18-Month Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound-Vascular Technology Program at Modern Technology School

If you’re here, you’re probably already considering becoming an Ultrasound-Vascular Tech in California. That said, there’s plenty of options out there as far as sonography schools are concerned. But how do you choose the right ultrasound-vascular technology program for your needs? Moreover, what makes one ultrasound class better than the others?

Let’s explore what the best ultrasound class in Orange County should offer its students. Furthermore, we’ll dive into the details of our own 18-Month Ultrasound Tech program. Together we’ll learn why we’re the best value in sonography classes in Orange County.

Finally, we’ll get familiarized with what an Ultrasound-Vascular Technologist does here in California. As part of our commitment to transparency, we’ll delve into the Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound-Vascular Technology Program at Modern Technology School, and walk through the basics of what you should look for in any ultrasound tech class in your area.

Ultrasound-Vascular Technology Program: Comparing Ultrasound Schools The Right Way

When searching for an ultrasound-vascular technology program, it’s important to know the basics. It’s important to know what to look for, and how to tell ultrasound tech programs apart. For starters, find an all-inclusive ultrasound program and make sure the school is accredited. Also, when comparing two ultrasound schools, it’s vital to be able to see past the marketing.

For instance, some Healthcare schools may appear to offer just as much as the others. However, when it comes down to the details, you may later learn that you may not be getting as much of the advertised ingredients. Take for example the Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound-Vascular Technology program at Modern Technology School. We offer our students a full 1,000+ hours of clinical internship, included in their tuition.

You may find another Orange County ultrasound class which offers clinical internship; however, they may only provide the minimum amount of hours required for licensing. When you’re working with actively creating an image, as Ultrasound Techs do, it’s vital to get as much training working with patients as possible. That said, make sure you’re comparing apples to apples when considering different ultrasound classes.

Ultrasound-Vascular Technology Program Basics – What You’ll Learn in School

Ultrasound-Vascular Technicians work in many different facets in California. As such, they also work in a variety of different places:

  • Hospitals
  • Imaging Centers
  • OB/GYN Clinics
  • Medical Facilities
  • Ultrasound Registries & More!

When considering an Ultrasound-Vascular Technology program, it’s important to ask the Admissions rep what you’ll learn. For starters, here are some basics of what you’ll learn in ultrasound school:

  • Operating sonography equipment and ultrasound machines to create a proper image for the physician
  • Evaluating and analyzing findings of your diagnostic information and the image you’ve captured
  • Archiving ultrasound images on the database and computer systems
  • Reporting clear images to the physician in order for them to make a diagnosis
  • Prepping ultrasound equipment prior to patient arrival; keeping the area & sonography machines sterile
  • Basic foundations for professional patient care; including taking patient histories, maintaining detailed patient records, prepping patients and explaining the procedure in order to have them remain calm so you can create a great image!

Find an Ultrasound-Vascular Technology Program That’s Right for You

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into your needs. Remember that your sonography education is an investment. Therefore, when choosing the right ultrasound-vascular technology program for your needs, it’s important to create a checklist of what you require in order to make things easier on yourself.

For instance, will you need any financial aid, or do you have any specific time requirements with regards to how many months your ultrasound class lasts? What about working hands-on, is that something that’s important to you? Do you enjoy learning in large lecture halls or small class settings?

How important is the cost of overall tuition for you?  Do you want your ultrasound-vascular technology program to be all-inclusive? How much time do you have to devote to your sonography classes? Is there a specific date by which you’d like to have started looking for work as an ultrasound tech in California? Do you want to deal with the struggle of finding your own clinical internship?

These are all valid questions and concerns. That said, it’s important to create your checklist before meeting with any ultrasound schools in your area!

Why is Modern Technology School’s Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound-Vascular Technology Program the Best All-Around Value in Sonography Schools?

Modern Technology School has been teaching Diagnostic Healthcare since 1981. Our ultrasound program is taught in small class sizes. Our faculty has years of experience, who have stood in your shoes before. Moreover, we’re committed to hands-on training and provide everything our students need in order to complete their ultrasound training and begin competing in the workforce.

Our ultrasound-vascular technology classes start roughly every 2 months here in Orange County and offer the following to students who deserve the best in sonography education:

If you’re looking for an all-inclusive Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound-Vascular Technology course, we’ve got you covered!

  • 18-Month All-Inclusive Ultrasound Training in our Small Class Settings and Hands-On Sonography Labs
  • Learn on a variety of both classic and modern sonography equipment alongside driven peers!
  • Tuition covers the cost of your textbooks, scrubs and the cost of your first exam
  • Clinical Internship is included, and what’s more — we offer a staggering 1,000+ hours in a live clinic!
  • Teachers work closely with our students in order to answer questions, demonstrate and walk you through the basics!
  • All your pre-requisites are included — this means you don’t need any prior ultrasound or Healthcare experience in order to enroll and begin your journey towards becoming an ultrasound tech!
  • We offer Financial Aid to those who qualify
  • If you’re a US Veteran, contact Admissions to learn more about our approved training site
  • Job Placement Assistance is available to all Modern Technology School graduates – get help with everything from creating an impressive resume, to phone/face-to-face interview help and custom cover letters to help you with your career search
  • The Admissions process is streamlined and simple; we work with students to help them understand the program, curriculum, career, and process
  • Parking fees at CSU’s are going to start running in excess of $300-400 in 2019. Yes, it’s a small thing to mention, but parking is always free at our Orange County school!

How to Learn More & Enroll in an Orange County Ultrasound-Vascular Technology Course Today

If everything we’ve covered makes sense, we’d love to meet with you! Small class sizes are part of the culture here at Modern Technology School. We want to ensure every student can absorb the material and ask questions. We’d love to be a part of your journey into sonography and Diagnostic Healthcare in 2019.

Want to learn more or have questions? That’s a good thing! The first step is to contact our friendly and helpful Admissions Advisor. You can do so by filling out the green contact form on this page. We’ll answer your questions and walk you through the admissions and streamlined application process.

Remember that while classes start often, they do fill up quickly due to our small class sizes! Our next class begins June 17th and we’d love to meet with you! 

Call Modern Technology School at 714-418-9100

Our Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound-Vascular Technology Program

Offers Everything You Need to Begin Your Career in Ultrasound

Next Class Starts June 17th Here in Orange County!

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