Evening X-ray Technician Class: Enrolling in an X-ray Tech Night School Program

Modern Technology School has offered an all-inclusive X-ray Tech / Medical Assistant program in Orange County since 1981. However, what most people aren’t aware of, is that we also offer an evening X-ray Technician class! Both classes are all-inclusive. This means you get everything you need in order to begin searching for work once you pass your exams.

We understand that everyone does not have the time to devote to a full-blown X-ray Tech program during the day. Moreover, we get that people have their own schedules, obligations and responsibilities. Taking an X-ray Tech class at night school is a great option for folks who live busy lifestyles, but want to further their careers.

If you’re in the market for a change of careers, or want to become an X-ray Tech in California — you’re not alone. However, it is difficult to find a new career that you can jump into without years of experience. The assumption is, it’s twice as hard to do with Healthcare careers, especially here in Orange County, CA.

But what does it really take to enroll in an X-ray Tech school? And what will you need to ensure of before considering an evening X-ray Technician class in Orange County? Let’s explore the facts and check the boxes together!

Evening X-ray Technician Class: What Should You Should Look Out For When Choosing an X-ray Tech Night School

If you’re considering an evening X-ray Technician class, you should do is to find an accredited Healthcare school. Accreditation helps to ensure that the school you enroll has been vetted by a third party that holds them to the regulations set forth by licensing bodies and/or The State. Each X-ray Tech school you visit with, may have a different accrediting body. For instance, Modern Technology School is accredited by the ACCSC.

“The ACCSC is recognized by the United States Department of Education, as the designated institutional accrediting body for over 650 post-secondary, trade and technical schools that provide education to over 150,000 students in a wide variety of vocational programs each year.”

Another thing to watch out for is picking an all-inclusive X-ray Tech program. You’ll want the Evening X-ray Technician class to provide you with everything you need in order to start your career. This can include, but is not limited to pre-requisites, textbooks & scrubs, internship, as well as your exams. Ensure that they offer Medical Assisting cross-training to X-ray Technician students! More on this to follow…

Evening X-ray Technician Class: What Should You Expect when Enrolling in an X-ray Tech Night School

If you’re planning on going to X-ray Tech night school, there are a few things you should expect. Rather, these are things you should expect from your X-ray Technician school. For starters, try and find a school that is all-inclusive and teaches their students hands-on. While online classes are great, you really miss out on the patient experience. Furthermore, you’re not really able to get familiar with the machinery or technology in online X-ray Technician classes.

Next, find an X-ray Tech school that offers small class sizes. These are vital if you want to thrive in your educational setting. You’re able to ask more questions and instructors can demonstrate their responses. Generally this is something that is amiss in the larger X-ray Tech courses, especially with dozens of students with their hands-up every few minutes.

Find an X-ray Tech program that offers you medical assistant cross-training. This is vital in California, where Healthcare employers want a hybrid of X-ray Tech & Medical Assistant. Lastly, check to ensure that Clinical Internship is included in the cost of the X-ray program. The last thing you want to do is to try and find your own qualified internship at a clinic who may be unsure of the latest regulations and requirements.

Find Out About Clinical Internship Hours when Enrolling in an Evening X-ray Technician Class

Even though X-ray Tech schools in Orange County offer an Evening X-ray Technician class, ask questions. Find out about Clinical Internship hours when you’re enrolling in an X-ray Tech night class. Since your internship takes place at a live clinic, with real patients, you will probably be required to complete your hours during the day — when most clinics are open.

Therefore, if you work a day job or have other obligations that take place during the day, you’ll want to plan for your internship period. Clinical Internship usually takes place during the final portion of your X-ray Tech training. After you’ve completed your classes and mods, but before you take your X-ray Technician (and Medical Assistant) exam.

Why Should You Enroll in Modern Technology School’s Evening X-ray Technician Program?

Modern Technology School has long-offered their standard (daytime) X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program. Our evening X-ray Technician program offers the same benefits as our daytime course. You receive all of the following benefits and value in our all-inclusive X-ray Tech program:

  • All Pre-Requisites are included, so you don’t need prior Healthcare experience in order to enroll
  • You receive Medical Assistant cross-training; something vital to your career as an XT in California
  • We offer hands-on training in small class sizes, taught by an experienced Faculty who has stood in your shoes before
  • All textbooks and scrubs are included as part of the program — no need to spend more
  • Clinical Internship is included — no need to find your own internship!
  • Job Placement Assistance is available and provided through the school
  • Evening X-ray Technician class offers the same benefits and training as our daytime X-ray Tech courses
  • We operate in a small-school culture and know our students + where they excel and need the most help
  • We offer Financial Aid to those who qualify!

Call Modern Technology School in Orange County to Learn More about our Evening X-ray Tech Class

Have more questions? No problem, we’re here to answer them! Our friendly Admissions Advisor is here to help you 5-days a week! Give us a call at 714-418-9100 and ask for Admissions. We answer student questions and there’s no pushiness or pressure to enroll.

Being a small school, we don’t need to herd students in like cattle. Instead, we rely on our long-standing history within the industry and education system to attract the right students. Our value-packed, evening X-ray Technician class speaks for itself. Moreover, our small-school culture attracts students who want more out of their X-ray Technician education.

We look forward to hearing from you and becoming a part of your journey towards becoming an X-ray Tech in California this year! Fill out the green contact form on this page to have our friendly Admissions Advisor get directly in touch with you!