How to Become an X-ray Tech in California in Just 12 Months with No Prior Experience

Perhaps you’re one of the many people considering a career in Radiology or Diagnostic Healthcare this year. Maybe you’ve heard about the rise in the number of places where X-ray Techs in SoCal work in recent years. Whatever your reasons for wanting to become an X-ray Tech in California, let us start by saying that it’s very doable. Moreover, if you find an all-inclusive program, you can often start looking for work in as little as 12 months.

Because not all X-ray programs are created equal, we wanted to cover some highlights of the best X-ray Tech schools and programs. Furthermore, we wanted to help students get an understanding of what’s out there, both in terms of curriculum and X-ray Tech training.

Lastly, we’ll cover the basics, including everything you need in order to start a career as an X-ray Technician. So if you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, read on and feel free to ask questions!

How to Become an X-ray Tech in California Without Prior Experience

Like many Healthcare professions, becoming an X-ray Technician is rewarding work. But there’s still a bit of mystery involved as to how to become an X-ray Tech in California. Furthermore, many people believe that you must have prior experience if you want to pursue this career path.

However, that’s not always the case. Sure, it helps if you already have some Diagnostic Healthcare training. That said, it’s not always necessary, as there are all-inclusive X-ray Technician programs out there. These all-inclusive programs will often start you at ground-floor. You’ll cover all the basics of professional patient care, and often receive Medical Assistant cross-training. Moreover, all of your pre-requisites will be covered as part of the standard curriculum.

If you’re really lucky, and find an all-inclusive X-ray Tech program, they may even include Clinical Internship. Like medical assistant cross-training, this is vital for those who want to become an X-ray Tech in California. In fact, every X-ray Tech school in California should cross-train their X-ray Technicians as Medical Assistants. We’ll cover this in more detail later…

Become an X-ray Tech in California in Just One Year by Enrolling in an Accredited Healthcare School with a Long History of Success

If you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, finding an accredited X-ray Tech school should be number one on your list. Accreditation is often looked at as a safety-net of sorts for students. An unbiased third party ensures everything is up to State, licensing and regulatory standards. They inspect everything from the X-ray Tech program curriculum, to instructors, the school’s texts and mods, as well as the ins and outs of the X-ray school itself.

Furthermore, finding an accredited school means that Healthcare employers should recognize that you have the proper training for the job. The last thing you want is to attend an unaccredited X-ray Technician college, only to be told that you need to repeat your training at an accredited school after you’ve already got your diploma.

But how do you tell one X-ray Technician school from another? And how do you know which X-ray Tech program is right for you? It can be tough to compare apples to apples. If you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, start by creating a list of your own specific needs. This way, you already have an understanding of time commitments, financial necessities, as well as your own education, and can easily eliminate schools which don’t fit the bill.

Become an X-ray Tech in California by Finding an X-ray School that Offers the Most Benefits to their Students

If you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, you should find an X-ray Technician school that offers the most value for your tuition. That is, if you’re spending money to enroll in an X-ray college, take some steps to ensure they offer everything you need. First off, make that checklist we discussed earlier.

Be sure to consider all of your needs including but not limited to:

  • Hours and overall time spent within the X-ray Tech program
  • Financial aid and cost of the X-ray Technician school’s tuition
  • Will you be able to commit to Clinical Internship and act as an ambassador for your school?
  • Distance and commute (remember it’s just one year of training you’ve gotta get through)

Once you’ve taken the above basics into consideration, you’ll want to dive into each school’s X-ray Tech program’s details. Like any career path, if you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, it’s vital that you take your education seriously.

What Else Should I Look for in an X-ray Technician Program if I want to Become an X-ray Tech in California?

Remember when we said we’d return to clinical internship and medical assistant cross-training? Well, if you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, both are absolutely necessary to your success. Healthcare employers in CA are looking for a hybrid of X-ray Tech and Medical Assistant. Check out our interview with Adam Cooper, XT (who is pictured on the far right in the photo above, alongside a group of X-ray Tech / Medical Assistant students). It provides some great insight for those who want to become an X-ray Tech in California. Adam discusses the importance of getting a solid foundation in professional patient care. Moreover, he provides great insight as to why Clinical Internship is vital, and what goes on during your internship.

Other Benefits to Ask About When Searching for the Best X-ray Tech School in California:

  • As mentioned above, find out if the X-ray school offers Clinical Internship and Medical Assistant cross-training
  • Are books, scrubs and parking provided to students as part of the program, or are they additional expenses?
  • Does the X-ray Tech school teach in small class sizes?
  • Are they teaching their X-ray Technician students hands-on and give them easy access to their instructors/faculty?
  • Is financial aid available to those who qualify?
  • Are all pre-requisites covered in the X-ray Tech training course, or will you need to have prior experience?
  • Has the VA made the school an approved training site for Veterans?
  • Does the school cover the cost of your first X-ray Technician and Medical Assisting examinations?
  • How long does the X-ray Tech program last, and how many hours of Clinical Internship are provided?
  • Will the X-ray school train you on both digital and film to ensure you’re covered in any workplace?
  • Is job placement assistance part of the experience at your X-ray Tech school?
  • Is the Admissions process streamlined and relatively hassle-free?

If You Want to Become an X-ray Tech in California, Start by Calling Modern Technology School in Orange County

If everything we’ve covered so far makes sense and holds value to you and your needs, give us a call. We’re a small Diagnostic Healthcare school and as such, we can’t take every student that walks through our doors. That said, we do make opportunities available for driven students who want to become an X-ray Tech in California.

Our all-inclusive Orange County X-ray Technician/Medical Assistant program has been in effect since 1981. Since then, we’ve been keeping both our school and program updated, and we’re accredited by the ACCSC. Our X-ray Technician classes start just about every other month, but because of our commitment to small class sizes, they fill-up quickly!

If you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, simply fill out the green contact form on this page! You can also give us a call and ask for Admissions. Our friendly Admissions Advisor has been with us for quite some time and has a great understanding of both the program and the career landscape. Moreover, he’s happy  to answer your questions, even if we don’t end up as part of your journey. We look forward to meeting you and giving you a free tour of our Healthcare school in Orange County!

Become an X-ray Tech in California in Just 12 Months

No Prior Healthcare Experience is Necessary – We Cover it All

Get Medical Assistant Cross-Training & Clinical Internship

Next Orange County X-ray Tech Class Begins 6-03-19

You Can Reach Us at 714-418-9100 Mon-Fri!

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