X-Ray Technician Summer School: Learn to Become an X-ray Tech in CA

Many people believe that you need years of training in order to become an X-ray Technician in California. While there is extensive training involved, most people can start a career as an X-ray Tech in as little as just 12 months. There’s no need for semesters of medical school or long, drawn-out years at a medical college. Instead, you’re usually able to attend an X-ray Technician school with as little as a high school diploma. Furthermore, if you’re attending an accredited Healthcare school, they will usually offer an all-inclusive X-ray Tech program. Some schools in California offer X-ray Technician summer school or classes, as well as evening classes.

In this article, we’ll explore how attending X-ray Technician summer school can help you become an X-ray Tech in California. Furthermore, we’ll explore common myths, pitfalls, and what to look out for when choosing an X-ray Technician School in California. Finally, we’ll take a look at all the options available in order to help you get the most out of your X-ray Technician summer school tuition.

X-ray Technician Summer School: Let’s Look at the Basics First

The first thing you want to do when searching for an X-ray Technician summer school is to look at your own needs. This way, you’ll know whether or not a specific X-ray Tech school will work out for you. These are things you’ll want to think about whether taking X-ray Technician summer school or during any quarter.

A few things to consider about your own situation could include the following:

  • Do you need financial aid or assistance in order to attend an X-ray Tech college?
  • Does the X-ray Technician class schedule work with your current obligations?
  • Will you need to take day classes or evening classes?
  • Can you commit the time to see the entire 12 month X-ray program through?

From there, we can get into things such as:

  • Proximity to Your Home: Do you want the X-ray Tech school to be near you, or are you okay with commuting?
  • Length of the X-ray Technician program: How long will it take you to complete X-ray Tech training?
  • Is the X-ray Technician program all inclusive?
    • Will they cross-train you as a Medical Assistant?
    • Do they offer built-in Clinical Internship so you don’t have to search for one?
    • Are books, scrubs and parking included as part of your tuition?
    • Will they pay for your first CA State X-ray Tech Exam?
  • Is the X-ray Technician school accredited? If so, by what entity?
  • Does the X-ray school offer job placement assistance?
  • Is financial aid for X-ray Technician school available?

Why is an All-Inclusive X-ray Technician Summer School Program Important?

When X-ray Tech schools in California talk about being all-inclusive, it can mean many different things. Of course, you should focus on finding an X-ray Technician program which is all-inclusive. Just be sure that the all-inclusive portion actually includes everything you’ll need to succeed. We know this may sound confusing at first. Basically, you’ll want to find an all-inclusive X-ray Technician Summer School that offers you the most value for your tuition.

Medical Assistant Cross-Training in X-ray Technician Summer School

For starters, check and make sure they will cross-train you as a Medical Assistant. This is especially important here in California, and we go into the importance of that benefit in this article. Getting cross-trained in Medical Assisting is an important factor in your X-ray Tech education. Most California Healthcare employers are looking for an X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant hybrid. Not only does it make you look more attractive to employers, but it also gives you more options once you graduate.

Clinical Internship as Part of your X-ray Technician Summer School

Next, find out if they offer Clinical Internship as part of the X-ray Technician Summer School. Clinical Internship is vital to your success as an X-ray Tech in CA. Not only does it give you the hands-on experience you need, but you’re also out there applying your trade in the real world. Furthermore, it’s not easy finding your own Clinical Internship. No matter how simple some X-ray schools or Admissions reps make it sound — it’s tough. Moreover, even if you do succeed at finding your own Clinical Internship for X-ray, you have to be certain the clinical site is following the guidelines and requirements set-forth by the State & licensing bodies. Needless to say, finding an X-ray Technician Summer School program which offers internship as part of the program is important.

A Day in the Life of an X-ray Tech after X-ray Technician Summer School

We recently conducted an interview with our Radiation Safety Officer and X-ray Technician instructor, Adam Cooper, XT. Adam also coordinates and works with our clinical sites in order to ensure our students are receiving the high standard of training and experience necessary during their Clinical Internships. The interview reads like a first-hand look at what it’s like to be an X-ray Tech in Orange County, California. It also provides insight to all of the different options X-ray Technicians have once they complete their training. You can read the article and about Adam’s different roles within Diagnostic Healthcare by clicking here.

Hands-On Radiography Training and Small Class Sizes for X-ray Technician Summer School

The final thing to consider when choosing an X-ray Technician Summer School, is to look at the school’s philosophy. Does the X-ray Training School teach their students hands-on? Do you get to learn in real-life X-ray and radiology labs? What kind of feeling do you get from the Admissions Advisor? Are they pushy or genuinely helpful — listening to your questions and hoping to help you make the right decision?

How about the class size of their X-ray Technician Summer School program? Do they keep class sizes small, so that every student has the opportunity to learn and absorb the material quickly, or do they pack students in like sardines, trying to get the most tuition money as possible? These are all very important things to consider, especially when it comes to your education, and essentially your future. Do you want to be in a class with 30+ other students, all trying to learn the same things you are? Would you rather fight for face-time with the instructor and wait in line for a chance to use the machines, or would you rather focus on getting the most from your X-ray Tech education?

Modern Technology School Offers the Best X-ray Technician Summer School Program

While it’s true that the X-ray Technician class offered by Modern Technology School in Orange County is a 12-month program, there’s never been a better time to start than this summer! Our Diagnostic Healthcare School in Fountain Valley, CA is accredited by the ACCSC and we offer all-inclusive X-ray Tech training. Not only do we cross-train our X-ray Techs as Medical Assistants, but we also provide the following:

  • Job Placement Assistance, offering help with resumes, cover letters and meet & greets with prospective Healthcare employers
  • Financial Aid to those who qualify + the GI Bill for Veterans who want to become an X-ray Technician in California
  • A fast and streamlined Admissions process with a friendly & helpful Admissions Advisor who will answer your questions
  • Books & Scrubs are included in the cost of your tuition, and parking is free!
  • We pay for your first CA State X-ray Technician Exam + your first Medical Assistant Exam!
  • Clinical Internship is included as part of your tuition — you don’t need to search for an internship on your own!
  • Small class sizes and hands-on learning in real-life X-ray Labs & Digital X-ray Machines
  • Day & Evening X-ray Technician Classes to fit almost all schedules & lifestyles
  • X-ray Tech classes for Current Medical Assistants – call and ask about transferring your credits!
  • A top-notch compassionate faculty who have stood in your shoes before and understand your needs

X-ray Technician Summer School Classes Start June 11th in Orange County

Give us a call if you want to become an X-ray Technician in California. Our Orange County X-ray Tech school has been training X-ray Technicians since 1981. We’ve seen a lot of changes and have weathered many of the storms in the industry. If you’re looking for the best X-ray Technician training program in SoCal, you’ve found it. We’re here to walk you through any questions you have as well as help you find out if you qualify for financial aid.

Our 12-month X-ray Tech Program is also a great way to get your start in Radiology. If you’re looking to continue your education and move on to become a RadTech or CRT in California, but don’t have 5 to 6 years to spend on a waiting list at the community colleges, we’re here for you. We can help guide you with a plan that includes training with us as an X-ray Technician and then moving on to a private radiology school where you can become a Certified Radiologic Technologist in California. To read more about those options, please visit this article.

Remember that we’re here to answer any questions for you and look forward to seeing you or speaking with you soon! We offer free tours of our Orange County X-ray Tech School campus 5 days a week! Give Modern Technology School a call and get enrolled in our X-ray Technician Summer School classes today!

Call Modern Technology School at 714-418-9100 Today!

Ask About our 12-Month X-ray Technician Summer School

Summer X-ray Tech Classes Start June 11th in Orange County

X-ray Technician Night Classes also Available!

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