Finding the Best X-Ray Tech Program & Radiography School Near You

Choosing the best radiography school in Southern California shouldn’t be something you have to second guess. We wanted to create a helpful guide, since there are many different x-ray technician programs to choose from. Furthermore, it’s important to know what to look for when finding an x-ray tech class that fits your needs. There are several factors to consider and unfortunately it’s not always easy to see the truth about a radiography school without doing the necessary digging. Because marketing campaigns and ads aren’t very transparent, we update articles regularly in order to keep prospective x-ray tech students in the know.

That said, when you want to find the best radiography school near you, there’s a simple formula to follow. Let’s explore finding the best x-ray technician program, as well as how you can ensure you’ve selected the best school for your needs.

Radiography School 101: Get the Facts Before Your Visit

A good rule of thumb is to do some searching online before you select a radiography school to visit. Moreover, as we’ve expressed in other articles, you should make a list of factors important to your specific needs. Because every student’s needs will vary based on your own lifestyle, it’s important to create a list of what’s important to you. Moreover, it’s vital that into account, a detailed comparison of every radiography school you’re thinking of applying to.

Let’s cover some of those factors that may affect your decision when choosing the best x-ray technician program:

  • Make sure the x-ray tech school is accredited by the ACCSC. This means they answer to a higher authority and have to abide by set standards governed by the State.
  • Check online review sites and social media channels to see what others are saying about the radiography school & x-ray program
  • Consider factors like cost of tuition for x-ray technician school — do you need financial aid?
  • Are you a US Veteran who wants to get into Diagnostic Healthcare? Can you use your GI Bill at the x-ray technician school?
  • What about the commute? Ask yourself, is the x-ray technician school near me? If not, how far are you willing to drive to x-ray tech classes each day?
  • Job Placement can be an important factor when choosing the best x-ray tech school for your needs. Does the radiography school offer in-house career help?
  • How long is the x-ray technician program and does it include clinical internship as part of its curriculum?
  • Is the x-ray technician course all-inclusive? Also, does it include Medical Assisting as part of the standard x-ray tech courses?
  • Do you need to take x-ray technician classes at night? Does the radiography school offer an evening x-ray technician class?
  • If you’re a current medical assistant, can you take the x-ray technician portion only?
  • Are books and scrubs included in your tuition? Furthermore, look into small fees that add up, such as parking.

Call the Radiography School and Speak with Admissions

Once you’ve narrowed down your list of x-ray technician schools, it’s vital to contact Admissions at the x-ray tech schools in order to get a sense of their program. This is important because every radiography school is different. Furthermore, some x-ray tech colleges look great on paper, while others don’t have much of a presence at all, yet could be great institutions. In order to further your chances at finding the best radiography school for your needs, you should call and speak with admissions. The Admissions Department at any radiography school should be able to give you a good sense of what the school and x-ray tech program are all about. As such, they should also give you a small peek into the x-ray technician school’s culture and philosophy.

Do they seem eager to help you and answer all of your questions thoroughly? Perhaps they seem like they just want a lot of warm bodies in chairs and are being pushy with getting you enrolled? While every Admissions rep hopes to have you to enroll in their x-ray tech program, you should never feel pressured. A good Admissions rep will act more as an advisor and assist you with finding the best radiography school for your specific needs. So take the list you’ve created, based on the factors listed above which are most important to you, and ask away! It’s important to ask a lot of questions, because you’re dealing with your future in x-ray and radiography.

Take a Tour of the Radiography School Near You

Once you’ve chosen a radiography school to interview, or have made contact with a few schools, it’s time to narrow down your list. A great place to start is by taking a free tour of the x-ray technician school and getting a feel. Furthermore, it’s important to visit the school because you’ll see what it will be like coming in each day. You can get a good sense for traffic, as well as their x-ray tech program. You can also take stock on their x-ray technician training philosophy. Do they teach hands-on? Are their class sizes kept small enough to where every student has a chance to learn?

Does the radiography school offer a digital x-ray tech class, and do they have a range of x-ray machines? You’ll want to be able to use older machines as well as newer ones. The reason for this is since that places you’ll work may not have the latest in x-ray equipment. What about the medical assisting cross-training — ask admissions to explain to you why this is important for your radiology career.

Finally, a face-to-face sit down with the Admissions Department allows for easy Q&A. You should be able to walk them through your needs list and see what their radiography school can offer. Your goal is to get the most value for your tuition. Also, if financial aid for x-ray tech school is important to you, this is a great time to ask about the FAFSA application.

Modern Technology School: Teaching Radiography to X-Ray Techs Since 1981

If you’re looking for the best x-ray technician program in Orange County, look no further. We’ve been training x-ray techs since 1981, and a lot has changed since that time. We’re an ACCSC accredited x-ray technician school and you can learn more about us here. We have employ a compassionate x-ray tech faculty that cares about your x-ray tech education and future in radiography. Our classes are taught hands-on, and we keep class sizes small so you can absorb the material quickly. We offer financial aid to those who qualify and accept the GI Bill for US Veterans.

Moreover, our x-ray technician classes are extremely popular here in Southern California due to their structure. We combine medical assisting and x-ray tech, so that you are more desirable to employers who demand a well-rounded XT. Because we understand that actual experience is vital to your success, we include clinical internship as part of our x-ray tech program. We have an in-house Job Placement Assistance and textbooks & scrubs are included! Your tuition also covers the cost of your first CA State Medical Assisting and X-Ray Tech examinations.

If you’re considering becoming an x-ray technician in California and live near Orange County, we’d love to meet you! Our friendly and helpful Admissions Advisor will take the time to answer your questions.

Our X-Ray Technician program is available in 3 Formats:

If you’ve been considering going to radiography school in Orange County or live in Southern California, there’s never been a better time to consider your options. We recently also conducted this interview with our very own, Adam Cooper, XT. Take a moment to read the article and learn about all of the options you have working as an x-ray tech in California. He also explains the need for medical assisting knowledge and how it relates to being a great x-ray technician. Lastly, keep in mind that not every x-ray tech program or radiography school is right for everyone. We’ll take the time to help you decide whether or not we fit your needs, and if not, there’s never any hard feelings.

The quickest way to reach us is to call us and ask for Admissions. You can also fill out the handy green contact form this page. Our Admissions Advisor reach out to you personally in order to get your questions answered. We hope this guide has been helpful and that it helps you find the best radiography school for your needs!

Call Modern Technology School & Ask for Admissions

Available 5-Days a Week at (714) 418-9100

Our Radiography School Offers 3 Types of X-Ray Tech Classes

Start April 16th in Orange County

We offer Free Tours 5-Days a Week & Walk-Ins are Welcome!

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