X-Ray Tech Classes in Orange County Start August & Fall!

Modern Technology School has long been the best X-Ray Technician School in Orange County. We’ve been here since 1981, and have watched many schools come and go. Our passion has always been Radiology and we know how to empower our students. As an X-Ray Technician, getting the right skills is paramount. Furthermore, making sure you get the right training the first time is vital. We understand that where you get your Radiology education is one of most important decisions in your life. That’s why our X-Ray Tech classes in Orange County offer so much more than our competitors’.

We’re willing to bet that most people meet or research a few X-Ray Programs before choosing ours. Our X-Ray Tech classes are different because they are all-inclusive. This means you will not pay extra for books & scrubs. Furthermore, we pay for your first California State X-Ray Exam. The cherry-on-top is that you also get cross-training as a Medical Assistant as part of our X-Ray Program. Clinical Internship is also provided/arranged as well as Job Placement and Financial Aid to those that qualify! Let’s explore some of these factors that make our X-Ray Tech classes special, and why they’re important!

Take X-Ray Tech Classes with No Hidden Cost for Books & Scrubs

We know that being a student these days isn’t easy. Choosing the right school or college isn’t easy work. It’s important to take X-Ray Tech classes in an all-inclusive X-Ray Program at an ACCSC accredited school. Nobody wants to get nickel-and-dimed, especially when it comes to their education. At Modern Technology School, we understand this, so our ACCSC accredited X-Ray Technician school is all-inclusive.

You pay one tuition for X-Ray school and get everything else as part of the program. Textbooks end up costing a fortune at other radiology schools and X-Ray Technician colleges. Therefore, it’s important to get the facts from the advisor you’re working with. Find out if the X-Ray Technician program is all-inclusive; if not, find out how much extra you’ll be paying for books & scrubs on top of the X-Ray Tech classes.

We also pay for your first CA State Limited X-Ray Technician Examination. Like we said, we’re passionate about helping our students succeed. Give us a call and let our friendly Admissions Advisor walk you through our all-inclusive X-Ray Tech classes!

Find X-Ray Tech Classes at an Accredited School that Offers Financial Aid* and Clinical Internship for X-Ray Technicians

Notice how we keep talking about an ACCSC Accredited X-Ray Technician School? Well that’s important. Once you’ve been in the industry for over 35 years, you tend to see a lot of schools come and go. If you’re planning on doing things right the first time around, find an accredited X-Ray program. Unfortunately, we meet many students who’ve gone to a radiology school, only to find out later that they need more training in order for their certificates to amount to anything. Furthermore, employers are looking for graduates from an ACCSC accredited X-Ray Tech program.

At Modern Technology School, we put an emphasis on our students’ success. We offer financial aid for our X-Ray Technician Program *to those that qualify and are approved for the Veterans GI Bill. We also provide students in our X-Ray Tech classes with Clinical Internship as part of the program. It’s surprising to find out how many schools out there want you to find your own clinical site.

At Modern Technology School, we take the reigns and place students into Clinical Internship. Each clinical site is carefully selected by our faculty, who evaluates their personnel, case load, facilities, and location. Furthermore, we go  ensure they are approved by the Radiological Health Branch. Don’t forget, we also have an in-house Job Placement Center. Our dedicated Career Professional will help you with:

  • Hands-On Study Tips
  • Face-to-Face Exam Prep
  • X-Ray Tech Resumes & Cover Letters
  • One-on-One Interview Practice
  • Networking & Employment Opportunities

Smaller X-Ray Tech Classes Mean Faster Learning + Attention to Detail with a Focused Instructor in Real-Life X-Ray Labs

Our small-classroom sizes set us apart from other X-Ray Technician schools in the area. We find that small X-Ray Tech classes are vital to students’ ability to learn quickly and for the material to stick. It’s important to us to stay accessible to our students. Therefore, we don’t overpack our X-Ray Tech classes. While other schools want warm bodies in chairs, we ensure that class sizes stay small.

This is important because you have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers right away. It’s also important because the X-Ray instructor isn’t spread so thin, that he/she doesn’t have time to work with you. Working in a hands-on radiology lab is part of our X-Ray Tech classes. When you’ve got less students in each class, instructors are able to focus on building your foundation before jumping into the next topic. Many studies also suggest that small class sizes are critical in absorption of the material, and we agree.

Modern Technology School’s X-Ray Tech Classes Cross-Train You as a Medical Assistant – It’s No Wonder We’re the Best in OC!

Getting your X-Ray Technician education is just part of the puzzle. At Modern Technology School, we go all the way. Get MA cross-training as part of our all-inclusive X-Ray Tech classes! This is important because it not only increases your skill-set, but it also makes you more desirable to Healthcare employers. Many X-Ray Technicians report that they saw more success with the Medical Assisting training.

It’s not a mystery; in fact, you’re giving employers what they want — a well-rounded X-Ray Technician. But it goes deeper than just scoring a great career. In fact, in our Medical Assistant classes, you’ll learn the foundation for your Diagnostic Healthcare career. You’ll also have a better sense of what other successful XT’s encounter while in the field.

Not a lot of X-Ray schools offer Medical Assisting as part of their X-Ray programs. For us, the feedback we receive from students each year makes it all worth it. Plus, you’re getting more value for your tuition, and have another set of skills to fall back and build on.

Call Modern Technology School to Learn More About Our ACCSC Accredited School & All-Inclusive X-Ray Tech Classes in Orange County

In closing, if you’re looking for the best X-Ray Technician school in Orange County, look no further. We give you more options and a better education at an all-inclusive price. If you’re a busy parent or have duties during the day, we also offer evening X-Ray Tech classes. These are also great for current Medical Assistants looking to further their careers.

Our friendly Admissions Advisor is standing by to answer all of your questions. You may have met a couple of really pushy advisors at other schools. For us, our Admissions Advisor is like the Ambassador to our X-Ray School. He’s here to answer your questions and learn about your goals. He’ll get an understanding for your dreams and then help carve a pathway to your success. As a side-note, if you’re planning on ultimately becoming a Certified Radiologic Technologist (CRT) in California, our X-Ray Tech program can help you avoid the long 5-year wait at the colleges.

Give us a call if you’re interested in becoming an X-Ray Technician in California We know you won’t be disappointed and will excel in our all-inclusive X-Ray Tech classes. Our ACCSC accredited school is the perfect place to learn about radiology and radiography, and we look forward to speaking with you soon! We offer free tours of our school Monday through Friday, and would love to meet you!

Call Modern Technology School at 714-418-9100

or Simply Fill Out Our Green Contact Form!