X-ray Technician College & Diagnostic Healthcare Schools: Finding the Best X-ray Tech Program in CA

Many people use the terms X-ray Technician College and X-ray Technician School interchangeably. Though many use the term college loosely, remember that a traditional college or university focuses on offering BA, MA, and post-grad programs. On the other hand, most X-ray Technician schools in California are actually technical or vocational schools, which offer an X-ray Tech certificate or diploma program. For the sake of keeping it simple here, we’ll refer to these vocational/technical schools as x-ray technician college within this article. Remember, we’re referring to an X-ray Technician Program at a Diagnostic Healthcare School / technical college. We are not however describing a standalone university offering a 2 or 4 year degree program.

If you’re looking to become an X-ray Technician, you will want to find an accredited Diagnostic Healthcare School. Here in California, you’ll want to find one that offers an X-ray Technician program. Furthermore, since there are so many variances from school to school and program to program, you’ll want to find one that offers Medical Assisting cross-training. Taking these factors into consideration, find an X-ray Technician college which fits your specific needs. Let’s explore what makes up the best X-ray Technician programs in California.

Moreover, let’s look at all the fundamental aspects of a solid x-ray technician college. Lastly, we’ll explore getting the most value for your tuition. Remember, that while one X-ray Technician program may be right for one person, it may not be perfect for everyone.

X-ray Technician College: Fundamentals of Professional Patient Care

There’s more to being an x-ray technician in California than just taking x-rays. Here in CA, in order to be a great x-ray technician, you’ve also got to be a good medical assistant. Diagnostic Healthcare employers are looking for a great hybrid of XT & MA. So once you’ve found an accredited x-ray technician college in California, you’ll want to find one that offers medical assisting cross-training.

By choosing an x-ray technician college which offers medical assistant training as part of their curriculum, you’ll learn the fundamentals of professional patient care. Furthermore, you’ll get a great foundation for your Healthcare training & patient/clinic interaction. Because XT’s also perform as MA’s in CA, it’s important to ask the x-ray technician college if they offer cross-training. Moreover, ask them if the cross-training is included in the cost of your regular x-ray tech training.

Finally, remember that this is your future and you want as much education as you can get for your tuition. Not only is it a better value, but it makes up the foundation of your Healthcare training. For more information on medical assisting cross-training, check out this interview with Adam Cooper, XT.

Finding an All-Inclusive X-ray Technician College is Vital & Can Save You Money in the Long-run

There’s no question you’ll want to find an x-ray technician college that offers the didactic, laboratory and clinical training you’ll need. However, finding an all-inclusive x-ray tech program means you’ll get more value for your tuition. To find out if your x-ray technician college offers an all-inclusive program, ask about the following:

  • Are pre-requisite healthcare/x-ray classes included, or will I need to have prior training/education?
  • Is clinical internship part of the x-ray program and will the x-ray technician college send me to a qualified clinic?
  • What about textbooks & scrubs — I know they’re not cheap; will I be nickel & dime’d or are they included?
  • Who covers the cost of my California X-ray Tech Exam? What about the Medical Assistant Certification Exam?
  • Does the x-ray technician college offer in-house job placement? What happens after I graduate?
  • Is financial aid available to those who qualify? What if I’m a US Veteran who wants to attend an x-ray technician college?
  • Are there any other benefits or hidden costs I should know about? Consider things like parking, supplies, etc.

When meeting with an x-ray technician college, ask them if there program is all-inclusive. Then ask them what all-inclusive means to them. As always, x-ray tech programs will differ from school-to-school and state-to-state. An all-inclusive x-ray technician program can save you money while contributing to your overall Diagnostic Healthcare education.

Clinical Internship through Your X-ray Technician College & The Importance of Going to an Accredited Healthcare School

Remember that clinical internship is a vital part of your x-ray technician education. Clinical internship usually takes place at the end of your x-ray tech training and allows you to intern in a live clinic. During your internship, you’ll spend time in a clinic working alongside a staff, experience x-ray techs and physicians. Moreover, you’ll be working with actual patients, and all of your training will come into play. Not only will you be taking x-rays, but you’ll be acting as a Medical Assistant and Back Office assistant.

As you can imagine, this time spent interning is vital to your future. You get actual field-experience before getting out there and looking for a job. You also get the opportunity to apply your x-ray technician/medical assistant training. Lastly, you have the opportunity to network with like-minded people in the same industry. We meet many students each year who end up working at the clinics they interned for. While employment is never promised, the opportunities may be out there. Of course, this would be based on timing, as well as your skills & hard work.

Lastly, remember that you’ll want to find an accredited x-ray technician college or Healthcare school. Accredited schools undergo regular audits to ensure they are operating within State standards. Not only is their program reviewed, but the curriculum, location, advertising & website as well as faculty is as well. By attending an accredited x-ray school, you’ll know you’re getting a standardized x-ray education.

Modern Technology School is a Diagnostic Healthcare School which Offers One of the Best All-Inclusive X-ray Technician Programs in California

If you’re searching for an x-ray technician college, consider us first. Modern Technology School is a Diagnostic Healthcare school which offers an X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program. Accredited by the ACCSC, our all-inclusive X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program has been here since 1981.

Not only do we offer medical assistant cross-training as part of the curriculum, but clinical internship is included as well! We teach hands-on, and are committed to small-classroom environments where everyone can ask questions and get ample time on the digital x-ray equipment.

We offer Financial Aid to those who qualify and offer Job Placement Assistance to our graduates. Our career services center can help with everything from resumes & custom cover letters to interview practice. We’re proud to accept the GI Bill from US Veterans who want to attend Diagnostic Healthcare school. We’re also proud to offer the following as part of our X-ray Technician Program:

  • Want books, scrubs and free parking? Great — these are all part of our all-inclusive program!
  • We cover the cost of your first CA State X-ray Technician & Medical Assistant Examinations
  • Pre-requisite classes are part of the standard X-ray Curriculum

How Long is the X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant Program and How Do I Enroll?

The X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program at Modern Technology School in Orange County lasts 12-months. This includes the time spent in your clinical internship. It also includes the time spent cross-training as a medical assistant and your pre-requisite classes. To think that in just one year, you could be living a life that’s vastly different from your current one is indeed incredible.

The first step to enrolling in any x-ray technician college or school is always learning more. Call Admissions, and ask to speak to an Advisor. Talk o them about your goals and your needs (financial aid, evening classes, etc). Once you’ve determined the school offers what you’re looking for, set an appointment to meet with them.

Be sure to bring your notes and take the time to walk through your goals with Admissions. Take a tour of the x-ray technician school’s campus and get a vibe for the school’s philosophy. Moreover, ask about everything you’ve read and find out how these factors affect your education and future.

Our X-ray Technician classes start every other month in Orange County. Because of the great value, as well as our commitment to small class sizes, they do fill up quickly. Give us a call or fill out of green contact form to learn more about our upcoming X-ray Tech classes. We look forward to meeting you future X-ray Technicians and getting all of your questions answered!

Are You Searching for an X-ray Technician College?

Our Diagnostic Healthcare School Offers

One of the Best X-ray Technician Programs in California

Enroll in our Next X-ray Tech / Medical Assistant Program

X-ray Classes Start October 1st

Financial Aid is Available to Those Who Qualify!

Take a free tour and get in-depth information when you meet with Admissions!

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