Enrolling in X-ray Tech Classes in Orange County and the Need for X-ray Techs in Southern California

If you’re interested in becoming an X-ray Tech in California, there’s never been a better time! Modern Technology School has been here since 1981 and as one of the best X-ray Technician schools in Orange County, we’ve made a lot of contacts within the industry along the way. We get a lot of calls from both physicians and clinic managers asking for more X-ray Tech grads. But which X-ray Tech classes in Orange County should you enroll in?

In today’s current Healthcare job market, it’s as though there are more jobs than there are licensed X-ray Techs in SoCal. That said, we’re putting the word out that there’s never been a better time to enroll in X-ray Tech classes in Orange County. For starters, let’s cover where X-ray Technicians work in Southern California. Moreover, we’ll explore the fundamentals of the career and our Orange County X-ray Tech program.

Finally, we’ll explore what makes our Orange County X-ray Tech class stand out among other options. We’ll also learn about specifics of what an X-ray Technician does here in California. Find out what Healthcare employers expect and what you should look for when searching for the best X-ray Tech classes in Orange County.

X-ray Tech Classes in Orange County: Take a 12-Month Course & Start with No Prior Experience

Our 12-month X-ray Tech classes in Orange County are extremely popular because of all the built-in benefits. It’s true that there isn’t a better value out there in X-ray Technician education in Southern California. In fact, our X-ray Tech program is actually two classes in one — you get Medical Assistant training as part of the curriculum! Furthermore, we also offer built-in clinical internship, meaning you don’t have to find your own!

Lastly, we cover all the basics of professional patient care. All your pre-requisites are built-into the curriculum. This means you can get started without any prior Healthcare experience. However, you do need a high school diploma or equivalent in order to enroll.

We’ve met plenty of students over the years who were ecstatic to learn that we combine the medical assisting with X-ray tech training in our program. Because we understand that tuition costs are a big deal and deciding-factor for many students, we keep our costs low. Our X-ray Tech classes in Orange County are often thousands less than what other schools charge. Moreover, tuition for the combined program is often on-par with just a single X-ray or Medical Assistant class at other Orange County schools.

The Need for X-ray Tech Grads in SoCal: Why It’s a Great Time to Enroll in X-ray Tech Classes in Orange County

We often get calls from local Orange County and Los Angeles physicians and clinic managers whom we have relationships with. They’re asking if we have any X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant grads available for work in OC or LA County clinics. If you live locally, you’ve probably noticed the recent boom in places where X-ray Techs work:

  • Urgent Care Clinics
  • Orthopedic Offices
  • Private Practice
  • Sports Medicine Clinics
  • Satellite Clinical Sites
  • Imaging Facilities
  • Corporate Healthcare Facilities
  • Doctor’s Offices

In the last decade, urgent care clinics have really taken off. This is just one of the places X-ray Technicians work here in SoCal. You’ve probably noticed how many urgent care clinics have popped up as of late; there’s one on every corner around town.

That said, there’s never been a better time to enroll in X-ray Tech classes in Orange County. Whenever you have a need for a specific position, there’s always going to be some benefits. The current demand for licensed XT’s in SoCal may drive-up the pay rate, and/or provide more job security. Of course, things like pay and job security can never be guaranteed. However, it’s always better to be in-demand than to come into an oversaturated job-market. Also, the fact that you can start now and be an X-ray Tech at this time next year, makes it that much more attractive!

Modern Technology School’s X-ray Tech Classes in Orange County: What is Included in The X-ray Technician Program?

We briefly touched on some of the benefits of taking X-ray Tech classes in Orange County at Modern Technology School. What we’ve tried to do is ensure that our X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program is all-inclusive. That is, we provide everything you need in order to begin your career as an X-ray Tech in California under one tuition.

Here’s what’s included in our X-ray Tech Classes in Orange County:

  • Built-in pre-requisite training; no need to have any experience; start with just a high-school diploma
  • Get medical assistant cross-training as part of your X-ray Tech training
  • Clinical internship is included! You don’t need to find your own clinic — we take care of it!
  • Want textbooks and scrubs included? What about free parking? You get all 3 here at MTS!
  • We cover the cost of your X-ray Tech and Medical Assistant examinations
  • Take the National Certification Exam for Medical Assisting right here on campus!
  • We teach in small class sizes — we don’t overload our labs and everyone gets time on machines!
  • Instructors and faculty answer questions with demonstrations and are accessible!
  • We pride ourselves on packing everything you need in a single 12-month X-ray program
  • We offer evening X-ray Tech classes in Orange County and Financial aid to those who qualify

Enrolling in X-ray Tech Classes in Orange County – How Do I Start?

If you want to become an X-ray Tech in California and have no prior experience, we can help! We’ve helped thousands of people find a new career in Healthcare in just one year. Our friendly Admissions Advisor is here Mon-Fri to help you and answer your questions with zero pressure to enroll!

Because we keep class sizes small, they tend to fill-up quickly! Simply fill-out the green contact form on this page, or give us a call at 714-418-9100 and ask for Admissions for more info! Lastly, remember that this is your journey. As such, it’s important to take it seriously and try to create a list of your needs when considering & comparing X-ray Tech classes in Orange County!

We hope to speak with you and meet you all soon, regardless of whether or not you enroll here!

Enroll in X-ray Tech Classes in Orange County at

Modern Technology School in Fountain Valley, CA

Start with Zero Healthcare Experience

Our Next X-ray Tech Class Starts June 3rd!

Fill Out the Green Contact Form for More Info!

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