The Current Need for Licensed X-ray Technicians in Southern California

There’s currently a need for X-ray Technicians in Southern California. Many Diagnostic Healthcare employers claim there are currently more openings than there are licensed X-ray Techs seeking employment. Any time there’s a need for a specific professional, it makes it a great time to get involved. On the contrary, any time the market is saturated with professionals in a specific field, it’s probably not the best time to dive into that career path.

If you’ve been considering becoming an X-ray Tech in California, there’s never been a better time. Because we’ve been here since 1981, we’ve created a lot of partnerships with SoCal Healthcare employers. From clinics and orthopedic offices, to private practice, imaging facilities, corporate Healthcare and large hospitals — we communicate with them all. While many other Diagnostic Healthcare professions are filling just fine, there is a need for X-ray Technicians in the current California job marketplace.

But if you’re interested in becoming an X-ray Tech in California, how do you know where to begin? Furthermore, how long does it take, and where should you look for training? How much do X-ray Tech classes cost, and what does tuition include? Are there any specific pitfalls future X-ray Technicians should be looking out for? How long should you expect to spend in X-ray school and how soon can you begin your career after your X-ray program is complete?

Where Should California X-ray Technicians Look for Training?

When choosing the best X-ray Tech school for your needs, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to find an accredited Healthcare school in your area. Accreditation ensures that a non-biased third party is overseeing the fundamentals of your education and X-ray Tech training. Moreover, it means that you’ll have a little more of a safeguard that the X-ray school is adhering to the standards and regulations of The State and licensing bodies.

Next, you should look for an all-inclusive program for X-ray Technicians. While the term all-inclusive can mean different things to different X-ray Tech schools, it should mean you’re getting everything you need to begin your career after training is complete and you pass your exams. If you’re looking for an X-ray Technician school in California, be sure to ask them what their program offers. If you don’t have any prior Diagnostic Healthcare experience, be sure to ask if their program covers pre-requisites needed to get up-to-speed, so that you can begin with no prior experience.

How Much Should Classes for X-ray Technicians Cost and What Should Tuition Include?

Ideally, you’ll want to find an X-ray Technician program that fits your needs but also your budget. Because every X-ray Tech program is different, your first step should be finding out what they offer. As mentioned, ask if their X-ray Technician program is all-inclusive. Once you’ve established the basics, find out about tuition fees.

Remember that not all expensive schools for X-ray Technicians are good. Likewise, keep in mind that not all the affordable X-ray programs are of any less quality. In fact, some small schools offer classes for X-ray Technicians that outweigh their larger competitors — both in terms of quality training, and school culture. Furthermore, keep in mind that learning in small class sizes is often more beneficial. You absorb the material quickly and can ask questions of your instructors.

All-inclusive programs for X-ray Technicians, like the one at Modern Technology School offers the following:

  • Small class sizes and hands-on training for X-ray Technicians
  • All Pre-Requisite training is provided – no prior experience necessary
  • Medical Assistant cross-training — this is a must in California
  • Built-in Clinical Internship at the end of your training
  • Books & Scrubs are included
  • MTS pays the cost of your first State Exams (for both MA & X-ray)
  • Job Placement Assistance and Financial Aid to those who qualify
  • Day and Evening Classes for X-ray Technicians in Orange County

How Long Should X-ray Technicians Spend Training and How Soon Until You Can Begin Your X-ray Tech Career?

On average, programs for X-ray Technicians in Southern California can be completed in 12-18 months depending on where you enroll, and how often X-ray classes are held. Keep in mind that number may or may not include the time spent in Clinical Internship, where you’ll intern in a live clinical setting with real patients towards the end of your X-ray Tech training. For instance, the Orange County X-ray Technician Program at Modern Technology School offers a 12-month, all-inclusive course.

That 12-months includes the time you’ll spend in Clinical Internship, working as a hybrid of X-ray Tech and Medical Assistant. After your internship is complete, you may take your licensing exams. We cover the cost of both your first XT and MA exams. Moreover, the National Medical Assistant Certification exam is proctored right here on campus.

Once you pass your exams, you’re able to start looking for work. Our Job Placement Assistance department does an awesome job of working with X-ray Technicians. We’ll help you with everything from custom cover letters to formatting your resume in order to help you shine.

How X-ray Technicians Can Get Started at Modern Technology School

First, start off by making a list of your needs. Do you need Financial Aid or do you require evening classes for X-ray Technicians? Perhaps you’re looking for a school that trains from the ground-up, letting you start with no prior experience. Once you’ve taken inventory of your needs, give our friendly Admissions Advisor a call at 714-418-9100. You can also fill out the green contact form on this page.

We’ll answer your questions and ensure you know the basics, both about our X-ray Tech program and the current career climate. As mentioned, we keep hearing from clinics & physicians, that there are more openings right now than there are X-ray Technicians in the field. Contact us and let us become a part of your journey as an X-ray Tech in California, as we have for countless others in Orange County & beyond.

We offer free tours of our ACCSC accredited Healthcare school 5-days a week and love answering questions. There’s never any pressure because we’re a smaller X-ray Tech program and classes tend to fill-up quickly. We look forward to helping you, even if we’re ultimately not your final stop for X-ray Tech education in Orange County!

Come Learn About our 12-Month All-Inclusive

Class for X-ray Technicians in Orange County

Included Medical Assistant Cross-Training

Built-In Clinical Internship for X-ray Technicians

Next X-ray Tech Class Start Date is July 22nd 2019!

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