All-Inclusive X-ray Tech Program: Get the Facts Before Enrolling in a California X-ray Technician School

There’s a lot of choices to make when it comes to picking the right X-ray Technician School in California. From clinical internship, to ensuring you receive your pre-requisite x-ray tech training, to the basics like textbooks and scrubs as well as financial aid, it’s not always easy to choose the best all-inclusive x-ray tech program for your needs.

Moreover, it’s even tougher when you have to dig through endless webpages or can’t get your questions answered easily. That said, we wanted to create a short list of things to look for when searching for an all-inclusive x-ray tech program. While not everyone’s needs are the same, remember that you can pick & choose from these tips to find the best x-ray tech class for you!

Why is it Important to Find an All-Inclusive X-ray Tech Program?

If you’re like most people, you like and seek value when making any purchase. When that purchase is an investment (like your education), you probably will do some shopping before making that final purchase. The same goes for most students who are looking for an X-ray school in California.

Sure, we all know we’ve gotta pay tuition in order to enroll in X-ray Technician classes. But what separates one x-ray class from the other? Moreover, what makes certain x-ray tech classes unique, or all-inclusive? The term all-inclusive can be vague and may mean different things to different schools.

What you want to keep in mind is that you’re going to want to find out what that all-inclusivity means to the school you’re interested in. For instance, if an x-ray tech school says they offer an all-inclusive x-ray tech program, you’ll want to find out exactly what they mean. This is where the list we’ll share below, will help you decipher if it’s the right class for you.

All-Inclusive X-ray Tech Program: What All-Inclusivity Means at Modern Technology School

As mentioned prior, each X-ray Tech school does things a little different. Each will offer a different set of benefits and value. Even small things, like the hours spent in your internship or the cost of books/exams may differ as well.  Below is a list of everything we offer as part of our all-inclusive X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program.

While reading through, remember that some of these (like financial aid) may be standard at many schools, while others are not.

  • All of your pre-requisite x-ray tech training & patient care training are included – no prior experience necessary
  • You learn hands-on in small class sizes, alongside compassionate instructors who care
  • Get your textbooks and scrubs as part of your all-inclusive x-ray tech program tuition
  • You receive clinical internship as part of the program – no searching for your own internship!
  • We provide Medical Assistant cross-training; remember, CA Healthcare employers are looking for XT/MA hybrids!
  • We cover the cost of your first X-ray Technician and Medical Assistant Exams!
  • Job Placement Assistance is built right into the X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program here
  • We offer financial aid to those who qualify! Contact us for details on how to apply or to learn more!
  • US Veterans can take advantage of using the GI Bill to become X-ray Technicians in California
  • We are on the EDD’s Eligible Training Providers list
  • Modern Technology School is accredited by the ACCSC
  • We have a compassionate faculty, sharing over 150 years experience between them

Why Clinical Internship & Medical Assistant Cross-Training are Vital to Your Success in an All-Inclusive X-ray Tech Program

Clinical internship is the time you’ll spend interning in an actual clinical alongside real patients. It usually takes place during the latter portion of your all-inclusive x-ray tech program. As such, you’ll be spending time alongside a real clinical staff, physicians, as well as other more experienced XT’s.

When searching for an all-inclusive X-ray Tech program, you’ll want to ensure they include clinical internship. This is something we don’t make students pay extra for, and it’s tough finding a clinic who will adhere to the regulations, standards and minimums (set forth by The State) on your own.

Moreover, we also provide Medical Assistant cross-training to all of our X-ray Technician students. This is because California Diagnostic Healthcare employers are looking for a hybrid. Not only do they want a strong X-ray Tech candidate, but also one that can double as a Medical Assistant. So when searching for an all-inclusive program, make sure these basics are covered!

How to Learn More About an All-Inclusive X-ray Technician Program that’s Right For Your Needs

If you still have questions, and you should — as it’s your education, give us a call! We’re always happy to help and answer your questions without any pushiness or pressure. Our Friendly Admissions Advisor is here 5-days a week to ensure you know what you’re getting into. Furthermore, since we’re a small school, we also select our students with care.

We want there to be a great fit on both ends! That said, if you’re looking for the best all-inclusive X-ray Tech program in California, we should definitely be on your short list. We’d also be glad to meet with you and give you a free tour of our Orange County Healthcare school, even if you ultimately don’t end up enrolling here!

X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program classes start roughly every other month at Modern Technology School. Classes do have a tendency to fill-up quickly based on our dedication to small class sizes. Let’s make the next 12 months of your life a game changer.

Still Have Questions About Enrolling in an All-Inclusive X-ray Tech Program?

Give Our Friendly Admissions Advisor a Call or Setup a Time to Meet!

Simply Call Us at 714-418-9100 and ask for Admissions!

Please take a moment to check us out on Yelp, YouTube as well as Instagram & Facebook!