X-ray Technician School in Orange County: Become an X-ray Tech in 12 Months with No Prior Experience & All-Inclusive Training!

Are you one of the many interested in a career in Diagnostic Healthcare in California? Unsure about where to begin your search? Curious about how much training is necessary in order to become an X-ray Tech in California? Are you concerned about not have any prior experience in Healthcare or radiology? If you’re looking for an X-ray Technician school in Orange County, look no further. We offer an all-inclusive x-ray tech class, and provide you with everything you need in order to begin your career.

But what about all the pre-requisites? And how do you know where to start — there are so many choices? What should you look out for when choosing an X-ray Tech class that suits your needs? These are all valid questions, and you should strive to get the best x-ray technician training at the best value. You should also be aware of what’s available to throughout x-ray tech schools in CA. Moreover, you should have an understanding of what to watch out for, and be educated about your decision before enrolling!

Search for an All-Inclusive X-ray Technician School in Orange County

What does the term all-inclusive mean anyway? For starters, what it should mean is that everything you need in order to begin your career should generally be included. For example, the X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant Program at Modern Technology School offers the following to its students, all under one tuition:

  • Hands-on training in small class sizes at an ACCSC accredited X-ray Technician School in Orange County
  • Low tuition cost due to the small size of our school and low overhead
  • Books & scrubs included + free parking for all students
  • Clinical Internship provided by the school — you don’t have to to find your own internship!
  • Medical Assistant cross-training, something required by most Healthcare employers in California
  • We pay the cost of your first X-ray Tech and Medical Assistant Exams
  • Pre-requisite courses are built-into the program; you don’t need prior experience to enroll!
  • Financial aid is available to those who qualify
  • Job Placement Assistance is on-site and helps with resumes, cover letters, interviews and more!
  • We accept the GI Bill from our beloved US Veterans
  • Our faculty has over 150 years combined education, training and field experience

Look for an X-ray Technician School in Orange County with Your Best Interest at Heart

Do you like it when people know you by name? Are you one of those people who like working in small groups instead in giant classes or lecture halls? What about getting the most value out of your tuition for X-ray Technician school in Orange County? If these are things that matter to you, you’re not alone! Furthermore, these are all key-points to the X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program at Modern Technology School.

We strive for a students-first culture here. That’s why we include so much, all under one tuition. We don’t nickel-and-dime our students. Instead, we offer free books and scrubs. We pay for your first X-ray Tech and Medical Assisting exams! Not only do you get cross-trained as a medical assistant, but you also get a qualified clinical internship.

9 times out of 10 our tuition is priced lower than any other X-ray Technician school in Orange County. Moreover, we offer more to our students because we need you to succeed — yes, it affects our numbers too! We teach in small classes, making sure students understand the material before moving on. Our instructors like to demonstrate hands-on, that way you absorb the lesson(s) quickly. Wherever you end up when searching for an X-ray Technician school in Orange County, make sure they have your best interests at heart. After all, it’s your career, your future.

Why is Medical Assistant Cross-Training & Clinical Internship Important at an X-ray Technician School in Orange County?

See the photo above? Those are X-ray Tech students! While it may be different in other states, if you want to become an X-ray Tech in California, you need to have medical assistant cross-training. Not only is it vital to your professional patient care skills, but most CA Healthcare employers are looking for a hybrid XT/MA. That’s why we train all of our X-ray Techs as medical assistants; in fact, it’s part of your initial curriculum before moving onto x-ray and radiography. If you’re a current medical assistant, then you’re already halfway there! We offer an X-ray Only program just for you, which takes less time to complete than the normal 12 month class.

Furthermore clinical internship is another key ingredient that you should look out for when choosing an X-ray Technician school in Orange County. Ensure it’s part of your curriculum! Moreover, ensure that you’re getting trained at a qualified clinic, one that understands the minimum amount of X-rays as well as hours you need to complete.

In clinical internship, you’ll be interning at a live clinic, helping real patients and assisting other clinical staff. Not only will you work with other experienced X-ray Technicians, but you’ll also work alongside the clinical staff and physician — both as an XT and MA. This is vital because you’re getting out there in under a year. There’s not a lot of other Healthcare professions which can offer this type of reward, especially so quickly.

We Want to Answer Your Questions about X-ray Technician School in Orange County

Have questions? Don’t feel bad! We want you to have a ton of questions. While we strive to make things crystal-clear in both our blogs and on our site, we understand that every student is different. We also know that everyone has different needs, and we love that! We’re a small school and that’s not for everyone! That said, we’d love to be a part of your journey, whether you end up here or not!

Our friendly Admissions Advisor is always here Monday-Friday in order to answer your questions. Our 12-Month X-ray Technician / Back Office Medical Assistant program is the best all-inclusive value available. If you’re searching for an X-ray Tech School in Orange County that may be perfect for you, give us a call! We offer free tours 5-days a week and love answering questions from prospective students.

X-ray Tech classes start every other month here in Fountain Valley, CA. Because of our commitment to small class sizes, we can’t take everyone who applies, but we’ll sure try if there’s a great fit. That said, we hope you’ll join us in an upcoming X-ray Technician course and give us the opportunity to walk you through our program! If you have special needs or want info on Financial Aid for X-ray Technician school in Orange County, call us!

Get All-Inclusive X-ray Tech Training in Just 12-Months

No Prior Experience is Necessary – Pre-Requisite Classes are Built-in!

Get a Change of Career or Start Fresh in Diagnostic Healthcare

Call the Top X-ray Technician School in Orange County

Get Your Questions Answered at 714-418-9100

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