12 Month X-ray Technician Training School in Orange County

Which X-ray Technician Training School Do I Attend in Order to Become an X-ray Technician in California?

We get this question a lot from prospective students. If you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, you’ll need to attend a Diagnostic Healthcare school. Ideally, you should find an X-ray Technician Training School that is all-inclusive, and accredited. When searching for an X-ray Tech school, you need to be aware of what to look for and what questions to ask.

We’ve prepared an article that will help guide you in finding the right X-ray Technician school for your own specific needs. While going through each portion, try and remember that every X-ray Technician Training School will be different. Furthermore, keep in mind that what’s right for most people, may not be the ideal situation for your needs.

That said, it’s important to make a list of the features which apply to you, and to take that list with you when meeting any enrollment or admissions advisor at the X-ray Technician Training School.

Will an X-ray Technician Training School Help Me Become an X-ray Tech Without any Prior Healthcare Experience?

If you don’t have any prior Healthcare experience, that’s okay. Most people who aspire to become an X-ray Technician in California don’t at first either. Moreover, you have to remember that all X-ray Techs started somewhere, and that at one point or another, they’ve all stood exactly where you are right now. Researching X-ray Tech schools in your area is a great place to start your search.

Find out if their pre-requisite classes are built-into their X-ray Technician Program. If they are, this means you will generally be able to start with as little as just your high school diploma and transcripts. Of course, you’ll need to demonstrate that you are able to handle the professional patient care and radiology coursework. However, being able to start with little or no Healthcare experience is a huge benefit, especially considering how fast X-ray Tech classes move.

After you’ve found a few X-ray Tech Schools that you feel may be a good fit, you should begin to look for answers to the following questions:

While there are more questions and possibly some that apply only to your specific situation, these bullet-points are a great place to start your search. We’ll dive into why each of these affects your education and your future within this article.

Finding an Accredited, All-Inclusive X-ray Technician Training School & Why it’s Important

It’s important to find an accredited X-ray Technician Training School if you want assurance that you’re receiving proper Healthcare education. Accredited X-ray schools have to answer to a higher authority. This authority can be the State and/or National career college licensing bodies, such as the ACCSC. Accredited schools have to undergo regular auditing in order to maintain their accreditation. Everything including their curriculum, staff, facility, website, and learning materials are also taken into consideration and graded.

Attending an accredited Healthcare school means that you won’t get turned away once prospective employers look up your credentials. It also means that you’ll probably receive a higher standard of X-ray Technician training as opposed to attending an unaccredited institution. Finally, remember that this is your career and your future. So why not attend an X-ray Technician Training School which puts forth the effort in order to get/stay accredited?

What Does an All-Inclusive X-ray Technician Training School Offer its Students?

An all-inclusive X-ray Technician Training School will usually offer a few different benefits, which are part of their standard program. These benefits, which you should not have to pay extra tuition for, are usually key in receiving the proper Healthcare education. If you’re looking for the best X-ray Technician School in your area, find one that’s all-inclusive. Moreover, find out exactly what their version of all-inclusive means for you.

An all-inclusive X-ray Technician Training School should offer you all of the following as part of its standard X-ray Tech Program:

  • Medical Assistant Cross-Training for X-ray Technicians (CA Healthcare employers want a hybrid XT/MA)
  • Clinical Internship: you should receive clinical internship as part of your X-ray Technician program. This is extra vital in that you don’t want to try and search for an internship on your own, only to realize they’re hard to come by, especially at a qualified clinic that will provide you with the standard hours and required number of images you need in order to qualify
  • Built-in Pre-requisite classes: we touched on this earlier; double-check to ensure its included!
  • Textbooks for both the Medical Assistant and X-ray Technician portions of your training
  • Medical scrubs — some X-ray Tech schools make you pay extra for wearing their standard uniform
  • The cost of your first X-ray Technician and Medical Assistant State Exams
  • Included Job Placement Assistance: because your X-ray Technician Training School should invest in their students, even once they’ve completed their X-ray Tech course
  • Financial Aid to those who qualify: this is a significant factor for many students, depending on your own individual needs

Modern Technology School Offers the Best, All-Inclusive X-ray Technician Training School in Orange County

Modern Technology School’s X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant Program has long been the favorite of many future X-ray Techs in Orange County, CA. We’ve been training Limited Scope X-ray Technicians since 1981, and are accredited by the ACCSC. When we say all-inclusive, we mean just that! If the bullet-points in the paragraph above stood out to you, that’s great! They are all facets of our X-ray Tech program. Not only do we cross-train all of our X-ray Technicians as Medical Assistants, but we also include Clinical Internship as part of our standardized program.

We teach in small-class sizes, meaning you’ll learn and absorb the material faster than sitting in a large hall with other students competing for their instructor’s time. We also teach hands-on, which is vital when training for a profession that requires you to position patients properly for various x-rays. Our medical assistant cross-training comes standard, meaning you don’t pay extra for it. We also put a strong focus on professional patient care, and giving you a great Healthcare foundation.

We cover the cost of your first State Exams, for both Medical Assistant and X-ray Technician. Moreover, we offer financial aid to those who qualify and accept the GI Bill from Veterans. Our in-house Job Placement Assistance & Career Services Center offers students help with resumes, custom cover letters and more!

How to Get Started as an X-ray Tech in California & Enroll in X-ray Technician Training School Today

Getting in touch with our Admissions Advisor is simple, and we’re always here to answer your questions. While other schools may want to get as many students in the door as possible, we take a different approach. We have always been dedicated to small class sizes and hands-on X-ray Tech training. So instead, we meet with students one-on-one, get their questions answered, and find out about their needs & goals.

Once you’ve got your questions answered, we can provide you with some insight about the industry, where X-ray Technicians find work in California, as well as provide you with a tour of our safe campus. X-ray Technician classes usually enroll about once every other month in Orange County. That said, they do tend to fill-up quickly due to our commitment to small sizes.

We’d love to speak or meet with you and find out if there’s a great fit on both ends. Our X-ray Technician Training School  has always been about teaching with integrity. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you learn how to become an X-ray Tech in California. Fill out our contact form or give us a call at the number below. Ask for Admissions and let us know you want to become an X-ray Tech in just 12 months!

Now Enrolling for our Orange County

 X-ray Technician Training School – Classes Start August 7th!

We’ll Help You Find Out if You Qualify for Financial Aid!

 X-ray Tech Night Class in OC is also Available!

Call us and mention this article or fill out our form and our Admissions Advisor will reach out to you!

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