Combined All-Inclusive X-ray Technician and Medical Assistant Class in Orange County

We meet hundreds of students each year who want to become a Medical Assistant in California. That said, about 99% of them are unaware that we also offer an all-inclusive X-ray Tech course designed to provide Medical Assisting training as part of the curriculum. Moreover, our combined X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant class is often less expensive than the standalone medical assisting classes at other colleges and Healthcare schools.

This is an exciting time to take advantage of all the opportunities in Diagnostic Healthcare in California. We want to make students aware that there are several options for those considering a career as a medical assistant. For instance, did you know that most California Healthcare employers are seeking a hybrid of X-ray Tech & Medical Assistant?

Furthermore, we want students to be aware of what’s available in terms of Medical Assisting and X-ray Tech training classes. This way, they don’t simply rely on the most inexpensive option or the first Medical Assistant school they meet with.

Medical Assistant Class, or X-ray Technician Classes with Medical Assistant Training Combined?

Many students who come to us in hopes of enrolling in our medical assistant class, are not aware that we also offer a combined X-ray Tech / Medical Assistant program in Orange County. They’ve often researched other medical assisting schools and have found that the X-ray Tech program is pricey. Moreover, many simply want an ‘in’ into the world of Diagnostic Healthcare. They want to get their foot in the door, and move forward from there.

When we tell students that we offer a combined X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant class, their eyes light up. Not only does it offer a cross-training curriculum, where you get more experience and arrows in your quiver, but 9 times out of 10, it’s also less expensive than most standalone medical assistant training courses here in Orange County. Because we’re a smaller Healthcare school, we’re able to offer better tuition fees and more focused training.

We also get feedback from a lot of students who are seeking a medical assistant class. Many have been told by other colleges or schools that they need to take the MA course prior to coming back and enrolling in the school’s X-ray Tech program. This is unfortunate, as not only does it prolong your training and wait time, but it also raises the cost of your education. So what’s the answer?

12-Month All-Inclusive X-ray Tech / Medical Assistant Class at Modern Technology School

So what makes our 12-Month all-inclusive X-ray Tech / Medical Assistant class different? For starters, it’s a combined curriculum. This means you’ll be trained as both an X-ray Technician, and as a Medical Assistant. You can sit for the National Certification Exam and it’s proctored right on campus. What’s more, is that we include everything you need in order to begin your career!

What does the 12-Month combined X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant Class include?

  • Get X-ray Tech training and Medical Assistant Cross-Training under one tuition cost
  • Pre-requisites are all part of the curriculum; you can start with no prior Healthcare experience!
  • We cover the cost of your textbooks, scrubs, and first exams!
  • Small class sizes — we want to provide focused & detailed hands-on training!
  • We include your Clinical Internship at the end of your training — this is vital!
  • We offer a day and evening X-ray Tech program and Medical Assistant Class
  • Financial Aid is available to those who qualify!
  • Job placement assistance is provided – we help with resumes, cover letters, interviews & more!
  • It’s a 12-Month program — you can begin your job search as soon as you pass your exams!
  • Modern Technology School is accredited by the ACCSC

Why is Clinical Internship Important When it Comes to Choosing an X-ray Tech or Medical Assistant Class in Orange County

Your clinical internship is the time you’ll spend interning in a live clinic. It usually takes place at the end of your training class, and is part of your education. Many Healthcare schools offer a clinical internship. However, keep in mind that they may be impacted or simply offer the minimum amount of hours and/or scans as dictated by the State and licensing bodies.

At Modern Technology School, we go the extra mile for our students. In fact, we try and pack in as many hours, images, and time spent in clinical internship as possible. Because it’s vital to your career as a Medical Assistant and X-ray Technician in California. When you enroll in our X-ray Tech or Medical Assistant class, clinical internship is included at no additional charge. We’ve been here since 1981 and have made great connections with local clinics and medical offices where you’ll intern.

X-ray Technician & Medical Assistant Class: The MTS Difference

We feel that students should get as much as possible for their tuitions. We want students to graduate fully-trained and competent in their field of study. While it’s only 12-months long, our X-ray Tech / Medical Assistant class is one of the first of its kind. You receive training in two careers, which is an excellent bonus. Furthermore, this makes you more attractive to prospective employers. Who doesn’t want someone with more skills under their belt?

Lastly, we’re a small Orange County Healthcare School. We’ve always prided ourselves on hands-on training and keeping an open line of communication with our student-base. Not only do we try to offer students more for their money, but we want them to be able to ask questions, and to have answers demonstrated by our hard-working faculty.

Orange County X-ray Tech and Medical Assistant Class: How Do I Enroll?

We try and keep things simple as far as enrollment goes. The process itself is simple & streamlined. Students should have a high school diploma. You will need to pass a Wonderlic Test (there are many samples online). You’ll be able to sit down face-to-face with our friendly Admissions Advisor. He’ll take his time to answer your questions and ensure you’re confident about your future before enrolling in our X-ray Technician or Medical Assistant class.

Furthermore, because we’re a small school, we don’t need to pressure students to enroll. If there’s a good fit, then great — we’d be ecstatic to have you! If not, there’s never any hard feelings here. We want students to leave our campus happy and confident that they’re making the right choice.

While we are less expensive than most larger Healthcare schools in Orange County, we also offer the most bang for your buck. If you’re considering becoming a Medical Assistant, or an X-ray Tech / Medical Assistant, we can help! Simply fill out the green contact form on this page and we’ll reach out to you to answer your questions!

X-ray Technician and Medical Assistant Classes at Modern Technology School: When Do Classes Start?

Our classes generally start about once every other month here in Orange County. Because we keep class sizes small, they often do fill-up quickly. If you are passionate about your future in Diagnostic Healthcare, we’d love to hear from you!

You can reach Admissions at 714-418-9100 Monday through Friday! We’re always here to provide free tours and walk you through both our X-ray Tech and Medical Assistant class and program curriculums!

We look forward to having you be a part of our Diagnostic Healthcare school and becoming a part of your journey!

Come Learn About our Combined & All-Inclusive

X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant Class

Get Everything You Need to Begin Your Career!

Get Medical Assisting & X-ray Tech Training

We’re Here to Answer Your Questions with No Pressure!

Reach out to us & follow on Yelp, YouTubeInstagram & Facebook!