Take an X-Ray Technician Class with the Pros at Modern Technology School in Orange County

It’s no secret that there’s been an upswing in Urgent Care Clinics and imaging facilities throughout CA. Because of this, there’s a growing demand for X-Ray Technicians in the state. While searching for the best X-Ray Tech schools, there are a few things to be aware of. Most importantly, you’ll want to find an ACCSC accredited school offering the X-Ray Technician class.

Secondly, you’ll want to ensure their X-Ray Technician class fits your needs. This is a short guide we put together to help you find the best X-Ray Tech school in Orange County. Together we’ll explore some of the standout features that can make or break an X-Ray Program. We’ll help you find an X-Ray Technician Class that’s right for you.

The X-Ray Technician Class Should Cover the Basic Principles of Radiology, Radiography and Medical Assistant Back Office

It’s important to get a solid foundation in X-Ray and Diagnostic Healthcare. When choosing the best X-Ray Technician school in your area, it’s important to find one that will teach you the basics, then build upon those, step-by-step. Furthermore, you’ll want to also ensure that you take an X-Ray Technician class that will cross-train you as a Medical Assistant.

This is important because not only are clinics/employers looking for Limited X-Ray Techs, they love it when you’ve got the MA background. For them, it kills two birds with one stone. For you, it could mean more hours, better pay and a bigger skill-set to offer. This is also important because you’re essentially getting two medical educations under one tuition, and why not take advantage of that?

Every X-Ray Technician school has their own idea of what’s important to their students. Therefore, it’s important to ask if their X-Ray Tech Program is all-inclusive. Likewise, ask what else is included in the cost of tuition — find out what you’re getting for the cost of your education. While every X-Ray Tech School should start with the basics of Radiology & Radiography, you should still ask what their syllabus covers. Trust us, you don’t want to find out after you’ve enrolled — we meet a lot of those folks.

Find an X-Ray Technician Class that Offers Hands-On Learning

Have you ever tried learning how to operate machinery using videos? Online courses can be great in some cases, but we always recommend hands-on learning to X-Ray Techs. Why? Well for starters, you’ll want to know how to interact with patients regarding their specific concerns. You’ll want to understand how to take clear images and get a handle on the X-Ray Machines & lab equipment. Finally, it’ll make you a well-rounded X-Ray Tech.

You see, when you take an X-Ray Technician Class that is hands-on, in a real-life radiology lab, something magical happens. You’re able to work hand-in-hand with an instructor and go through field exercises that help you learn about a day in the life of an X-Ray Tech. Another important thing to remember is that in a hands-on X-Ray Technician class, you’ll be able to learn a lot from the other students in the class as well.

Taking an All-Inclusive X-Ray Technician Class at Modern Technology School Offers You More Value for Your Tuition

Modern Technology School has long been offering the best X-Ray Technician Class in Orange County. We’ve been leaders in X-Ray Tech training in Orange County since 1981. Our ACCSC accredited school offers an all-inclusive X-Ray Technician Program. Students learn basic principles of X-Ray and Radiology at our school. However, they also get Medical Assistant training included as part of the program!

Our philosophy is also a little different. Most X-Ray schools want to pack as many students as possible into one class. We teach our X-Ray Tech students in small class environments. Our X-Ray Technician class is taught by an instructor with real and valuable field experience. We also enjoy being accessible to our x-ray students. We feel it’s important for instructors & pupils to connect while working in real-life x-ray labs. The small class environment also allows for more personalized instruction, as well as faster learning.

Orange County X-Ray Technician Class Tuition and Job Placement

Want to take an X-Ray Technician class in Orange County but concerned about tuition or how you’re going to pay? Modern Technology School has you covered. We offer Financial Aid for X-Ray Technician class to those that qualify. Clinical Internship, your textbooks and scrubs, as well as your first CA X-Ray Exam — they are all covered in the cost of tuition! When we say all-inclusive X-Ray Tech Program, we mean it!

We also have a built-in, accessible Job Placement Center that will help you with the following:

  • X-Ray Exam Prep, Study Tips & Tricks
  • Finding work as an X-Ray Technician in CA
  • Diagnostic Healthcare Employers
  • Your Cover Letter & Resume
  • Proper Interview & Follow-Up Etiquette + More!

Call Modern Technology School to Learn More About Our Orange County X-Ray Technician Class & Start Dates!

We know you’ve probably spoken to other X-Ray Technician Schools. That’s okay – we want you to make an educated decision about your future. What separates Modern Technology School from the rest? Well, aside from everything else we mentioned, it’s our staff & philosophy. We want you to know that we have our students’ best interests in mind above all else.

Our Admissions Advisor starts by getting to know about you and your goals. We want to ensure our X-Ray Technician Class is a good fit on both ends, so we make sure that your questions are answered. Helping you find what you’re looking for means that you’ll be confident in earning your x-ray education with us, and that’s important.

We offer a daytime X-Ray Technician Class, as well as one in the evening. We also have an X-Ray Only Class that is great for current medical assistants who want to transition into X-Ray and earn better pay or have better job security.

Our Admissions Advisor would love to walk you through our simple process. We offer free tours of our school 5-days a week and would love to help you carve a pathway to your success as an X-Ray Technician. By answering your questions, we’ll make it easy to see that we offer the best X-Ray Technician Class in Orange County!

We look forward to meeting you and helping you become an X-Ray Technician in California!



*Modern Technology School is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges – ACCSC.