Get a Jump-Start on the School Year with a Fall X-ray Technician Class

Are you thinking of becoming an X-ray Technician in California? 2018 was another great year for those studying to become an X-ray Tech in the Golden State. Along with seeing an upswing in the number of places where X-ray Technicians find work, we’ve also had the opportunity to meet more future X-ray Techs in 2018. Because we’re at a crucial time for enrollment, we created a guide for those considering taking a Fall X-ray Technician Class.

Fall semester offers the same benefits as the rest of our year-round X-ray Tech Classes. However, there are a few special considerations for students. Especially since there’s generally more people applying to X-ray Technician School at this time. As a result, there are also deadlines for financial aid and other important exam dates to be aware of.

As Orange County’s leading X-ray Technician School, we’ve worked with a great variety of students. From different backgrounds and goals in radiology, to those with special needs. We’re extremely proud of our X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program and there are a lot of factors which make it unique. That said, let’s explore how to find & enroll in a Fall X-ray Technician Class in 2018.

Finding the Best X-ray Tech School for Fall X-ray Technician Class

There are many factors that go into finding the best X-ray Tech School for your needs. We’ve covered these in a few articles; however, it’s important to recap for those considering a Fall X-ray Technician Class. For starters, you want to get a good sense of your educational needs. Do you have prior X-ray Technician or Healthcare experience? What about tuition for X-ray school? Will you need financial aid for X-ray Technician School?

What does your schedule look like? Is your time limited to where you need to take X-ray Tech Night Classes? Do you have transportation and are you open to commuting to an X-ray Tech Class that’s better suited towards your needs?

How do you learn and absorb the material best? Are you hands-on learner, or more auditory? Perhaps you are considering online X-ray Technician classes. What type of X-ray Technician school do you want to attend? There are benefits to small X-ray classes and to attending a large campus school. What are your ultimate goals in the field of radiology? Do you want to stay at the X-ray Tech level, or perhaps pursue becoming a Rad-Tech in California?

These are all valid questions to ask yourself. Once you’ve taken an inventory of your own needs, you can begin the hunt for the best Fall X-ray Technician Class which fits them.

Some Key Factors to Consider When Enrolling in a Fall X-ray Technician Class

A couple key factors which may affect your education and future as an X-ray Tech:

  • Make sure the X-ray Technician School you attend is accredited. This means they answer to a higher authority (usually the State/Licensing Boards). It also means that their X-ray course curriculum will adhere to the standards set forth by the accrediting bodies.
  • Ask about all-inclusive X-ray Tech Training. If you’re not familiar with the term all-inclusive, take a look at this recent article where we break down the benefits.
  • Check to make sure the Fall X-ray Technician Class you enroll in offers Medical Assistant cross-training, which is important, here in California.
  • Furthermore, check with Admissions to learn what pre-requisites you will need (if any). The best X-ray Tech Programs offer built-in pre-req classes. Therefore, in most cases, all you’d need in order to begin is your high school diploma.
  • Finally, ask about class size and structure when considering a Fall X-ray Technician Class. Through decades of training X-ray Technicians in Orange County, we’ve found small class sizes and hands-on learning is the best way to absorb the material.
  • Find out about Clinical Internship and Job Placement Assistance. These are both key to any great X-ray Technician Program in Orange County and Southern California.

Admissions: How to Enroll in a Fall X-ray Technician Class

Before enrolling in any Fall X-ray Technician Class, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with Admissions. This is where you’ll be able to ask questions and get a good feel for the X-ray Tech school and its curriculum. Don’t be fooled by fast-talking admissions reps who want to rush you through the enrollment process.

Instead, try and arrive with your goals in mind, as well as a checklist for your X-ray Technician Program needs. This should be your opportunity to learn about what the value & benefits of taking a Fall X-ray Technician Class at the specific school is.

Moreover, this is your chance to really get a good feel for the X-ray Program. Try to get an understanding of the values and culture of the school while you’re there. Are they a large X-ray Technician School where nobody knows each other? Perhaps they are a smaller radiology school, but offer more hands-on opportunities for students. Maybe they are a lesser-known school, but they have the right clinical internship connections and a great, all-inclusive program.

Checklist for the Basics when Picking a Fall X-ray Technician Class

While we’ve already sited many key factors that make up the Best X-ray Technician Programs in California, we really wanted to drive this point home. Not only is it important to interview the school you’re considering enrolling in, but also vital to create your own personal needs checklist.

This makes conducting your research and meeting with Admissions a lot easier. If you already know what you’re looking for, then it should be easy to spot. Furthermore, if you have special requirements (such as evening X-ray Tech Courses) or if you’re a current medical assistant considering making the leap to XT, then you’ve got your questions ready.

Moreover, it’s a great tool to use in order to identify & eliminate the Fall X-ray Technician Class that won’t work for you. Last thing to keep in mind is that your Admissions Advisor should be friendly and willing to walk through your checklist with you. If at any time, you feel like you’re just being pressured to enroll, then you may want to reconsider your options.

Modern Technology School is the Best Place to Take a Fall X-ray Technician Class in 2018

Modern Technology School has been training X-ray Technicians in California since 1981. Over the last 4 decades, we’ve learned a lot about what it takes to build one of the most successful X-ray Tech Programs in California. We are accredited by the ACCSC and provide many benefits that other X-ray schools can’t compete with.

LookWe offer in-house Job Placement Assistance to all X-ray Technician grads. Our Career Services Department will help you create custom cover letters and job-specific resumes. We also conduct Healthcare employer meet & greets, as well as mock interviews, in order to keep your skills polished.

If you’re considering taking a Fall X-ray Technician Class, financial aid is available to those who qualify. Furthermore, we gladly accept the GI Bill from our beloved US Veterans. Our Orange County X-ray Technician Program lasts 12 months and offers built-in Clinical Internship!

Our X-ray Tech Program is all-inclusive, meaning you get a lot of added value to your tuition. For starters, students enrolling in our Fall X-ray Technician Class will learn hands-on in small class sizes. We cross-train all of our X-ray Techs as Medical Assistants in California! We include your textbooks, scrubs, plus pre-requisite courses — a true all-inclusive experience!

Enroll in our All-Inclusive 12-Month

Fall X-ray Technician Class

Due to the popularity of our X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant Program, our small classes fill-up quickly!

Financial Aid is Available to Those Who Qualify!

Call to get your application fast-tracked and get all your questions answered!

Next X-ray Technician Classes Starts Aug 7th!

Use the green contact form in order to have us contact you Fall X-ray Technician Class!

 Evening X-ray Tech Courses Available!

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