X-Ray Technician Certification: What to Look for When Searching for an X-Ray Tech School that’s Right for Your Needs

Picking the right X-Ray Technician School isn’t always easy. In fact, most people who are interested in a career in radiology may not know where to begin. What separates one Orange County X-Ray Tech school from the other? Because there is always marketing involved and most schools want as many students as possible, it’s important to know what to look for. Furthermore, it’s important to find a school that fits your needs. Together we’ll find the best place to earn your X-Ray Technician Certification in California.

While some people refer to your X-Ray Technician Permit as X-Ray Technician Certification, this is not necessarily correct. For instance, upon completion of your X-Ray Tech program, you’ll receive a diploma. From there, you’ll go on to take your CA State X-Ray Exam. Then after you’ve passed the state exam, you’ll receive your X-Ray Tech permit. While this process is sometimes referred to as X-Ray Technician certification in some circles or to those just now learning about the profession, we want to ensure you understand the ins-and-outs of both the process and the vernacular. For the sake of this blog, we’ll refer to completion of the program and passing your CA State X-Ray Exam as certification, but it’s important to know the difference.

X-Ray Technician Certification – Why Cross-Training as a Medical Assistant is Vital

You’ve heard us mention this before. It’s vital to get cross-trained as a Medical Assistant when getting your X-Ray Technician Certification. Healthcare employers want to hire well-rounded X-Ray Techs who have a wide array of diagnostic training. Because of this, Modern Technology School offers our X-Ray Tech students cross-training as a Medical Assistant. For some, this may be confusing at first.

“I want to get my X-Ray Technician certification, but I also have to have Medical Assisting training?”

We get it. In fact, many students ask us why it’s a combined program until they realize they’re getting two programs for the price of one tuition. This means you’ll not only get a strong foothold on the fundamentals of healthcare and patient care, but you’ll also have two occupations that you can fall back on if need be! It also means that you have more to offer potential employers. That’s an important thing to remember because again, you’ll want to be thinking long-term.

After taking all of this into consideration, it won’t be long before you understand that choosing an X-Ray Technician certification program or X-Ray Tech school that cross-trains you is a gift. An all-inclusive education and well-rounded training at no additional cost? Talk about value! Moreover, you don’t spend extra years learning the Medical Assistant portion of your training. In fact, you can complete the X-Ray/MA Training Program at Modern Technology School in less than 12 months, and be ready for a new career!

On the other hand, if you’re already a Medical Assistant who is looking for X-Ray Technician certification, we can help! We offer convenient evening X-Ray Courses at our ACCSC accredited Orange County School.

X-Ray Technician Certification – Go to An ACCSC Accredited X-Ray Tech School in Orange County

Here’s another point we discuss frequently throughout many of our articles. You should find an accredited X-Ray Technician School to attend. Not only is this important, we feel that it’s vital to your education and career. Accredited x-ray schools have to answer to a higher source. Their classes, syllabus, staff and programs must all adhere to strict guidelines. Future employers will also probably want to see that you attended an ACCSC accredited school.

Unfortunately, we’ve met our share of students who attended unaccredited x-ray technician schools. The students found it difficult to meet employers’ criteria. Sadder still, they had to return to our ACCSC accredited x-ray technician school in order to achieve their dreams. Unfortunately this was after many months of wasted time spent in other programs.

We are proud to confirm that Modern Technology School is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges – ACCSC. We are also licensed to operate as a private post-secondary institution in the State of California through the Bureau for Private Post-secondary Education (BPPE). This means you’ll get the education you need to make it within the Diagnostic Healthcare industry from us. This also means you’ll receive cutting-edge training that prepares you for work in the radiology, radiography and x-ray fields.

Furthermore, we offer built-in Clinical Internship for all X-Ray Technicians… let’s discuss how this fits into your education.

How a Small Classroom Experience Affects Your X-Ray Technician Certification in California

Once you’ve started the X-Ray Technician Program, you’ll already be well on your way to your new career. First, you’ll work work hand-in-hand with a dedicated instructor that has a vested interest in your success. We don’t pack a bunch of students in each X-Ray Tech class for many reasons. When you’ve been teaching X-Ray to students since 1981, you end up learning a lot in the process. We realized early on that small classrooms help our students focus better. They also promote quicker learning and better absorption of the material. That’s why we keep our class sizes small — whether you’re working with books/paper, or hands-on in our real-life x-ray labs.

Throughout the course of your x-ray technician certification and our x-ray tech program, you’ll be working directly with an instructor who’s there to help. This is also another aspect of why it’s better to to attend an ACCSC accredited school vs. taking online x-ray classes. Hands-on training from a professional with decades of field experience will always be more important in the long-run. At Modern Technology School, we’re not only serious about radiology and x-ray education, but also about our students’ futures.

That’s why our X-Ray Technician Program offers inclusive Clinical Internship. While some x-ray certification courses offer a minimal amount of clinical hours, we’ve worked years to provide our students with excellent options at the clinical portion of our program. During this phase you’ll be working in a real clinic alongside a team and using your education to take clean x-rays of actual patients. Physicians will be depending on you in order to diagnose a patient’s situation quickly and accurately. The X-Ray Tech training you receive at Modern Technology School will get you to where you need to be in order to succeed at this level.

X-Ray Technician Certification: Financial Aid, Job Placement an Accelerated Program + Other Options

We offer Financial Aid for X-Ray Technician school to those that qualify. Give us a call and let us help you determine if you qualify for help with your tuition. Another thing to remember when seeking out your x-ray technician certification is whether or not the school offers job placement assistance. Like accreditation and financial aid, this can be crucial to your education, but your future as well. It’s always wise to ask the Admissions Advisor at the X-Ray Tech college / school if there’s an on-campus career center. If there is, see if you can meet with the counselor and ask them some simple questions about placement, and find out how they help their students after graduation and/or x-ray exams.

For instance, at Modern Technology School, our in-house Job Placement Assistance Center offers:

  • Exam study tips & help
  • Direct contact in-person, by phone or email
  • Weekly correspondence and insight via social media
  • Meet & greets with Healthcare employers and employment networks
  • Resume & cover letter assistance and hands-on help
  • Customized one-on-one help by appointment for all career needs and specific career development

Finally, remember that the X-Ray Technician Program at Modern Technology School is all-inclusive and accelerated. You can complete the X-Ray / MA Program and start working in as little as 12 months! Remember that you’ll have a step-up on the competition who attended unaccredited schools, or didn’t receive Medical Assistant cross-training.

Moreover, remember that you will have built a network while studying and working towards x-ray technician certification while at Modern Technology School. We promote a fast-paced and friendly culture of radiology & healthcare enthusiasts and have had the pleasure of seeing many of graduates achieve a level of success they never thought was possible.

Call Modern Technology School and Get on The Fast-Track to Your X-Ray Technician Certification

If you want to become an X-Ray Tech in California we can help. We offer a full-range of options for x-ray technicians, including a pathway program for those interested in going on to become Certified Radiologic Technologists. Furthermore, our fast-paced, all-inclusive x-ray classes are perfect for anyone who want to further their careers within Diagnostic Healthcare.

CALL MODERN TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL AT (714) 418-9100 | Ask for Admissions

Our friendly and helpful Admissions Advisor will take his time to answer all of your questions. We want to ensure that we’ve got a great fit on both ends, and we’d genuinely like to help you if we can. We also offer free tours of our school 5-days a week and would love the opportunity to meet you at our beautiful campus in Orange County, California. Come find out why so many successful x-ray technicians and rad-techs in California got their start at Modern Technology School! Give us a call and get your questions answered; you’ll be glad you did.