X-ray Technician Training Program: How to Become an X-ray Tech in 12 Months

If you want to become an X-ray Technician and have been considering enrolling in an X-ray Technician training program, you’re not alone. It’s been a great year for X-ray Tech students and X-ray Technician schools in California. You may have noticed the recent surge in urgent care clinics, small doctor’s offices as well as remote/satellite clinics. In SoCal, we’ve got an urgent care on almost every other block, and that’s great news for future x-ray technicians.

No matter which profession you’re planning on pursuing, you must find the right school for your needs. However, choosing the best x-ray technician school for your needs may not be so simple if you’re not sure about what to look for. Furthermore, a lot of details can get murky, especially once marketing gets involved. That said, there is a lot to consider before enrolling in an x-ray technician training program.

Together, we’ll take a look at what you should consider before signing enrollment docs at any x-ray school in Orange County. Moreover, we will help you assess your needs, in hopes that you find an x-ray tech program that fits them. Take some time to gather some notes and use them as a blueprint when calling x-ray technician schools in your area.

Look into More Than One X-ray Technician Training Program

Before deciding on where to enroll, t’s important to be able to compare several or at least a couple different x-ray technician schools in your area. For starters, you want to be able to have choices when it comes to your education and future. Secondly, you should be able to choose an x-ray tech school that matches your specific needs. Furthermore, opening up your options also gives you the confidence in knowing you made the right decision, for the right reasons.

After you’ve found a couple x-ray technician training programs offered in your area, start by making a needs list. This will give you the opportunity to see exactly what needs you have as a student. Will you require a fast program that can get you trained as a limited scope x-ray technician in 12 months or less? Perhaps you need to attend evening x-ray technician classes. Do you require any financial aid for x-ray technician school? What about overall cost of tuition and the unique benefits offered by each program?

These are all things to take into consideration before enrolling in any x-ray technician training program. Above everything else, you’ll want to know that the school, program, term, cost and curriculum match your specific needs.

A List of Things to Consider when Choosing an X-ray Technician Training Program

When deciding on an x-ray technician training program in California, it’s important to know the facts. It’s also vital to get insights from the school’s Admissions office, so that you may compare apples to apples. So what does that mean for someone who has never looked at any x-ray tech programs before? Well, you’ve got to do your homework and a little research.

Here are some things to consider when choosing an x-ray technician training program for your needs:

  • What is the overall length of the x-ray tech program?
  • Is the x-ray technician school accredited?
  • What is the total cost of tuition for the x-ray tech program?
  • Is financial aid available to those who qualify?
  • If I am a US Veteran, can I use the GI Bill to attend the x-ray tech school?
  • Will the x-ray school cross-train me as a medical assistant as part of the curriculum?
  • Does the program offer built-in clinical internship? If so, how many hours do they offer?
  • What hours will I need to be available for the internship portion of my x-ray technician training?
  • Do they train hands-on and will I learn in small class sizes?
  • Is there a job placement services department at this Diagnostic Healthcare school?
  • Do I need to pay extra for books, scrubs and parking?
  • Will I pay out of pocket for the California State X-ray Examination?
  • Are x-ray tech night classes available?
  • What if I am currently a medical assistant, how can I transition into x-ray & radiology?

Modern Technology School Offers the Best X-ray Technician Training Program in Orange County, CA

Folks, we’ve witnessed a lot of changes since 1981, when we first started our x-ray technician training program. Not only has the industry itself changed, but so has the landscape of CA Healthcare employers and their hiring practices. Furthermore, our students’ needs themselves have changed. Lastly, we’ve seen a lot of x-ray tech schools come and go. Some are still around and we’re proud to share educational goals with many of them.

What separates us from many x-ray tech schools and your average x-ray technician training program is our size. We’re a smaller school, and we’re proud of that. It allows us to keep class sizes small and to offer a more hands-on approach to teaching and training our x-ray technician students. Furthermore, it gives students the opportunity to absorb the material quicker, and to ask questions. Those questions are then demonstrated by our hard-working and compassionate faculty.

Our X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program cross-trains all x-ray students as medical assistants. Healthcare employers in California are seeking a hybrid of both XT and MA and we want you to be prepared. We offer Financial Aid to those who qualify and proudly accept the GI Bill from our beloved Veterans. Moreover, we have built-in Job Placement Assistance. Want your textbooks, scrubs and parking included in tuition? No problem! We also include clinical internship! We also cover the cost of your first CA State Exams for both MA and X-ray!

Enroll in Our 12 Month X-ray Technician Training Program in Orange County

We generally start X-ray Technician classes every other month here in Orange County. Because of all of the benefits we offer x-ray tech students, classes generally fill-up quickly. Students are often blown away when we discuss the cost of our x-ray technician training program. Quite often they’ve met with other schools who charge just as much, simply for the medical assisting portion of the training. Of course, this is just another added perk to having a smaller school and operating on lower overhead.

If you’re interested in becoming an X-ray Tech in California and would like some direction, or need your questions answered — we’re here for you! We love meeting with students from all walks of life, from new high school grads to people seeking a new career in Diagnostic Healthcare. Our Admissions process is simple & streamlined. Speak with our Admissions Advisor and you’ll instantly know why students enjoy coming in to meet with us!

We enjoy being straightforward with students and helping them find the right x-ray technician training program for their needs. If  that means you want to enroll with us — we’re grateful. If we’re not the right fit, we completely understand. That’s why there are so many different options out there.

We look forward to meeting you and learning more about your goals. Please feel free to call us and ask for Admissions, or simply fill out our green contact form on this page. Find an x-ray technician training program that fits your needs!

Our 12 Month X-ray Technician Training Program

ACCSC Accredited Diagnostic Healthcare School

Begins Nov. 26th in Orange County, CA

X-ray Tech Evening Classes Start Jan 14th!

Call Modern Technology School at 714-418-9100

Training X-ray Techs in Orange County Since 1981

Take a free tour and get in-depth information when you meet with Admissions!

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