Searching for the Best Radiologic Technologist Schools in CA

If you want to become a Radiologic Technologist in in Southern California, know that the radiology medical community and healthcare industry is finding the best Radiologic Tech School you can attend in SoCal. If you live in (or are plan on moving to) Orange County, then you know that you’ve got a few options, but what you may not know or might not have considered, is that not all Radiologic Technologist Schools or medical colleges are alike. There are many different factors to take into consideration when choosing the right Radiologic Tech School for your needs, so let’s start by focusing on becoming a Radiologic Technologist in California, but going beyond passing the CDPH-RHB State Examinations in order to thrive in your new career in the medical industry.

How Many Hours Do I Need to Put In to Become a Radiologic Technician in OC?

First keep in mind that there are requirements that Radiologic Technologist students have to adhere to in order to begin working as a Radiologic Tech in the state of California. At Modern Technology School, our program basics are as follows: The Radiologic Technologist course length at Modern Technology School is broken down with 1,155 Instructional Hours, and 1,443 Total Clock Hours. The Radiologic Tech course runs between 44-48 weeks with a value of 58 quarter credit hours. The Radiology Program is available in both morning & evening classes so they are extremely convenient for working students as well as single parents looking to enhance or kick-start their career(s) and MTS offers start dates that alternate every other month.

What is the Tuition to Become a Radiologic Tech?

The Radiologic Technologist course tuition & fees are $18,356 and the program includes Medical Assistant Back Office which lays out the basic fundamentals for new students, including medical terminology, medical law & ethics, anatomy & physiology, back office procedures, first aid, and BLS/CPR. The National Medical Assisting Certification Examination is offered in this portion of the course. The Radiology portion of the program covers principles radiography, x-ray positioning in the categories of Chest, Extremity & Torso skeletal, X-Ray physics, radiation protection & radio-biology, digital procedures and technical factors.

Does the Radiologic Tech Program at MTS in Orange County Offer Internship?

Yes! If you want to become a Radiologic Technologist in Orange County, internship training is provided for Modern Technology School students in Fountain Valley, Anaheim, Irvine, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Orange County, Los Angeles County and all of Southern California. The Radiologic Tech Program’s educational current syllabus includes training and practical hands-on skills that focus on providing radiology students with didactic, laboratory and clinical training needed to meet entry level positions as a Radiologic Technologist & Medical Assistant.

As a student in the Radiological Technologist Program at Modern Technology School, you will learn to perform Chest, Extremity and Torso-skeletal X-Ray procedures and a variety of Medical Assistant/Back Office procedures. Graduates will be able to provide ethical patient care, acquire critical thinking skills, & will become proficient and ready to begin your exciting career in X-Ray!

Once You Complete the Radiologic Technologist Program in Orange County

For Radiologic Technology students in OC, you will have to take a post-graduate California CDPH-RHB State X-Ray Examination in order to get licensed and begin working. Graduates of the Radiological Technology program at Modern Technology School are eligible to take the California State X-Ray Exam, in the appropriate training categories. The exam can be scheduled at multiple testing centers throughout California after graduation and it is the final step to hopefully gaining willful employment as a Radiologic Technologist. The big day is finally here and you earned the opportunity to become an Radiologic Technologist in the State of California. But how do you choose which school is the best Radiologic Technologist school in California to help you prep for the Radiologic Tech CA State Exams (CDPH-RHB), and teach you the fundamentals of your new Radiology career? Read on…

The Best Radiologic Technologist Schools in California

The road to becoming as a Radiologic Technologist or in one of the many professions within the medical field does not have to be long or covered in thorns. Instead, if you want to find the best Radiology School in California, you’ve got to do some exploring and investigating. There are plenty of X-Ray schools that promise you the world, but only a small handful can help you prepare to pass the CDPH-RHB Radiologic Technologist Examination. You will want to seek out the best X-Ray school available in SoCal and OC and get the best education & experience, from an accredited and well-known medical institution like Modern Technology School in Fountain Valley, California.

Make certain that the institution of higher learning is approved by the regulation boards and governing bodies at the state, and also accredited. You will want to inquire about what professional memberships the school has, and whether or not factors like bi-lingual study and courses in English and Spanish as well as financial aid affect your decision when choosing the best X-Ray school to fit your needs. Find out if the school offers day & evening Radiologic Tech classes to support your lifestyle and hectic schedule.

Beyond the basic prep for the California Radiologic Technologist Exams and your regular course of study, you have got to remember that healthcare in the United States and the world of Radiologic Technology is always changing. So is the need for licensed Radiologic Technologists, Medical Assistants and X-Ray experts and interns in Southern California every year. That’s why it’s vital to prep to pass the State X-Ray License Exam or CDPH-RHB as well as to partner with a Radiology School in OC that holds its faculty to the rigorous healthcare standards that California Law regulates.

Why is Modern Technology School the Best Radiology School in OC?

At MTS, we offer many different aspects that other schools are missing. Sometimes you have to look very closely or experience a ‘not so great’ experience at another school in order to truly appreciate what Modern Technology School in Fountain Valley offers its Radiology and X-Ray students. Let’s start with small classrooms and a clean & inviting, well-lit environment that is perfect to learn in. It’s safe and we offer our students all of the state-of-the-art equipment and latest procedural training.

At Modern Technology School (MTS), we not only nurture our new and current students enrolled in our X-Ray & Radiology courses, but we value the students who have already moved on to doing what they are best at, including working at imaging clinics, doctor’s offices and larger well-known hospitals throughout California. At Modern Technology School, we want to see you pass the State X-Ray Exam, but we also take pride in helping you develop the skills necessary to keep growing in the field of Radiology, long after you graduate… Modern Technology School will train you hands-on within a real-life lab setting with the best technology as well as through written material. MTS Faculty & Staff enjoy building teamwork-driven classes and creating a team environment that’s not only educational and fundamental for our students, but also fun and creative.

Modern Technology School in Fountain Valley is nationally-recognized and accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) and we are also approved by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, and our Radiologic Technologist Program is approved by the California Department of Public Health – Radiological Health Branch.

Modern Technology School is the Best X-Ray School to Prep for the CA Radiology Exam

From financial aid and tuition assistance to flexible schedules and day and evening classes, Modern Technology School works hard to set itself above the basic standards in education and remains one of the best X-Ray schools to attend in order to prep for the CA X-Ray Exams. If you need help paying for your Radiologic Tech education, Modern Technology School in Fountain Valley, CA is one of the few X-Ray schools in California that is approved and recognized by the United States Department of Education for participation in the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Pell Grants, and Federal Student Loans that can help streamline your education so that you can focus on your degree, not worry about bills and cost of tuition.

MTS offers fast-paced radiology programs in OC with hands-on learning within our evening or daytime classes which accommodate & match the busy lives of our diverse student-base. We have a clean and modern facility located centrally to the 405 freeway in the heart of Orange County, complete with several examination rooms, medical laboratories, X-Ray machines, lecture halls, computer labs, libraries as well as the latest in X-Ray, Ultrasound and vascular labs & equipment. So while our X-Ray curriculum will of course prep and help you pass the State CDPH-RHB X-Ray Exam, know that at Modern Technology School (MTS), we really love seeing our students succeed and it shows in our programs & curriculum.

Modern Technology is one of the best schools in Orange County or Los Angeles to start your career as a Radiologic Technologist. We want our students and graduates to continue learning throughout their careers in healthcare. Please call us at (888) 991-8997 to schedule a short campus tour or meet with one of our friendly admissions advisors today! If you hate talking on the phone, don’t feel bad about it, we take walk-ins as well, so feel free to drop in at your convenience this week and take a quick tour! For more info on Radiologic Technologist Program in Orange County, as well as Modern Technology School’s own accreditation and approvals, please visit us at today!