X-Ray Technician Night Classes: Get the Info on Benefits, Value & The Student Experience at an Orange County X-Ray Tech School that offers Evening Courses

Jumping into a new career can be a confusing experience if you don’t know what to look out for. When you have to weed through marketing and advertisements that look similar, it can get even more confusing. We meet hundreds of prospective x-ray technicians at our ACCSC accredited Orange County x-ray tech school each year. One thing they all have in common is their drive and passion to get into x-ray. Radiology is one of those fields where (at least here in California) you don’t need more than a high school diploma to start your career. If you’re considering becoming an x-ray tech but have a busy schedule or responsibilities, consider taking x-ray technician night classes.

Surely there are more than just time benefits of taking x-ray technician night classes, but what are they? What’s the student experience like for night class students and how does it differ from the daytime course? Lastly, what should you look out when you search for the best x-ray technician night classes in Orange County? We’ll explore all of these facets together in this informative short guide that can help you choose the best x-ray tech school for your needs.

Who Should Take X-Ray Technician Night Classes?

In general, x-ray technician night classes were created for those who were short on time or have other commitments during the day. We’ve covered why x-ray tech night classes are a great option for current medical assistants as well as well as working parents and other professionals. Furthermore, taking an x-ray course in the evenings give you the added benefit of keeping your day job for a little bit longer before you start your internship. That means you’ll be able to save up a little bit more, continue to pay your bills and make your commitments. Moreover, it means you can earn while you learn, and pay for your x-ray tech training if you don’t qualify for financial aid.

That said, remember that a solid x-ray technician program at an accredited x-ray tech school should include clinical internship. Once you’ve completed a majority of your x-ray tech training on-campus, you’ll move on to clinical internship. Clinical internship for x-ray technicians takes place during the day during the latter portion of your x-ray tech training. It’s important to prepare for this as you will be required to be at your clinical site full-time. While there, you’ll be working with real patients and alongside seasoned x-ray technicians and a clinic staff. We’ve covered some basic savings strategies and options if you’re currently working but want to change careers in other articles. Remember that depending on your needs, you may also qualify for financial aid so be sure and ask.

How are X-Ray Technician Night Classes Different?

This is a question we get often. For starters, the program lasts a little bit longer, but that’s to be expected. As far as the curriculum goes, there’s nothing different. You receive the same x-ray technician training as offered in daytime classes. Becoming an x-ray technician in California is a little bit different than other states. Most healthcare employers are looking for x-ray techs with medical assisting training. That said, we combine our x-ray technician program with medical assistant back office. This makes for two great programs in one, and offers students a great opportunity to get certified in both fields.

When time comes to begin your job search, you’ll notice that most employers are looking for this hybrid x-ray tech. You’ll be grateful you took a course which combines the two, as outlined here. Because most successful x-ray technicians also double as great medical assistants, it’s important to have both skills if you want to practice in California.

Furthermore, lets look at the benefits of having the medical assistant cross-training:

  • You’re more attractive to employers who need an x-ray tech hybrid
  • You have the opportunity for more hours vs. just coming and going strictly for x-rays
  • Compete with other x-ray technicians who are cross-trained at an accredited school
  • Add to your tool-kit: The more skills you have, the more valuable you are in the industry
  • Pick and choose your role at a clinic, hospital, private practice or imaging facility that fits your specific needs & personality

What is the Student Experience Like at X-Ray Technician Night Classes in Orange County?

Pictured at the top of this article is Adam Cooper, XT, X-Ray Instructor/Radiation Safety Officer at Modern Technology School. Alongside him is another one of our x-ray instructors, Alina Kane, AA, ARRT. You can find feedback for Alina throughout many of the Yelp reviews we’ve received from X-Ray students. Also, Adam was kind enough to provide us with a brief walkthrough of a Day in the Life of an X-Ray Tech in CA. Within that article, Adam discusses several reasons it’s important to have great training and the employment opportunities for x-ray technicians in California. That said, it all begins with attending the best x-ray technician school for your specific needs. It also means that you’ll want to follow the basics we’ve outlined in other articles when searching for the right x-ray tech program.

As far as the student experience is concerned during x-ray technician night classes, it differs a little. While the course training and modules are identical, the school is less crowded, and definitely more quiet. The true difference lies within which x-ray technician school you decide to go with. For instance, does the x-ray technician school pack their classes or keep class sizes small? Are they an accredited x-ray technician school? Do they offer financial aid and job placement assistance? What about cost vs. value — are your books and scrubs included in the cost of tuition? Is the x-ray technician campus safe? What are other students saying about the x-ray tech program online?

What to Look for When Choosing the Best X-Ray Technician Night Classes for Your Needs

As mentioned in previous articles about finding a great x-ray tech program, start with accreditation. Make sure whatever school you attend for your x-ray tech night class is accredited by ACCSC. The ACCSC is recognized by the US Department of Education. Also be sure to ask if they’re licensed to operate through the Bureau for Private Post-secondary Education (BPPE). Now that you’ve got the basics out of the way, you’ll want to focus on their culture and training. You should also look into tuition cost and whether they offer financial aid to those that qualify. Be sure to ask about using your GI Bill if you’re a Veteran.

Lastly, find out what added benefits the x-ray tech school offers. Do they have in-house Job Placement for their students & grads? Will they help you with your resumes, cover letters and future interviews? These are all valid questions, so don’t be afraid to ask! Another thing you’ll want to do is take a tour of the facilities and campus. Get a good feel for Admissions and whether they truly want to help you. Ask about Medical Assisting cross-training and Clinical Internship. Ensure they keep class sizes small so every student has the opportunity to learn. Do you get hands-on training in real-life radiology labs?

Take a look at their online catalog and each of the modules they offer in their x-ray technician program. Make sure they offer digital x-ray training and that they’re keeping up-to-date with the standards of today’s technology.

Find Out More About X-Ray Technician Night Classes in Orange County at Modern Technology School

Modern Technology School has been around since 1981. We’re an ACCSC accredited X-Ray Technician School in Orange County and offer day and evening x-ray tech classes. While other schools may simply want more warm bodies in chairs, we’ve adopted a different philosophy over the years. We teach hands-on and you work alongside compassionate instructors and a faculty who has stood in your shoes. We also offer in-house job placement (take a look at the reviews and meet Jessica here) and financial aid to those that qualify.

Our x-ray technician night classes are perfect for current working medical assistants and people who want to break into radiology. We’re passionate about training students to become an x-ray tech in California. We also offer options for those who want to move on to becoming a Rad-Tech or CRT in California and bypassing the 5-6 year wait at most junior colleges. Our clinical internship portion of the program is one of our highlights. You don’t have to go out and find your own internships. We teach in small class settings and offer every student the opportunity to learn hands-on. Furthermore, we offer combined medical assisting training as part of our x-ray program. Classes fill up fast due to our commitment to keep the sizes small and teach our students hands-on.

Enrolling in X-Ray Technician Night Classes in Southern California

Admissions is your best friend. We’re not kidding, we want you to succeed — whether you come to our school or choose another. That said, we’d love to answer your questions and walk you through our programs. We offer free tours 5-days a week and take walk-ins or appointments. We also make enrolling a fast and streamlined process. So come on in, ask questions and be sure to bring your A-Game. If you’re not sure about becoming an X-Ray Tech, we can walk you through the basics and what a day on the job looks like. We can also help you find out if you qualify for financial aid to help pay for x-ray training.

Above all else, we want you to be happy with the x-ray tech education you receive. Including textbooks and scrubs as well as paying for your first X-Ray and MA State Exams is our way of creating a value for our students. But the true value lies within your dreams, goals and determination. If you’re considering changing careers or leaving a dead-end job, we’d love to speak with you about your options. Likewise, if you’re a current medical assistant who wants more out of their career, we can help.

So take a moment to poke around our other articles and familiarize yourself with the search for the best Orange County X-Ray Technician Program. Then, when you’re ready, give us a call or fill out our green contact form. We look forward to meeting you!

Call Modern Technology School & Ask for Admissions

(714) 418-9100

X-Ray Technician Night Classes Start May 14th in Orange County

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