Find the Best X-ray Tech Training Course: Why Hands-on Training Can Give you the Most Value for Your Education

With all the choices you have when it comes to choosing an X-ray Tech training course, it’s important to keep your options open and choose the X-ray Technician school that’s best for your needs. That said, there are a wide array of different schools and X-ray Tech classes, so let’s cover some basics. For starters, every X-ray Tech training course is not built alike. Furthermore, each school will offer different options based on their own culture & curriculum. Some X-ray Technician schools offer what they call standard X-ray Tech programs, while others will offer a combined or all-inclusive course. Moreover, you will find that some people are turning to an online X-ray Tech training course in hopes of becoming an X-ray Tech.

While taking an online X-ray Technician program is always an option, it leaves a lot to be desired. Learn about online X-ray Tech classes and how it stacks up to hands-on training here. Another thing to look out for is an X-ray Tech training course at an unaccredited institution. There are also other tips that will hopefully help you find the right X-ray school for your needs.

Let’s explore the ins and outs of finding the best X-ray Tech training course for your needs. Together, we’ll learn how to choose the best X-ray Technician school and carve a road towards your success in radiology.

Accreditation & Why it’s Important when Choosing an X-ray Tech Training Course

Become familiar with the term accredited school. This is important because a school’s accreditation (or lack thereof) can affect you. When out there searching for the best X-ray Tech training course, you’ll want to find an accredited school. X-ray Tech schools such as Modern Technology School are accredited by the ACCSC, the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges. Finding an accredited school is an important step when searching for an x-ray technician school. Moreover, enrolling in an accredited school means that the school has to answer to a higher authority. An accredited X-ray Tech School will probably have much higher standards. Their programs & curriculums will also be regulated and audited by the State each year.

Ultimately, you’ll want to choose an X-ray Tech training course that protects your best interests. If you’re shelling out the money for tuition, it’s important that you understand the ins & outs of what makes the school and program special. It’s also important to understand the differences between different X-ray Technician programs so that you’re comparing apples-to-apples when searching.

X-ray Tech schools will usually list their accreditations on their site’s About Us page, or at the bottom of their homepage. You can also call the school and ask if they are accredited. as well as by which entity. This should give you some peace of mind prior to enrolling and making a commitment.

Finding an All-Inclusive X-ray Tech Training Course

Another major factor to keep an eye out for is an all-inclusive X-ray Tech training course. An all inclusive program will usually include more than just the basic X-ray Technician training as part of their standard curriculum. For instance, Modern Technology School offers a combined, X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program. This means you learn two skills during your stay within the program. Details like these are important because most California Healthcare employers are hiring a hybrid of X-ray Technician and Medical Assistant. Getting out there with the proper skillset is vital. The last thing you want happening is completing your X-ray Tech training course only to realize you need to return to school for MA training, so keep this in mind!

All-inclusive doesn’t simply stop at combined training. It also means that there may other benefits to choosing one X-ray Tech school over the other. Take for instance the astronomical cost of textbooks, uniforms & scrubs as well as parking at most schools. For most students, these costs add up significantly and can not only affect your pocketbook, but your morale as well. Furthermore, you’ve actually got to pay for your California State X-ray Exams as well as a separate test for Medical Assisting.

The good news is, that some X-ray Technician schools offer these benefits as part of their X-ray Tech training course. That means your textbooks, scrubs, parking and even you first State Exams are included as part of your tuition!

Other Benefits Add Up: Get the Most Value for Your Tuition when Choosing an X-ray Tech Training Course

Other benefits also add up when comparing X-ray Tech training course in your area. Remember that there are a plethora of other benefits to look out for when choosing the right class for your needs. For starters, find out if the X-ray Technician school offers in-house Job Placement. If financial aid is important to you and a factor in your education, ask up front if the school offers it. Furthermore, find out if they can help you with the tedious financial aid process. It’s important to have a team that can walk you through filling out your FAFSA forms correctly.

Another thing to find out about is what their classroom settings are like. Does the X-ray Tech school pack their classes or keep class sizes small, giving everyone the opportunity to learn? What about their class modules and curriculum? Do they teach hands-on in real life X-ray labs? Will you be using equipment which is relevant in the field and do they offer Digital X-ray training? These are all important factors which should round out your list when searching for the best X-ray Tech training course.

Some Final things to Consider: Clinical Internship is Vital to your X-ray Tech Training Course Success

Make sure the X-ray Tech school offers Clinical Internship as part of the program, this is vital for many reasons. While we’ve covered these before in this article, we feel it’s important enough to state again. Clinical Internship usually takes place during the final portion of your X-ray Technician training. During internship phase, you’ll work out in the field, within a live clinic. You’ll be working with other clinical staff, physicians and other seasoned X-ray Techs. You’ll also be working with actual patients, both in an X-ray Technician and Medical Assistant capacity.

Clinical Internship is important because you’ll need this real-world experience before you get out there and start job-hunting. Most employers want to see your internship info as part of your hiring process. Clinical Internship is also regulated and there are a certain amount of images and hours you must log in order to successfully complete your external training. For these reasons and so many more, we recommend finding an X-ray Tech training course which includes Clinical Internship.

Lastly, take a look at the school’s social media and Yelp reviews. Find out what others are saying about their X-ray Technician program and whether the faculty mesh well with the students. Like many fields, it’s important to learn from others who have stood in your shoes before.

Modern Technology School Offers a Top-Notch X-ray Tech Training Course in Southern California

If reading any of this hit home, you’re not alone. That’s because Modern Technology School in Fountain Valley, CA lives by these standards. We know how tough it can be to choose an X-ray Tech training course that’s right for your needs. And while not all X-ray Tech programs will be right for everyone, we’ve definitely tried to hit it out of the park with ours. We’ve been training X-ray Technician students since 1981 at our ACCSC Accredited Diagnostic Healthcare School in Orange County.

Our combined X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program offers the combined training that employers are looking for. We have in-house Job Placement Assistance and offer Financial Aid to those who qualify. Our Admissions Advisor works with students to figure out their needs and helps them every step of the way. Instead of packing classes with warm bodies, we work hard to keep class sizes small, so that each student has the ability to absorb the information and ask questions. We also teach hands-on, in real life labs, both during the MA & X-ray Tech portion of the program.

We’d love to meet you and get your questions answered. Furthermore, we’ll give you a tour of our Orange County X-ray Tech school’s campus and walk you through financial aid. X-ray Tech classes start roughly every 2 months here in OC. However, due to our commitment to small class sizes, classes do fill up fast. We look forward to speaking with you and are here to answer your questions!

Call the Admissions Dept at Modern Technology School

We’re Here Mon-Fri @ (714) 418-9100

11 Month X-ray Tech Training Course in OC

X-ray Technician Classes Start this April!

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