X-ray Training School in Orange County: All-Inclusive X-ray Tech Programs

If you want to become an X-ray Technician in California, you’ll need to enroll in an X-ray training school. There are all kinds of X-ray Tech programs out there, so let’s cover the basics. Because every program is different, and every X-ray Tech school operates differently, you should know what to look for. Moreover, you shouldn’t settle before you’ve got your questions answered.

But what are some things to look out for? Furthermore, how do you know a good X-ray Technician class when you see it? This article will cover all of that. It will also dive into an X-ray Tech career and what you’ll need to enroll in X-ray training school, as well as how fast you can get started in California. Let’s explore finding the best X-ray Tech program based on your needs, and ultimately, why an all-inclusive program is key.

What Does an All-Inclusive Program Offer at X-ray Training School?

Well, that all depends on which X-ray training school you enroll in. Be prepared to do some research. Whether it’s online, or over the phone, you can save yourself a lot of headaches by asking questions. Once you’ve located an all-inclusive X-ray Tech program, it’s vital that you ask exactly what is included. Because every program will be different and every X-ray training school will offer different incentives to their students, you’ve got to get a good measure of each school.

First, grab a pen and a notepad. You’ll want to document the benefits of each X-ray Technician program. It also helps if you create a list of your own needs first, this way you know what to look for, and can eliminate programs that don’t offer what you need. For instance, let’s say you will need financial aid for X-ray Technician school. If an X-ray training school on your list doesn’t offer financial aid, you can simply cross it off your list.

As for what an all-inclusive X-ray Tech program should offer, here are some basics to start you off:

  • Find an X-ray Tech program that offers medical assistant cross-training; this is a must if you want to work in California
  • Look for an accredited Diagnostic Healthcare School; this way you know you have an extra level of security in your education
  • Next, you’ll want to find an X-ray Training school that offers pre-requisites as part of their XT Program. This way, you can start with no prior experience if necessary
  • Be sure to ask about Clinical Internship — you need to complete internship in a live clinic. It’s better to have the X-ray Tech school find you a qualified internship that understands the minimums and guidelines
  • How long do you want to spend in X-ray training school? Find an X-ray Technician program that fits your timeline
  • Try to find an an X-ray Tech program that pays for your textbooks and even your first XT/MA Examinations
  • What about X-ray Tech night class? Is this something you’ll need due to your hectic schedule? What does it entail?
  • Do you require Financial Aid, and would you like to enroll in an X-ray Tech school that offers Job Placement Assistance?
  • What about the Admissions procedure — is it streamlined? How hard is the entrance exam for an X-ray Tech program?

Overall, these are all valid points of concern when choosing an X-ray training school or program. You’ve got to be willing to dig a little and ask a lot of questions in order to ensure you’re getting the most value for your tuition!

X-ray Training School: Why Small X-ray Tech Classes Work

At Modern Technology School, we’ve been training X-ray Technicians in California since 1981. Since then, we’ve always prided ourselves on our small class sizes, and our hands-on training. Our 12-Month, all-inclusive X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant Program is one of the best in Orange County. Not only do we provide everything you need (in bullet-points above), but we also adhere to a small-school culture and hands-on X-ray Tech training.

We enjoy being on a one-on-one basis with our students. Not only does it help them feel like they are part of something bigger, but we can also keep an eye on how they’re doing. It allows us to monitor their successes and help them when they are feeling challenged. Moreover, if you’re anything like us — you’d rather work in small groups of driven peers vs. large lecture halls.

Having easy access to your X-ray Tech instructor and faculty is always nice at any school. That said, our small X-ray Tech classes offer students the freedom to ask questions. Furthermore, you get your answers demonstrated, hands-on, by a compassionate instructor who has stood in your shoes before. Based on our experience over the years, this makes a world of difference.

X-ray Training School in Orange County: First Steps & How to Enroll

As mentioned above, the first thing you’ll want to do is make a record of what you need, want and require from an X-ray Training School. Next, you’ll want to begin researching X-ray Tech schools in your area. After you’ve got the basics out of the way, you should begin to contact Admissions at the school. Most X-ray Technician schools will be happy to answer your questions and provide info on why their program beats out the competition, or what makes it unique.

If you’re feeling pressured or like you need to enroll based on how things are worded to you, stop right there! Remember that this is your radiology education. Ultimately, you’ll be the one investing your time, money and hopes into the program, so make sure you feel comfortable!

Finally, remember that we’re here to help! Since we’re a smaller X-ray training school, we don’t really have the space for every student that walks through our doors. However, if you’ve got what it takes we want to hear from you! We’re also available to answer your questions 5-days a week and offer free tours of our Orange County Diagnostic Healthcare School campus. No matter where you attend — we’re here to help!

Call us today at 714-418-9100 and we’ll help make the next 12-months an unforgettable journey into your new career as an X-ray Tech in CA.

Our Next X-ray Tech / Medical Assisting Class

Begins July 22nd in Orange County, CA

Get Your Questions X-ray Training School

Questions Answered with Zero Pressure!

Call Admissions at 714-418-9100 Mon-Friday

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