Evening X-ray Tech Program: How to Get the Most Out of X-ray Technician Night Class

Have you been yearning for a change of career or considering becoming an X-ray Technician in California? Has Diagnostic Healthcare and radiology always been your dream? Do you feel like you’re stuck in your current job and can’t escape due to obligations? Well, we’ve got some great news for you! Did you know you can attend an Evening X-ray Tech Program in Orange County?

Because many of us have daytime obligations such as work or family, taking an X-ray Technician Night Class may be right for you. Furthermore, x-ray tech night school offers you the opportunity to continue to earn while you learn, at least up until your clinical internship phase. That said, let’s explore what makes up the best evening x-ray tech classes in Orange County. Moreover, let’s take a look at the details you should look out for, and how to protect yourself when choosing the best X-ray Tech School for your needs.

How an Evening X-ray Tech Program Works

For starters, if you’re here, you’re probably one of the many who have long-considered a career in Diagnostic Healthcare. However, because of your current schedule, getting your start has been challenging. We get it, life takes the front seat and as a result, sometimes we all get caught up in a career path that wasn’t our initial choice. That said, we wanted to focus a little bit on how an evening X-ray Tech Program works. We also will bring to light how it differs from daytime X-ray Technician classes.

You should receive the same radiology education in an evening x-ray tech program that you would during the day. Furthermore, if you’re attending an accredited x-ray technician school, you should be following the same curriculum. Because the State doesn’t set different standards for X-ray Technicians who train during the day or at night, you should be fairly confident that you’ll also receive the same X-ray Tech Diploma.

That said, it’s always vital that you double-check with the x-ray technician college of your choice. Ask Admissions if the classes and curriculum are the same during both day and night classes. Once you’ve established that the x-ray technician education & curriculum are the same during the evenings, you’ll want to check on the X-ray Tech School’s basics & foundation.

Getting a Good Foundation & Choosing the Best Evening X-ray Tech Program

Now that you’ve established that the x-ray tech curriculum is the same during evenings, let’s explore the fundamentals. We’ve already discussed finding accredited x-ray rechnician programs in California. But what does Accreditation actually mean, and why is it important? Accredited x-ray tech schools go through an annual State-run audit. Not only is their curriculum (down to the textbooks) analyzed, but their faculty, facilities/equipment, test scores, admissions and clinical internships are as well.

When searching for an evening X-ray tech program, always ask if the school is accredited, and by which entity. Accrediting bodies like the ACCSC are responsible for over 700 trade & technical schools nationwide. Moreover, remember that when you enroll in an evening X-ray tech program at an accredited healthcare school, you’re just doing one more thing to safeguard your education, career and future.

Remember that Clinical Internship Takes Place During the Day, Even if You Enroll in an Evening X-ray Tech Program

What is clinical internship? Well, it usually takes place during the final portion of your x-ray tech training, and gives you the opportunity to intern (without pay) at a live clinic. Not only do you get to work alongside a real clinical staff, but you also work shoulder-to-shoulder with more experienced x-ray technicians and physicians. Lastly, you’ll be working with actual patients, just as if you were out in the field.

Because most clinics operate during the day, remember that your internship will also take place during daytime hours. This is the only challenging portion of enrolling in an evening x-ray tech program. For many students, the opportunity to take night classes is the entire reason they enrolled. That said, there are definitely ways to plan for your Clinical Internship. From creating a savings plan, to changing your living arrangements, or simply sticking to necessities, there are several ways to prepare for clinical internship when in an evening x-ray tech program.

Regardless of how you prepare, simply know that even though your x-ray technician courses take place during the night, eventually, you’ll have to move on to a daytime clinical internship in order to complete your training. When in doubt, always ask Admissions at the X-ray Technician school. Find out what they suggest for preparing for daytime internships.

An Evening X-ray Tech Program May Be Perfect for Current Medical Assistants Who Want to Enhance their Careers

An evening X-ray Tech program is a great option for current medical assistants who wants to transition into radiology. However, remember that it may not be easy to juggle your MA day-job with an evening X-ray Tech program. Taking the time crunch into consideration, it’s still an option for many MA’s who dream of becoming a Limited Scope X-ray Technician. Sure, you’ll have to really work hard during that time. However, once complete, it may all be worth it when you’ve got new career options.

If you’re currently a medical assistant in California who wants to transition into X-ray, keep a few things in mind:

  • You may keep your current job while in class, but the clinical internship phase takes place during the day
  • Many X-ray Technician schools in California offer an X-ray Only program, built specifically for current MA’s
  • An evening x-ray tech program may offer you the opportunity to grow your career on your own time
  • It will be tough to work a job during the day and attend school at night, but it is possible
  • Remember that most evening x-ray tech programs last between 12 to 18 months, including internship
  • Preparation is key, so is asking a lot of questions during your interview with Admissions

Modern Technology School Offers an Evening X-ray Tech Program in Orange County, California

We know you probably have questions about enrolling in an evening X-ray Tech program. We want to help you find out if an x-ray technician night class may be right for you. Our friendly Admissions Advisor will walk you through the evening X-ray Tech program as well as answer your questions. We’ll make sure there’s a great fit on both ends, and give you free tour of our Orange County X-ray Technician School.

Modern Technology School has been training X-ray Technicians since 1981. We are an ACCSC Accredited Diagnostic Healthcare School in Orange County and offer financial aid to those who qualify. Not only do we offer an evening X-ray Tech program, but a 12-month standard daytime program as well. Both programs are all-inclusive and offer Medical Assistant cross-training. Books, scrubs, and parking are all included in the cost of tuition. Moreover, we cover the cost of both your MA and X-ray CA State Examinations. Job placement assistance is also standard and available to all of our graduates.

Modern Technology School Can Get Your Evening X-ray Tech Program Questions Answered Today

If you’ve considered becoming an X-ray Tech in California, give us a call or fill out our contact form. We keep class sizes small, so that everyone has an opportunity to learn. We also take pride in our students-first philosophy. Because of our commitment to small classrooms and the popularity of our evening X-ray Tech program, classes do fill-up quickly.

We’re here to get your questions answered as well as to help you understand how clinical internship, financial aid, and our hands-on x-ray tech training work together in harmony to provide you with the very best of Diagnostic Healthcare and X-ray Technician education.

For more information or to learn about our curriculum and standards, please visit our X-ray Technician Program page. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you further your radiography education today!

Modern Technology School Offers an

Evening X-ray Tech Program in Orange County

Night Classes Begin on September 4th 2018

Daytime X-ray Technician Courses Start October 1st!

Get the Most Out of Your X-ray Tech Night Class

You Can Reach Us at 714-418-9100

Take a free tour and get in-depth information when you meet with Admissions!

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