Ultrasound Schools in Orange County: Why Modern Technology School Stands Out

If you want to become an ultrasound tech in California, you’re probably online searching for the best training program near you. Ultrasound schools in Orange County all differ, so it’s vital to know what to look for. Because many people who are just starting their search might not know what’s actually available, we thought we’d put this article together to give you a feel for what’s out there. Of course, you’ll have to make your own decision as to which ultrasound class fits your needs.

Moreover, you’ll have to weight the benefits of each ultrasound/vascular school and whether it makes sense to choose one over the other. A good place to start would be to grab a pen and start jotting down some benefits you want. Next, create a secondary column with your needs. For instance, will financial aid play a role in which school you choose? What about your commute and the hours of the ultrasound class? Are you a person who wants to pay less upfront but doesn’t mind shelling out money for supplies, scrubs, books, parking, etc?  Remember to brainstorm and to keep adding to the list as you learn more.

Ultrasound Schools in Orange County: What’s the First thing I Should Look For?

The first thing you want to do when searching for an ultrasound school in Orange County, is to ensure the school is accredited. Accredited Healthcare schools offer a second set of eyes on helping safeguard your education. Just because an ultrasound school is accredited, doesn’t mean that it’s going to be the right fit. However, it’s still vital to ensure a school is accredited before enrolling, so be sure to ask Admissions or check their site for details.

Accredited schools are usually audited by a non-biased third party (the accrediting body). More often than not, the accrediting body will be responsible for monitoring everything from the curriculum to facilities & classrooms. While an accredited school isn’t a 100% safety-net for students, it is important and acts as a secondary safeguard for your education.

The accrediting body for Modern Technology School is the ACCSC. They work hard to ensure that accredited institutions continually assess and evaluate the education of their students. Furthermore, they want to ensure the school demonstrates acceptable levels of institutional, student, and graduate success. When in doubt, don’t be afraid to ask if a school is accredited. It’s vital to know if the school matches your needs and goes to great lengths in order to safeguard your future.

True or False: All Ultrasound Schools in Orange County Provide the Same Benefits to Students

This one is definitely false. Because many ultrasound schools in Orange County are private institutions, they will all differ. Moreover, each of these schools may offer the same core benefits, but differ when it comes to the details. For instance,  two ultrasound programs can both offer students clinical internship, yet one may offer more hours. This is why it’s vital to ask questions and dig deeper when going through your list of classes & programs.

Just because an ultrasound class looks great on a brochure or website, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best choice. As with all things that will affect your future, it’s important to ask, ask, ask! Don’t be afraid to ask questions and be confident when you do. After all, it’s your future & education!

To give you a baseline of what to expect, Modern Technology School offers Ultrasound/Vascular students 1,000+ hours of clinical internship. We understand that when working to actively create an image, ultrasound students need that extra time fine-tuning their craft. Therefore, we want you to feel confident in your skills before you get in the field. Other ultrasound schools in Orange County may offer Clinical Internship as part of its package, but probably not as many hours.

Ultrasound School in Orange County: How Many Months Should I Expect to be in Training?

While each ultrasound program will differ in terms of length, you can usually expect anywhere from 18-24 months of training. Some ultrasound schools in Orange County will offer an all-inclusive program. These will generally take the standard 18-24 months to complete. If you’ve already got the pre-requisites, you may find other ultrasound/vascular programs that don’t take as much time to complete. However, remember that time spent working with patients and creating that image is key. In other words, the more practice, the better off you are at succeeding in your career.

Ask yourself, do you really want to get in and out of a program in a few months, only to learn that you need more qualifications in order to begin working? What about feeling confident in knowing you can effectively create an image, no matter who (or what) you’re working with? Sometimes it’s better to spend a few extra months in class versus finding the quickest route to graduation.

Remember that all the time you spend in class, working in ultrasound labs, reading textbooks and clinical internship are often necessary for success. Furthermore, ultrasound schools in Orange County which offer quick turnaround programs may not be giving you everything you need. But what else should you be looking for? Let’s get into that below…

Modern Technology School’s 18-Month All-Inclusive Ultrasound/Vascular Technology Program

We’ve been training Diagnostic Healthcare professionals in Orange County since 1981. Since then, we’ve learned a lot about what works, and what doesn’t. Moreover, we’ve come to understand our students’ ever-changing needs, as well as matching up our Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound/Vascular Technology program with those needs.

We’ve always believed in having students pay just one tuition. One tuition that covers everything you need, from start to finish, or enrollment to graduation. Our ultrasound tech program is all-inclusive, and is just 18-months. We cover everything from textbooks, scrubs and pre-requisites, to ensuring you don’t pay extra for parking. Furthermore, we offer a staggering 1,000+ hours of clinical internship to our ultrasound technologist students.

To sweeten the deal, we pay for your first exam, and if that wasn’t enough, we’re dedicated to keeping our class sizes small. This way, everyone gets a chance on the machines, and everyone can ask questions. Our faculty works hard to demonstrate answers hands-on, and they love working right alongside our students. There’s no large lecture halls here, and we also train on both old and modern sonography equipment. You never know where you’ll work in the future, and what technology they’ll be utilizing.

Need More Help with Finding Ultrasound Schools in Orange County that Suit Your Needs?

If you need more help — we’re here to offer a helping hand. As a small school, we’re less concerned with enrollment numbers and more on finding a good fit for students (and ourselves). That said, we’re here to answer all of your questions. Whether or not you ultimate enroll here, or in another ultrasound program won’t affect the help we hope to provide to you.

We offer financial aid to those who qualify and job placement assistance to our graduates. We also start ultrasound tech classes about once every month here in Orange County. Have questions? Simply give us a call and our Admissions Advisor will walk you through with no pressure or pushiness! We look forward to being a part of your journey folks!

If You are Considering Ultrasound Schools in Orange County

Find Out How Modern Technology School is Different


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