12-Month X-ray Tech Program: Get All-Inclusive X-ray Technician Training in Orange County

Our latest 12-Month X-ray Tech program class starts May 28th at Modern Technology School. Because there’s often a lot to consider with any X-ray Technician school or program, we wanted to try and simplify things. Many students who are considering a career as an X-ray Technician in California don’t know where to start. They have a tough time comparing apples to apples. With all the marketing out there, it’s not easy ensuring they’re receiving the best value and education for their tuition.

Moreover, many of the students we meet are brand new to Diagnostic Healthcare. They aren’t sure about what some of the industry terms mean. Furthermore, they’re unsure about which X-ray Tech school to trust or where to enroll in Orange County. That said, we wanted to create an informative article to help you find the best 12-Month X-ray Tech program for your needs.

Together, we’ll cover things like why clinical internship is vital, and why medical assistant cross-training is too! We’ll also take added value that schools put into each program and lay them out for you in order to help you identify your own specific needs when choosing an X-ray Technician college.

Look for Clinical Internship, Medical Assisting Cross-Training and Accreditation in a 12-Month X-ray Tech Program

These are three things that are often overlooked by people who want to become an X-ray Technician in California. Ask your X-ray Tech School if they are accredited, and if so, by which accrediting body. For instance, Modern Technology School is accredited by the ACCSC. This means we undergo routine check-ups and have to live up to a third party’s standards. This is vital for any Healthcare school or tech school you attend in California.

Another thing to watch out in any 12-month X-ray Tech program, is ensuring that Clinical Internship is part of the package. This means that you won’t have to go searching for your own internship after the X-ray Technician program ends. Instead, the school will appoint you to one of its partnered clinics. Here, you’ll work (intern) in a live clinical setting and work alongside other more experienced X-ray Techs. You’ll also work alongside a clinical staff, physician and with real patients.

Lastly, if you’re planning on becoming an X-ray Technician in California, you’ll want to find one that offers built-in medical assistant cross-training. This is vital because CA healthcare employers are looking for a hybrid of X-ray Tech and Medical Assistant. It also puts more skills on your tool belt and makes you look more desirable to prospective employers. This is usually a bonus at any 12-month X-ray Tech program worth their salt.

What’s Included as Part of an All-Inclusive 12-Month X-ray Tech Program?

While the term all-inclusive may mean different things to different X-ray Tech schools, at Modern Technology School, we feel it should mean exactly what it states, with no smoke & mirrors. In our X-ray Technician / Medical Assistant program, you get everything you need in order to begin searching for a career as an X-ray Technician & Medical Assistant in California.

Alongside the Clinical Internship & Medical Assistant cross-training, you get a ton of extras. Moreover, our 12-month X-ray Tech program offers students the opportunity to work hands-on, in small classroom settings. This is vital for anyone who wants to become an X-ray Tech and wants the best value for their tuition.

Below, we’ll cover highlights of our 12-month X-ray Tech program, but know that we’re always here to help answer your questions too!

Modern Technology School’s 12-Month X-ray Tech Program Offers:

  • Hands-on X-ray Tech training inside of small classrooms and labs. Work alongside other driven career-minded peers and ask questions while getting answers demonstrated.
  • Small class sizes make it easier to absorb the material and keeps open communication with our faculty / instructors.
  • Textbooks & scrubs are included at no additional charge
  • We cover the cost of your first State Exam for X-ray and National Medical Assistant Certification
  • The National Medical Assistant certification exam is proctored in-house right here on our campus!
  • Clinical Internship is provided for students – no searching and frustration at the end of your education
  • Get Medical Assisting cross-training at no additional charge. Our small school’s combined program tuition is often less than what other X-ray Technician schools charge for just one class!
  • Our 12-month X-ray Tech program offers financial aid to those who qualify. We also accept the GI Bill from our beloved US Veterans!
  • Want an X-ray Tech school that offers job placement assistance to graduates? Look no further! Our Job Placement department offers help with everything from resumes & custom cover letters to networking meet & greets
  • X-ray Tech Night classes are available and start regularly — contact us for more info!

A Final Note About Finding the Best 12-month X-ray Tech Program in Southern California for Your Needs

Take into consideration how you like to learn. Do you enjoy large lecture-hall type training, or do you thrive in hands-on lab? Do you like working alongside other peers who you can grow with? What about being able to access your radiology professor or X-ray Tech instructor?

These are all important components that live within any 12-month X-ray Tech program. You’re going to need to take a good inventory of what you enjoy and require. For instance, are you willing to commute to a better-suited small school versus walk to a large school? What about financial aid or night classes?

Our friendly Admissions Advisor is here to answer all of your questions. We’re a small school, so classes start about once every other month here in Orange County. Because of our small size, X-ray Tech classes do fill-up quickly because of our size.

If you have questions about our 12-month X-ray Tech program in Orange County, give us a call! We’ll give you a free tour and take the time to make sure you understand the ins and outs of the career and our X-ray Technician class!

Want More Info About Our 12-month X-ray Tech Program?

Our Admissions Advisor Will Never Pressure You!

We’re Here to Help & Answer Your Questions!

You Can Reach Us Monday thru Friday at 714-418-9100

 Stop By During the Week for a Free Tour!

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