Do You Have What it Takes to Become an Ultrasound Tech in California?

Many students approach us asking what it takes to become an ultrasound tech in California. As you can probably imagine, the answer is usually longer than a few sentences. Like any career worth diving into these days, sonography is challenging. That said, if you receive the proper ultrasound training at a great school that has your best interests in mind, it can also be extremely rewarding.

For many students, choosing the best ultrasound program isn’t easy. Sure there are plenty of options out there when it comes to ultrasound schools. However, how do you know which one is right for you? Your future in Diagnostic Healthcare will depend on the choices you make early-on in your career and training. We believe that these choices should be something that you’re confident about making.

Furthermore, you should never feel pressured into enrolling into any ultrasound school. With so many different options out there and so many different programs, all offering different benefits, there’s a right path for everyone. Let’s take a look at how to become an ultrasound tech in California. Together, we’ll explore which aspects of sonography programs you should pay close attention to.

Become an Ultrasound Tech in California: Step 1

If you want to become an ultrasound tech in California, the first thing you need to do is assess your time. Are you willing to sacrifice the next 18 months to your future and career in Healthcare? If the answer is yes, then keep reading. Remember that you’ll not only need to be available for your ultrasound class throughout the day, but that at the end of most sonography programs, you’ll be placed in your clinical internship.

Generally, clinical internship will be part of those 18 months, and not an additional commitment. That said, it’s important to ask the ultrasound school if they offer internship as part of their general curriculum. This will give you a good idea about whether or not they are offering an all-inclusive ultrasound program.

Remember that ultrasound is a hands-on career. You will be working with live patients, scanning different body types and different regions of the body. Moreover, your work is will be helping the physician determine what is ailing the patient and help them make a diagnosis. Because of this, we highly recommend steering clear of any online ultrasound training. Instead, look for a sonography class that trains its students hands-on, in small class sizes.

An All-Inclusive Ultrasound Program – What Should I Know Before I Become an Ultrasound Tech in California

If you want to become an ultrasound tech in California, look for an all-inclusive program. We’ve discussed this before, but finding an all-inclusive ultrasound program should be at the top of your list. What do we mean by all-inclusive? Generally, an all-inclusive program will offer you everything you need in order to begin your career once you graduate and take your exams. You won’t need to go back to school, find your own clinical internship, or do any additional training in order to begin interviewing after you pass your exams.

For instance, the all-inclusive Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound / Vascular Technology program at Modern Technology School offers its students the following benefits:

  • All pre-requisite sonography and healthcare classes are included as part of your curriculum; there’s no prior experience necessary in order to begin
  • Hands-on ultrasound training in a small class setting where you can learn from instructors who have worked in the field
  • Clinical internship for ultrasound is provided, you get a staggering 1,000+ hours, which is vital to your ultrasound career
  • Books & scrubs are included; we also include the cost of your first State exam — why nickel and dime students?
  • Our Ultrasound/Vascular Technology program can be completed in just 18 months, including internship!
  • We have job placement assistance, we want to help you become an ultrasound tech in California
  • Financial aid is available to those who qualify; we also accept the GI Bill from our beloved US Veterans
  • A small-school culture, offering students the opportunity to work directly with our trained and experienced faculty
  • MTS is accredited by the ACCSC

Why Do You Want to Become an Ultrasound Tech in California?

One of the first questions you should ask yourself is why you want to become an ultrasound tech in California. If it’s because of the salary and pay-grade, you’re not alone. However, there are plenty of jobs out there that pay great and offer amazing benefits. Dig deep and ask yourself why you’ve chosen a career in Diagnostic Healthcare. For instance, do you want to help people? Are you looking for a career where you can continue to move-up in the ranks? Perhaps you’ve always wanted to dive into sonography and just didn’t know how?

Whatever your reasons are for wanting to become an ultrasound tech in California, we’d like to be part of your journey. Even if that means that we’re not your final destination in terms of where you go to school. With so many choices for sonography programs and ultrasound classes, it’s tough to make a decision. Our Admissions Advisor is friendly and always available to answer your questions. Hate dealing with pushy people or feeling pressured to join something you’re not 100% sure about? We do too!

A Students-First Philosophy at Modern Technology School in Orange County

That’s why we pride ourselves in a students-first philosophy here at Modern Technology School. Not only are we dedicated to small class sizes and hands-on training, but we genuinely want to see our students succeed — in fact, our numbers depend on our students’ success rate. That said, we’re a small school; we don’t have a huge overhead, nor do we teach in large lecture halls. Instead, we focus on working one on one with students in order to help them become an ultrasound tech in California. We know our students’ names, their goals, and want to learn about their dreams for the future.

Call Modern Technology School if You Want to Become an Ultrasound Tech in California

Taking everything we’ve talked about into consideration, remember that you should come first. You should take some time to create a list of your wants as well as needs. For instance, are you looking for the best value or is the cost of tuition for ultrasound school no problem? Do you learn better in small groups alongside like-minded peers, or do you enjoy large lecture-type training? Do you have the next 18 months to dedicate to your career in sonography? Are you okay with finding your own clinical internship and ensuring that they will give you the minimum requirements as decreed by the State and licensing bodies?

Perhaps, you’re one of the many people who have no prior Healthcare or sonography training. That’s okay too. Because our Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound / Vascular Technologist program is all-inclusive, you receive all your training (and internship) under one umbrella. Our ultrasound classes in Orange County start every other month. Because of our dedication to small classrooms and training hands-0n, they fill-up fast.

Do You Accept Every Student that Walks in Your Doors?

While we can’t take every student, we do know when there’s a great fit. Furthermore, we love working with those who are passionate about becoming an ultrasound tech in California. If sonography is your passion, and you have questions, that’s okay.

We’re here to answer them! Give us a call at 714-418-9100 and ask for Admissions. We offer free tours 5-days a week, and love meeting with prospective students! Remember that there’s no pressure and we’d rather you attend a school where there’s a great fit, on both ends. We look forward to helping you become an ultrasound tech in California in 2019!

Become an Ultrasound Tech in California in Just 18 Months

Modern Technology School Offers an All-Inclusive Program

1,000+ Hours of Internship & Hands-On Training

Speak with Admissions Today & Get Your Questions Answered

We Offer Financial Aid to Those Why Qualify!

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