The Best X-ray Technician School: How to Find a 12-Month X-ray Program

Finding the best X-ray Technician school for your needs can be challenging at first. With so many options of different X-ray Tech programs and curriculums, it’s not a simple task. There are several factors to consider when choosing the best X-ray Tech school for your needs. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: not all X-ray Technician schools are alike. Furthermore, many X-ray programs will excel in one area, while failing their students in another.

Let’s take a complete look at all the factors that make up the best X-ray Technician school, and how to choose the one that’s right for you. As always, we recommend taking some notes, so that you can take a full inventory of your own specific needs. We’ll first focus on the basics that make any X-ray Tech class worth its salt. We’ll then dive into the specifics that every future X-ray Ray Technician should look for in a Limited X-ray Tech program. That said, let’s get started.

The Best X-ray Technician School Should be Accredited

If you want to become an X-ray Technician in California, finding an accredited X-ray Tech school should be at the top of your to-do list. Accredited X-ray Technician schools have to answer to a higher authority, and everything from their curriculum, instructors, to marketing, are scrutinized and evaluated. Furthermore, the State and licensing bodies evaluate the school each year. Going to an accredited X-ray Tech school means that your education and future are in better hands.

When searching for the best X-ray Technician school, find one that’s accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC). They are the designated institutional accrediting agency for 700 trade and technical schools. Furthermore, the ACCSC ensures quality vocational education to over 150,000 students each year.

Your X-ray Technician Program Should be All-Inclusive

If you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, you’ll want to find an all-inclusive program. Diagnostic Healthcare employers in California are looking for a hybrid of X-ray Technician and Medical Assistant. This means, that the school you choose for X-ray Tech Training should offer both as part of its curriculum. Furthermore, the curriculum should start you with the proper Healthcare foundation.

Finding an all-inclusive X-ray Technician Program means that you’ll get the cross-training and skills you need, under the same tuition. There won’t be any need to take medical assisting classes after completing your X-ray training, and vice-versa. It also means that pre-requisite classes should be built-into the program. By having pre-requisite classes built-in, you can begin training as an X-ray Tech without any prior Healthcare education. Moreover, it means you will have the cross-over training necessary to begin working as an X-ray Tech in CA.

Different “Versions” of All-Inclusive X-ray Tech Training

Finally, keep in mind that different X-ray schools will have different opinions of what they consider all-inclusive. The best X-ray Technician school should offer both the medical assistant cross-training, pre-requisites, and take care of other costs like books & scrubs. If they’re really at the top of their game, they’ll also pay for your first X-ray Technician and Medical Assistant exams.

The last thing you want to ensure is that the X-ray Tech school offers built-in Clinical Internship. Clinical Internship usually takes place during the latter portion of your X-ray Technician Training, once you’ve completed both the MA and X-ray class/lab curriculum. While in Clinical Internship, you’ll be placed in a live clinic, urgent care, orthopedic hospital, sports medicine clinic, or imaging center. During this time, you’ll work one-on-one with your clinical team, as well as other more experienced X-ray Techs. You’ll also be working with live patients, and with the physician in charge.

Keeping all this in mind, the last thing you want to do is go out searching for a qualified internship during this hectic time. Remember that your X-ray Tech internship is vital to your future. All of your hands-on training and lab hours as well as study time & exam prep has been leading up to this. You’ll also be getting a first-hand look at what it’s like to be an XT in the field, all in less than 12 months. You can read more about why Clinical Internship matters in this interview.

The Best X-ray Technician School will Provide Hands-on Training & Small Class Sizes

We’ve all seen the people flocking to online classes and the convenience they afford. While taking online classes for some subjects may be ideal for busy people, nothing can replace hands-on instruction. Hands-on training is especially important for those pursuing a career as an X-ray Tech in California. For starters, being an X-ray Technician is a hands-on career to begin with. You’re working with live patients — each with their own ailment, machines, and directly with physicians and clinical staff. You’ll also be working to manipulate patients’ limbs, posture and position while taking x-rays.

Taking all of this into consideration, there’s no replacement for hands-on training. The best X-ray Technician school should offer not only hands-on instruction, but small class sizes as well. These two factors work together to create the perfect environment for learning. Small class sizes are an integral part of the being the best X-ray Technician school. If you realize that the X-ray Tech school you chose is packing their classes, it may make you think twice about whether or not they have your best interests at heart.

Choose an X-ray Tech School with an Experienced & Compassionate Faculty:

Make sure the X-ray Technician school you choose has a compassionate & experienced faculty. One that that works hand-in-hand with their students while they teach. Unlike traditional colleges where you’re learning strictly through lectures, X-ray Tech school requires lab hours as well. It’s in the labs that you’ll be working on various X-ray equipment, and taking both film and digital X-rays.

The best X-ray Technician school should also train you to use the older X-ray equipment, as there are still some clinics/hospitals using film. The last thing you want to do is learn strictly on the new digital equipment only to find out that the clinic you want to work at is still using the former technology.

Remember that a great faculty and caring instructors can really make or break your radiology and college experience. That said, get a good vibe for the school, their Admissions team, as well as the instructors before committing to any X-ray Tech college. While it may seem like a small factor now, once you’re engulfed in the year spent training, you’ll want to be where you’re comfortable, as well as challenged.

Why is Modern Technology School is the Best X-ray Technician School in Orange County?

Modern Technology School has been training X-ray Technicians since 1981. That’s over 37 years of helping our students achieve their goals of becoming an X-ray Tech in California. We’ve trained many Limited Scope X-ray Technicians and have helped them become X-ray Techs in California. We’ve also worked with those who are interested in furthering their careers in Radiology. This includes those who want to go on to become a RadTech or Certified Radiologic Technologist. As you may know, there’s a 5+ year waitlist for radiology classes at community colleges in CA.

Our Orange County X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program is a 12-month, all-inclusive class. We offer hands-on X-ray Tech training as well as Medical Assistant cross-training. Books, scrubs, and parking are all covered in the cost of your X-ray Tech school tuition. Furthermore, we cover the cost of your first X-ray and MA State Exams. Our qualified instructors teach hands-on, and with passion. Moreover, we teach in small classroom settings, meaning you’ll be able to absorb the material quickly. Our built-in Clinical Internship offers students the opportunity to work in a live clinical setting doing what they love.

Job Placement Assistance, Admissions and Financial Aid for X-ray Technician School

We offer Job Placement Assistance to all of our grads. This means help with creating resumes, custom cover letters, as well as practice for interviews. We take pride in offering our beloved Veterans the opportunity to use their GI Bill for X-ray Tech school. We also offer Financial Aid to those who qualify through our simplified Admissions process.

If you want to be called the best X-ray Technician School in Orange County, you’ve got to do right by your students — even before they enroll. Our Admissions Advisor isn’t simply a name-taker who is in charge of enrolling as many students as possible. Instead, we want to ensure you have your questions answered. We don’t place every student we meet; we take pride in making sure there’s a great fit on both ends. Rather than herd students like cattle, we want you to feel confident in your decision to choose us.

Our X-ray Technician classes are available both during the day and evenings. We also offer an X-ray Only class, which is perfect for Medical Assistants who want to become X-ray Technicians in California. If you’re thinking of becoming an X-ray Tech in CA, give us a call. We look forward to giving you the best X-ray Technician school experience you deserve.

Our next X-ray Technician class begins August 7th in Orange County! Our hands-on, all-inclusive X-ray Tech classes fill up quickly, so give us a call for a free meet & tour today!

Now Accepting Students for Our All-Inclusive 12-Month

 X-ray Technician School – Classes Start August 7th!

Due to the popularity of our X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant Program, our small classes fill-up quickly!

Financial Aid is Available to Those Who Qualify!

Call to get your application fast-tracked and get all your questions answered!

 Evening X-ray Tech Courses Available!

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