can also send us an email using the green contact form and we’ll get back to you quickly! We look forward to meeting you and helping you become an x-ray technician in California! Remember, our next X-Ray Tech class starts April 16th right here in Orange County!

Call Modern Technology School & Ask for Admissions

(714) 418-9100

Day & Evening X-Ray Technician Course Available in Orange County

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