Start 2019 with a New Career in Sonography by Enrolling in an Ultrasound Technologist Program

We meet hundreds of students interested in becoming an ultrasound/vascular technologist in California each year. Many have questions about an ultrasound technologist program here in Orange County. While many ultrasound programs share similar structure and maybe even the same foundation, programs and student benefits will differ from school to school.

Moreover, aside from the perks and benefits, there is also a big difference between how ultrasound schools train their students. Many students want to know how to get the biggest bang for their buck — the most value for their tuition. Furthermore, many are concerned with the ins and outs of things like clinical internship.

Every ultrasound school in Orange County does things a little differently. Because of that, we wanted to take the time to help explain why certain factors are important when choosing the best ultrasound training school for your needs.

What to Look for in an Ultrasound Technologist Program or CA Sonography School in 2019

Every Diagnostic Healthcare school does things a little bit differently. As such, we thought it would be helpful to create a list of things to ask about before enrolling in any ultrasound technologist program in California. Moreover, we know that it’s the small things that add up to a huge value for our sonography students.

That said, we’ll walk through some high-level factors which could make or break your ultrasound tech education. Feel free to print these out and take them with you when meeting with Admissions at any ultrasound school in Orange County.

When Choosing an Ultrasound Technologist Program, Start with These Basics:

  • Find an accredited Diagnostic Healthcare School which offers an ultrasound technologist program
  • Ask them if they offer built-in clinical internship; if they do, find out how many hours they offer (more hours = better!)
  • Get an idea of what is included in the cost of tuition — is it an all-inclusive ultrasound program?
  • Do they offer financial aid to those ultrasound students who qualify?
  • Is job placement assistance available for sonography students? If so, what does it entail?
  • Do their ultrasound instructors take the time to answer your questions and ensure you understand the course material?

Other Things to Consider When Choosing the Best Ultrasound Technologist Program for Your Needs

  • Do you like learning in small class sizes so that you have easy access to your instructor?
  • Does the ultrasound technologist program offer hands-on training?
  • How long is the ultrasound training program — when will you graduate?
  • Are textbooks and scrubs included or do you buy them separately? What about parking?
  • What is the overall morale at the school and within the ultrasound technologist program? Are students happy with the way they are learning and what they’re getting out of it? Definitely check out online reviews and social media!
  • If you’re a US Veteran, can you use your GI Bill to attend the Diagnostic Healthcare School?
  • Is the school accessible to you, and if it’s a far commute — is it worth the drive? We have ultrasound students who travel from San Diego County to Orange County for our program. Find out if yours is worth the commute!

Modern Technology School Offers the Best Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound/Vascular Technologist Program in Orange County

We’ve been training Diagnostic Healthcare students since 1981. Modern Technology School takes your average ultrasound technologist program and turns it up a few notches. With built-in values like 1,000+ hours of Clinical Internship, included textbooks & scrubs, free parking, and our dedication to small class sizes & hands-on training, there’s no better place to learn to become an ultrasound tech than here at MTS.

Our Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound/Vascular Technologist program puts you in the pilot’s seat. We train you in real-life sonography labs, where you learn from our talented faculty. Our small classes & labs make for easy absorption of the material and allows for asking questions with plenty of demonstration. Like learning hands-on? That’s the only way we do it! This is especially important for ultrasound techs, where you need to physically create an image for a physician.

Finally, we know how important it is to make things affordable. We’re one of the most affordable ultrasound technician schools in the State of California. Moreover, we offer financial aid to students and accept the GI Bill from our beloved Veterans. Furthermore, we’re a smaller school; it’s easier to get to know everyone — to become part of the team and learn directly from the best. We’re also accredited by the ACCSC, so you know you’ve got someone in your corner, ensuring you’re receiving the proper sonography education and training.

What’s Your Admissions & Enrollment Procedure for Ultrasound Technologist Program?

At Modern Technology School, our Orange County Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound/Vascular Technologist program is unique, simply based on the everything we include. Couple that with the cost of the ultrasound class, and we’re even more unique in our industry. Our enrollment process, like most of the infrastructure within our school, is rather simple. Unlike the bigger ultrasound schools, we’re BIG on answering questions.

Our friendly and helpful Admissions Advisor is here 5 days a week to ensure your needs are met. We not only want you to feel confident in your training, but also confident in your choice when enrolling here. Need help with financial aid questions, or want to discuss what an ultrasound/vascular technologist does in California? No problem!

Our Admissions Advisor loves meeting with prospective students and answering their questions. Free campus tours are offered 5 days a week, and we also sit down one-on-one with students, so bring us all your concerns! Lastly, we know that not every ultrasound technologist program is right for everyone.

Because class sizes are limited, we take pride in choosing the best students who meet our criteria. Furthermore, we expect you guys to do the same! That said, meet with a few schools, see what they have to offer, then meet with us — we know you’ll be glad you did!

We Offer the Most Value in an

Ultrasound Technologist Program

Next Ultrasound Class Starts on Dec 17, 2018!

Now Enrolling in Orange County, CA

Call Admissions at 714-418-9100

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