X-Ray Technician Training in 2018: What to Look Out For and Finding the Best ACCSC Accredited X-Ray Tech School Near You

Because we’re at the start of a new exciting year in Diagnostic Healthcare, we wanted to put together a checklist for prospective x-ray technician students. Something you could use when choosing the best x-ray technician training school for your needs. Many healthcare colleges and vocational schools boast about offering the best x-ray technician training. However, there are several reasons to do your homework before committing to any x-ray tech school in Orange County or Southern California. Furthermore, because there are so many different facets to x-ray tech programs, it’s important to get into the fine details when comparing x-ray schools near you.

That said, if 2017 was any marker, 2018 is set to be another exciting year for x-ray technicians. Here in Southern California, we’ve seen new construction in urgent cares and private clinics where x-ray techs work. We’ve also seen an increase in interest in the x-ray tech career, especially considering many x-ray classes can be completed in just 12 months or less. Let’s dig into the meat and bones of what makes a good x-ray technician training school. Let’s also take some notes together on what to look out for when choosing the best x-ray tech school for your needs.

Finding an Accredited X-Ray Tech Training School is Just Part of the Search

It used to be a lot simpler when we first started our x-ray technician training back in 1981. Since then, a lot has changed. We’ve seen advances in radiology, digital x-ray, and the x-ray technician’s job itself. The first major thing to look out for when you search the web for x-ray tech schools near me should be accreditation. Accreditation shows that the schools conforms to the rigorous licensing, testing and educational standards set forth by governing licensing bodies and the State. So it goes without saying that searching for an ACCSC accredited x-ray technician school is vital.

Finding an ACCSC accredited x-ray tech school usually means that your education and the investment you’ve made is secure. While no school can guarantee your employment as an x-ray technician, attending an accredited school will have an impact on your career. You won’t get turned away from a job simply because your school didn’t have the right accreditation. Believe us, it does happen. We still meet plenty of students who come to us after realizing their x-ray technician school wasn’t accredited by the ACCSC.

That said, just be sure the x-ray technician school you choose to attend is an accredited one. You can usually ask admissions during first contact or simply look for it on the school’s website.

What’s the Best X-Ray Tech School Near Me? Should I Commute to X-Ray School?

Finding a good x-ray tech school near you should be number one on your list. However, sometimes going to the best x-ray technician school means having to commute. Let’s be honest here, if we’re talking about your education, future, and career, there may be some sacrifice involved. This may not matter as much if the choice is between two x-ray technician training schools that are nearby, but what if one is a little further out? In the end, the choice is yours to make. Essentially, you’ll have to decide whether commuting to x-ray school will make a difference.

We’ve had plenty of x-ray tech students who commute from as far out as the San Fernando Valley, San Diego and Los Angeles and Riverside areas. Are there x-ray tech schools closer to their homes? Probably. But the fact remains that you want to find the best x-ray tech school for your needs. And if that means having to commute each day for the better part of a year, it might be worth it. In the end, only you will know whether or not a commute is worth the time invested. We can say however, that a small sacrifice for a short time may pay off, especially if you feel a connection with the x-ray tech school’s program, faculty, reputation and/or culture.

Major Factors to Consider when Choosing the Best X-Ray Technician Training School

There are some other major factors to consider when selecting the best x-ray technician training school. Let’s explore some of the ins and outs of x-ray tech programs and why they’re important. Furthermore, this is a great time to take some notes, so that you can present your questions and concerns to Admissions.

Time Required to Complete the X-Ray Tech Program

How long should the average x-ray technician training program take? Well, it all depends on the x-ray tech school you select. For instance, some schools stretch out the clinical internship phase. Others will have more vacation/holiday time or offer shorter daytime hours. Evening x-ray technician classes will often take a little longer because you’ll be attending night classes, which are generally shorter hours.

The best way to find out long it takes to complete an x-ray technician training is to ask the Admissions department. Generally, most x-ray tech programs will last the better part of 1 year, or possibly a little longer. For instance, Modern Technology School’s X-Ray Technician Program, which cross-trains you as a medical assistant too, can be completed in just 11 months. While you’ve got to be dedicated, you graduate in less than a year, including clinical internship.

Clinical Internship for X-Ray Technicians

Why is clinical internship important for x-ray technicians? This is where you get to apply the hands-on skills and book knowledge as well as patient care you learned while in class. Clinical internship generally takes place during the latter portion of your x-ray technician training. It includes spending days at a local clinic that has “teamed-up” with your school’s x-ray technician program. During this vital phase, you’ll be working in an actual clinic, alongside staff, other experienced XT’s and a physician or two. Furthermore, you’ll be taking x-ray images of actual patients and applying your Medical Assisting training. Finding an x-ray tech school that offers a reputable clinical internship program is vital to your future & career in diagnostic healthcare. For more insight into clinical internship, as well as why its important, read this interview.

Check the X-Ray Tech School’s Reputation & History

The second rule of finding the best x-ray technician training is doing your research. Before meeting with an x-ray technician school, check out their online reputation. Find out what former and/or current x-ray students thought of the x-ray program. Take a look at their social media and read up on their website — ask questions. Another great way to gauge a school’s culture and morale is to speak to the Admissions officer at the school. Ask them questions. Find out if you get a pushy vibe or if they genuinely want to help you.

Good x-ray tech schools will generally show their true colors during the first conversation or face-to-face meeting. A solid x-ray technician training school won’t want you to enroll simply because they want the warm body. Most ACCSC accredited X-ray technician schools also have to answer and report to the State and licensing bodies each year. This means the right radiography school will take an active interest in their students’ success. They’ll want to make sure there’s  great fit on both ends — for both the student and the school/program.

For further insight into a school’s culture and reputation, check out their reviews on sites like Yelp. Moreover, take a look at their social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr.  see what’s going on at the school day-to-day, including their philosophy and student morale.

Does the X-Ray Technician School Offer Job Placement Assistance

This is a huge plus that a lot of prospective x-ray tech students often don’t consider. Years ago, job placement assistance wasn’t as universally-known as it is today. Many schools offered a “career center” of sorts, but they’re nothing like what students have come to expect in 2018. For instance, at Modern Technology School in Orange County, all students receive Job Placement Assistance. We have a dedicated career professional who helps students with every aspect of finding a job as an x-ray tech after graduation. We’ll help you with everything from crafting your first healthcare resume to custom cover letters and even conducting mock interviews. We also coordinate meet & greets with local Healthcare networks and employers which makes for a great opportunity to showcase your talent.

That said, find out if the x-ray technician school offers job placement. See if they’ll help with every aspect of finding your new career after graduation. Finding a job is never easy, but with the right connections, a dedication to your education and future, as well as the right training, it can be easier.

Can I Get Financial Aid & Use the G.I. Bill for X-Ray Technician Training?

Financial aid is another big thing to consider. If you need financial assistance for x-ray technician school, it’s important to speak to Admissions. The Admissions rep will generally help you fill out a FAFSA, a form for Federal Student Aid. Together, you can walk through the process to see if you qualify for financial aid. You’ll also find out how much you qualify for. A good rule of thumb is to ask, ask ask. Most accredited x-ray tech schools in Southern California offer some sort of financial aid to those who qualify. Modern Technology is one of those schools. For further information on Financial Aid, contact Admissions or visit this page.

Are Day & Evening X-Ray Tech Classes Available in Orange County & SoCal?

Daytime x-ray programs are great and usually the most popular. However, as mentioned earlier, some students really benefit from evening x-ray technician classes. Taking an x-ray technician class at night is a great way to move forward in your healthcare career. Some benefits of taking nighttime x-ray classes can be explored in this article.

A couple things to consider when taking an x-ray tech night class:

  • evening x-ray technician programs often take more time to complete due to the shorter hours spent each day
  • a nighttime x-ray course can help you maintain your level of lifestyle if you’re currently working
  • the clinical internship phase of your x-ray tech program will still take place during the day, so be prepared

The Advantages of an All-Inclusive X-Ray Technician Program

All-inclusive x-ray technician programs are what everyone wishes college was like. For starters, all-inclusive x-ray tech courses usually offer combined medical assisting and x-ray technician training. This is important, as most healthcare employers expect x-ray techs to play both roles in the clinic. Furthermore, an ACCSC accredited x-ray tech school like Modern Technology School, will offer the following in their all-inclusive x-ray tech program:

  • Books & Scrubs included in the cost of tuition
  • Cross-training as a Medical Assistant – two professions, one tuition
  • The cost of your first CA State X-Ray Exam & Medical Assistant Exam
  • Clinical Internship included — be sure to look at how many hours are offered as schools differ!

X-Ray Technician Training is a Great Career Step for Current Medical Assistants

X-ray technician training is a great option for current medical assistants. We’ve covered this a few times prior, but it’s important to remember that you have options in healthcare. 2018 is a great time to achieve your dreams and move into another part of the profession. Moving into the x-ray tech role can seem like a daunting task, but it isn’t if the school has the right program. You’ll want to look for an “X-Ray Only” category in their training curriculum. Generally speaking, as an x-ray tech, you have the ability to earn better income and have more job stability. Plus, since you’re already a medical assistant, you’ll have both skills California healthcare employers desire.

For more info on becoming an x-ray technician if you’re already a medical assistant, read this article.

Call Modern Technology School and Get the X-Ray Technician Training You Deserve in 2018

Modern Technology School has been offering the best x-ray technician training since 1981. We’re an ACCSC accredited school and offer the best of both worlds in our all-inclusive X-Ray Tech / Medical Assistant Program. Furthermore, we’ve spent the last 37 years perfecting the science of x-ray education. From our students-first philosophy, to our dedicated and compassionate faculty, we offer the best x-ray program, bar-none.

Our x-ray technician training classes start every other month here in Orange County. We serve and train x-ray techs from all over Southern California. Many people love us because of our accreditation, reputation within the industry and our simple admissions process. Did you know you only need a high school diploma in order to enroll? Well, that and determination. Our x-ray technician program is popular, so classes fill-up fast. We keep class sizes very small and offer hands-on training in order to ensure your success.

Our Admissions Advisor isn’t some pushy guy who runs numbers all day. We want students that want to achieve and succeed as x-ray technicians. We’ll answer your questions, learn about your goals and address your concerns. Give us a call to start your next adventure in Diagnostic Healthcare today. We’re here for you and look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your goals in 2018. Our next daytime class starts in February and our evening x-ray class starts late January — call us today to get started!


(714) 418-9100 or Fill Out Our Contact Form

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