X-ray Technician Night Course at Modern Technology School: Become an X-ray Tech in California in 2020!

Have you long considered becoming an X-ray Tech in California but lack the time for a daytime class? Perhaps you have other obligations such as a day job or family which occupy your mornings and afternoons. We’ve been training X-ray Technicians and Diagnostic Healthcare professionals since 1981, right here in Orange County. Since then, we’ve met many people who wanted to enroll in our standard X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program, but just didn’t have the time. This is truly why we’ve created the X-ray Technician night course here at Modern Technology School.

We’re proud to now offer the same benefits of our daytime classes to our evening X-ray Tech students. Moreover, students in our evening class can also begin with no prior experience or pre-requisites to begin training! Because we’ve been the game for close to 40 years, we know what works, and what Healthcare employers are looking for. That’s why we include Medical Assistant cross-training to all of our XT students at no additional cost!

But what makes for a great X-ray Technician class? And why is the X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program at Modern Technology School one of the best in California? Let’s walk through the basics and details that will help you choose the best X-ray Tech school for your needs!

What to Know Before Enrolling in an X-ray Technician Night Course

If you’re interested in taking an X-ray Technician class during evenings, then you’re probably a little pressed for time. Perhaps you’ve got a tight schedule because of obligations such as family or work. Maybe you’re like some of our students who are working two part-time jobs during the day, and also have to tend to a little one. So let’s start with just that — time.

You’re going to want to find out what the hours for the X-ray Tech night class are. Next, see if they lineup with your tight schedule. Furthermore, don’t forget to ask about the overall duration of the evening program vs. the standard daytime class. Lastly, ask the X-ray Tech school if they offer clinical internship (we’ll cover this below). If they do, ask them what the hours for the internship are, and how it will affect your class schedule during that time.

Another little known factor that’s good to cover right at the start is finding an accredited Healthcare school. This should be at the top of your list. Accredited schools get vetted and undergo regular audits to ensure they are meeting the standards set forth by the State & accrediting bodies. MTS is accredited by the ACCSC, who are responsible for 650 post-secondary, trade and technical schools and over 150,000 students.

X-ray Technician Night Course: What Benefits Should I Expect from an X-ray Tech Evening Class?

As a student enrolled in an X-ray Technician night course, you should generally receive the same exact benefits as your daytime counterparts. Because it is effectively the same career and program you are training for, there shouldn’t be any difference when it comes to curriculum or minimum standards. Moreover, you should receive the same school perks as the daytime students receive. Below is what we provide to both our daytime and evening X-ray Tech students as part of our standard package.

Modern Technology School X-ray Technician Night Course Students Receive the Following:

  • Medical Assistant Cross-Training: Spend the first portion of your evening training as a medical assistant. California Diagnostic Healthcare providers are searching for a hybrid of X-ray Tech and Medical Assistant, so it’s imperative that you get trained and certified for both roles
  • Clinical Internship: This is another thing that some schools skimp on. You should not have to go out and look for your own internship at the end of your training. Not only is it extremely difficult and stressful, it’s especially tough to know if the clinic you find will provide you with the standards necessary for licensure in CA
  • Textbooks and Scrubs Come Standard: This is self-explanatory. Our X-ray Tech program students never have to pay out of pocket for supplies, scrubs, or their textbooks. Did we mention that on-campus parking is free as well?
  • We cover the cost of your first State Exams, both for Medical Assisting and X-ray Technician: This is a huge value; and once again, it means you’re not coming out of pocket again after tuition
  • Job Placement Assistance: Jessica in our JP Department can help you with everything from interview prep to dialing-in your resume and writing custom cover letters to ensure your best qualities are on full-display for prospective employers
  • Financial Aid is available to those who qualify — we can help you find out if you qualify, and how much you qualify for
  • We employ a compassionate faculty who has stood in your shoes before. They also know what it takes to make it out in the field today. Because we teach hands-on and in small class sizes, we’re able to answer questions with demonstration. Furthermore, our small class sizes mean you’ll absorb more of the information, and be better prepared for your future as an X-ray Tech in California

How Will Clinical Internship Affect the Hours you Spend Training in X-ray Tech Night School?

This is something a lot of X-ray Tech schools in Orange County glance over but never really get into. Remember that most clinics are generally open during the day. So how does this affect you as a student in an X-ray Technician night course? Well, for starters, you will probably have to prepare for your internship. While internship only takes place during the last portion of your training, it’s still important to have things in place so there aren’t any hiccups.

While in your clinical internship, you’ll be interning in a live clinic, working alongside staff, other more experienced X-ray Techs and physicians. You’ll learn the workflow of the clinic, work with actual patients and see what it takes to make it in the field. This is all very exciting, because remember, this is after less than one year spent in training! There’s not a lot of opportunities like this, especially in Healthcare.

However, remember that after your day at the clinic ends, you’ll still have classes in the evening. While this is only for a few months, it can be tough for some students to juggle. That’s why we recommend saving for this time, especially if you are currently working during the day. If you have questions about how internship will affect you, be sure to ask Admissions when you meet with them! They’ll help you devise a plan or offer alternatives that may work with your schedule and lifestyle.

Taking an X-ray Technician Night Course at Modern Technology School — What Makes Us Different?

If you’re curious about what makes us different, or why we’ve lasted through all the decades while other larger X-ray Tech schools in Orange County didn’t make it, you’re not alone. We get asked this a lot, and it generally comes down to one thing: our culture and ethics. We are a smaller Diagnostic Healthcare school, so we don’t have a huge overhead and can focus more on our students and their needs.

Our students-first approach to training X-ray Techs in California has always proven effective. Moreover, small class sizes mean that we don’t have to pressure students into enrolling if we’re not a good fit. We also try to pack as much value as possible into our tuition. Believe us, we know what it’s like to get nickel-and-dimed.

Give us a call if you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, and are interested in starting your education in one of our evening X-ray Tech classes. You can also fill out the green contact form on this page and our friendly Admissions Advisor will reach out to you directly. We’ll make sure you have all your questions answered. Furthermore, we also offer free tours Mon-Fri during school hours and would love to meet you in-person.

We look forward to meeting you and becoming a part of your journey in Radiology and Diagnostic Healthcare in 2020. Our next X-ray Technician Night course starts January 13th 2020. Our next daytime X-ray Tech class starts January 20th! Let’s make it a great year together!

Modern Technology School’s X-ray Tech Evening Course 

All Inclusive X-ray Tech Training Program

Next Night Class Starts January 13th

Next Daytime X-ray Tech Class Begins January 20th!

We are Committed to Small Class Sizes, So Reach Out Today!

Fill Out Our Contact Form or Call us at 714.418.9100 today!

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