OC X-ray Tech Classes at Modern Technology School

Not a lot of people are aware that they can begin a new career in Diagnostic Healthcare in just 12 months. Our OC X-ray Tech Classes are all-inclusive. This means you don’t need any prior experience in order to begin. Moreover, you receive everything you need to begin your Healthcare journey under one tuition. Sound appealing?

We’ve been training X-ray Techs and Diagnostic Healthcare professionals since 1981 in Orange County. Our small school in Fountain Valley prides itself on hands-on training and small class sizes. Furthermore, we’re big on value; that is, ensuring you get everything you need at the best tuition prices possible!

If you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, you’re in the right place! We offer both day and evening X-ray Technician classes, and both come standard with Medical Assisting training! Let’s explore why this is important, as well as everything our OC X-ray Tech classes offer in this article…

Daytime vs. Evening OC X-ray Tech Classes

We offer both our standard daytime X-ray Tech class, as well as evening X-ray Technician classes! We understand that everyone isn’t available during the day in order to pursue a new career. Some are working in order to make ends meet, while others have family or other daytime obligations. Because of this, we offer an X-ray Tech night class in Orange County. Our night class offers the same benefits as our day classes, but you spend a little more time in the program. However, you spend less hours each evening in the X-ray Tech night class, versus daytime classes.

For those who can take part in our daytime OC X-ray Tech classes, we’d highly recommend it! The program lasts 12-months, including your Clinical Internship. Which brings us to another point — when we say all-inclusive, we mean it! Everything you need in order to start your new career as an X-ray Tech is included under one tuition! What’s more, is our tuition is priced thousands less than most schools, and many don’t even provide you with the same level of hands-on training or other benefits we’ll dive into!

OC X-ray Tech Classes: Medical Assistant Cross-Training is Included!

It’s vital that an X-ray Tech gets cross-trained as a Medical Assistant here in California. CA Healthcare employers are looking for a hybrid of XT and MA, and for that reason, we train you as both — under one program! So when you enroll in our OC X-ray Tech classes, you also get medical assisting training included! There’s no additional charge, and you only pay one tuition!

When you begin your X-ray Technician journey here with us, you begin in the MA portion of your training. We teach hands-on, our friendly instructors who have stood in your shoes before work directly with you to ensure you get a solid foundation in Diagnostic Healthcare. Cross-training as a medical assistant is vital, and is also another great tool to have in your arsenal as you build your career.

Once you complete the MA portion of your training, you move on to our dedicated X-ray Tech portion of the program. Here you’ll continue to learn hands-on, in small class sizes. Our focused OC X-ray Tech classes offer students the opportunity to ask questions. Moreover, our instructors demonstrate the answers for you and walk you through each step. These are factors that larger X-ray Tech schools can’t really offer their students.

What Benefits Do Our OC X-ray Tech Classes Include?

On top of the included Clinical Internship and Medical Assistant cross-training, you get receive a lot of other benefits here at Modern Technology School. We strive to provide students with an immersive, hands-on learning experience. Furthermore, we’ve tried to cover all the details, so that your X-ray Tech education is not distracted in any way once you begin.

Let’s take a look at the full list of benefits you receive under one tuition here at MTS:

  • Get Clinical Internship as part of the deal! You don’t have to find your own internship and hope they conform to State & licensing minimums & standards; we handle this for you.
  • You don’t pay extra for the medical assistant training! In fact, many students tell us our combined XT/MA program costs thousands less than what other Orange County schools charge for just one class!
  • Textbooks & Scrubs are included at no additional charge! Once you enroll in our OC X-ray Tech classes, you don’t pay extra for supplies or parking either! If you’ve looked at how much these costs add up at other California schools, you know how big the cost savings is!
  • Job placement assistance is also available! Jessica in our Job Placement / Career Center will help you with everything from employer meet & greets to helping you create a professional resume, cover letter, and prep for interviews!
  • Financial aid is available to those who qualify! If you have questions about how to qualify or how much you qualify for, we’re here to help! Simply give us a call at 714-418-9100 and we’ll walk you through the simple process!
  • We cover the cost of your first exams — both for X-ray Tech and Medical Assisting!
  • We offer free tutoring! This is a huge benefit as you’re tutored by our awesome faculty — not an intern or stranger!  Students often seek tutoring before heading into their clinical internships, exams, as well as to brush up on their skills before beginning a new job!

Do I Need Prior Experience to Enroll in OC X-ray Tech Classes at Modern Technology School?

You can begin your journey without any pre-requisites or prior experience! This may seem like one of the biggest secrets in Healthcare training in California, but there’s no catch! Remember, we promised an all-inclusive X-ray Technician program! That means we take you from the ground-floor, all the way to the beginning of your new career journey!

For more information, including tuition or cost, you can visit our program page, or give us a call at 714-418-9100. Ask for Admissions — our friendly Admissions Advisor is always here to help! Moreover, because we’re a small school offering small OC X-ray Tech classes, we don’t feel the need to pressure students into enrolling.

Obviously we’d be grateful to have you here! However, if either of us feel like you’d do better in another program or at another X-ray school, we’ll offer alternatives! Fill out our green contact form to be contacted and get your questions answered with ease! We look forward to meeting you and being a part of your Healthcare journey in Orange County in 2020! Evening and daytime classes start soon here in OC! We’re keeping enrollment open so give us a call and let’s take your career to the next level this year!

OC X-ray Tech Classes Start May 2020!

Start Your Career Without Any Prior Experience!

Now Enrolling for Day & Evening Classes!

Fill Out Our Green Contact Sheet for More Info or

Call Our Friendly Admissions Advisor at 714-418-9100

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